All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1431 - Chapter 1440
1636 Chapters
Chapter 1431 In Only, No Out
The moment Kaze’s words subsided, the entire parking lot went silent. Everyone looked at Kaze strangely. Corax wanted to end the conflict but Kaze refused to let them go. Corax froze. He turned around, breathed heavily, and said, “Kaze Lee, you think I’m afraid of you?” He was upset. He was already embarrassed when Jorge scolded him and called him a coward. However, Charlotte’s unusual reaction told him that something was not right and his gut told him not to tangle with Kaze anymore. He planned to leave and do some homework on Kaze’s background. Surprisingly, Kaze continued to provoke him and wanted him to stay. Kaze said, “Corax, you said you will deal with me later. Why not now? I don’t like dragging out things, I like to take my revenge as soon as possible. I want to beat you up now.” Everyone looked at Kaze in disbelief, shocked by his arrogance and confidence. He thought he was invincible just because Charlotte surrendered to him. He insisted on beating up C
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Chapter 1432 Sad End
Jalin said a bunch of nonsense because he wanted attention to himself. He insulted Kaze in front of Corax because he wanted to stand out. Corax did not feel annoyed, he listened to Jalin with a smile on his face. He enjoyed listening to the insults against Kaze. Everyone laughed as Jalin insulted Kaze. They were envious of his opportunity as well. He was able to seize the chance to appeal to Corax. “Mimi, come on!” After being under the spotlight, Jalin’s confidence was boosted. He waved at a girl with gothic makeup and nose piercing. “Jalin, you’re so cool!” The gothic girl named Mimi wiggled her way over to Jalin and kissed him on the cheek. Jalin curled his arm around Mimi’s slender waist and sauntered over to his car. “I’m getting out of here and no one can stop me! Haha!” Jalin said as he got into his car. His convertible Ferrari roared to life and did a beautiful drift as he drove toward the exit. A few seconds later, the car disappeared beyond the corner.
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Chapter 1433 Fierce Gangster
“Jalin did not take the gangster seriously. He scolded the gangster and threatened to run him over, but then the gangster started to swing his bat at the car. “Jalin got mad. He got out of the car and wanted to stop the gangster, but the gangster swung his bat at Jalin! A few swings later, Jalin’s arm and leg were broken! I thought the gangster was just targeting the car, but he beat up Jalin…” Mini cried a river as she explained what just happened. Everyone was shocked when they heard her. The gangsters from the underworld were fierce and brutal. Corax looked at Kaze with a grim look. He scoffed. “Kaze Lee, you can’t even control your men? You said you would crush the car but your little gangster beat up Jalin and broke his arm and leg!” It sounded more like an exasperated statement than a taunt. Kaze smiled and said, “Maybe he got bored of crushing cars and wanted to beat up human beings.” Other than Charlotte, no one understood what Kaze said. Corax grunted. He gru
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Chapter 1434 No One Is Leaving
“Alright. We have to be careful if this useless bastard decides to trap us. After all, he’s just a useless guy who married into his wife’s family, a lousy son-in-law who does nothing good. Of course, he would lure us into a trap.” The five men sneered at Kaze before they got into their cars along with Corax’s bodyguards and drove to the exit. Crank! Corax lit up a cigarette and then took a deep puff. He pointed at Kaze and then said, “Kaze Lee, your men will be dead before I finish this cigarette.” “Maybe. Maybe not. Let’s just see.” Kaze smiled and stretched his body. Charlotte quickly went over to drive her convertible over and then said, “I can’t find a chair here. Why don’t you sit on my car hood first?” “No wonder Astral took you as his personal assistant.” Kaze smiled and sat on the car hood. Jorge was furious looking at his sister. He turned to Corax and bellowed, “Corax, stop wasting time. Get this son of a bitch!” Corax nodded with a smile. “There’s no ru
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Chapter 1435 Useless!
Kaze insisted on Corax calling Sieg here. He wanted to challenge one of the Geranium Four in person! Almost everyone in the parking lot looked at Kaze in disbelief. They had started to realize Kaze was not just a useless son-in-law of some second-tier family through the confrontation, it was still unbelievable. He was able to deal with Charlotte, sealed the parking lot of Dynasty Hotel, and beat up several rich young guys from Sunrise. He was even able to overpower Corax’s anger with his confident and arrogant presence. It was unusual for someone as useless as him to show such prowess. Everyone was forced to admit that Kaze was more capable than they thought. Yet it was not a sufficient reason for him to challenge Sieg. Sieg was one of the Geranium Four. The title of Geranium Four was not inherited but earned through fierce competition in the city. Only four of the best were selected in the end and given the honorary title. Even Astral would pale in comparison t
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Chapter 1436 Small World!
Corax explained, “Sieg, this guy is different. He seems powerful in Lilyrose and his wife is the president of Lilyrose Commerce Guild. I overlooked that.” He also explained how Kaze got his men to shut down the exit to the parking lot and break Jalin and his bodyguards. “The president of Lilyrose Commerce Guild? I think I know who he is.” Sieg finally showed a hint of interest following the change of his tone. “Sieg, you know this guy?” Corax was surprised. He did not expect Sieg to know Kaze. If Sieg knew Kaze, then maybe Corax could wholeheartedly accept defeat. However, Sieg’s interest faded at the next moment. He said coldly, “He’s just a vermin. He’s not worth my time. I’ll get someone to support you. Just hold on.” The call ended. At the same time in a quaint courtyard at Lilyrose Riverfront, Sieg met up with Trent. Sieg put his phone down and asked, “Trent, have you heard of someone named Kaze Lee?” He had heard of the name Kaze through Rove’s incident. B
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Chapter 1437 Haxor Snowpine
Trent casually told Sieg about the stories he heard about Kaze as a teatime joke. Sieg smiled and commented, “Ignorance is bliss. Maybe that’s why he’s able to stay noisy until now.” Trent got up and said, “Why don’t I do you the favor and head to Dynasty Hotel? If you drag this out, your cousin might really lose a leg or an arm. Kaze Lee is fearless and audacious.” “Of course. Thank you, Trent.” Sieg got up and shook Trent’s hand. When Trent walked out of the courtyard and headed to his car, he received a call. He glanced at the caller ID and answered it. “Haxor, what is it?” Haxor, the third highest-ranking officer in the South River Commerce Institute. He was considered one of the strongest people in that organization, and even in South River State. His son’s name was Cetus Snowpine, the supercar club member who got into a fight with Kaze at Taurus Automobile the other night. “Trent, I have an inspection visit today, and I am in Lilyrose. My son’s car got smashed
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Chapter 1438 Who Are You Again?
“Kaze Lee, you are ballsy enough to talk shit about Mr. Sieg! But Mr. Sieg doesn’t even care about you!” “Yeah! You are a vermin! To him, you are nothing but an insect! How dare you challenge him?” The others started to mock Kaze again. Kaze had overpowered them with his presence and they were worried that Kaze would order his men to smash their cars or limbs, so they remained quiet until now. They finally got a chance to vent their emotions through the insults. Sieg refused to show, which baffled Kaze. Kaze raised an eyebrow and said, “It seems like you are going to lose your arm and leg today, Corax.” “Hmph. You can keep dreaming!” Corax was surprised that Kaze still had the nerve to challenge him. “Look at him, stupid and stubborn!” “I only realize there’s someone so stupid in this world. He must have lost his mind!” Everyone started laughing at Kaze again. It was then a few black Audi R8s drove into the parking lot, carrying both the local and Sunrise City num
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Chapter 1439 Peasant
Cetus was stunned for a moment before he shouted, “You fuck! You smashed my car at Taurus Automobile, beat me up, and now you don’t remember me?” “I’m sorry. You do look familiar, but I really can’t recall.” Kaze shook his head and explained, “I smashed too many cars that night and beat up a lot of people. I remember a few names, like Lilian, Tank, and… Uh…” Cetus was so furious that he almost exploded in anger if he could. He pointed at Kaze and said coldly, “Kaze Lee, you better listen up. I am Cetus Snowpine. My father is Haxor Snowpine, the third highest-ranking officer at South River Commerce Institute. “I will slap your face off today and you will remember my name for the rest of your life. I will haunt you in your dreams!” Kaze looked at Cetus as if he was a retard. “Then you are going to be disappointed. To be honest, I slapped too many people recently and I don’t think you are one of the top ten either.” His nonchalance upset Cetus even more. He ignored Cetus and
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Chapter 1440 You Have One Chance
“Kaze Lee, you!” Trent was the first to react and he pointed at Kaze, shouting furiously. The Lyfes of Geranium City was one of the top four families. Their wealth could rival the entire country. Trent wanted to gain their favor but when Kaze made it sound like that, if it got to Sieg’s ears, things might not sound nice. The others then reacted and were angered by Kaze’s bold words as well. Kaze called them peasants! A useless son-in-law of a second-tier family called them peasants! Trent bellowed, “You dare insult the Lyfe family of Geranium? You’ve gotten even worse. If I don’t teach you a lesson today, you might bring the entire city down one day! “I know about others but you are a peasant to me, so kneel before me!” He tried to pressure Kaze again. Kaze smiled disdainfully. “Old geezer, I didn’t slap you at Astral’s place because you are old, yet now you’re still trying to challenge me with your background?” “Y-You bastard!” Trent was deeply shaken, his face
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