All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1441 - Chapter 1450
1636 Chapters
Chapter 1441 I Want Them All
Being a chief of South River Commerce Institute, Haxor’s position was ranked average in the power hierarchy in the entire state, though it was still powerful. He no longer represented only himself as behind the complicated and interconnected network of connections was a massive and profitable organization. With the driving force of profits, he was able to utilize a terrifying amount of resources and money, especially when he decided to oppress a particular individual. He could bring disaster to the Shangrila Group, Sky Ocean Group, and any other companies related to Kaze. His status was the source of his confidence and dignified manner. Haxor knew Kaze would end badly since he had verbally insulted Sieg. Due to that, he was able to threaten Kaze without qualms and concerns for the consequences. Corax was surprised that Haxor wanted to offer Kaze’s and Darcy’s companies to him. A moment of wonder later, he said with a smile, “Mr. Snowpine, this is a huge gift, given that
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Chapter 1442 Who Gave You the Confidence
“Kaze Lee, you are just a useless son-in-law of a second-tier family, that includes your wife! Your foundation in this city is not strong enough. “You might have gotten lucky and become rich with some decent business, but it’s limited to this small city! Your strongest support is the new mayor. “History proves that without a powerful foundation and support, no matter how rich you are, you will be a pie for everyone else. “Even if I take your companies away, with the Lyfes as my support, no one would dare to say a word!” Haxor was overflowing with arrogance. Each word he spewed contained heavy contempt toward Kaze. Haxor was not invincible in Lilyrose and there was indeed someone who could oppose him, but it was not Kaze, or the young mayor. An ultimatum was given. “Kaze Lee, you have two more minutes to think about it. After that, even kneeling and apologizing would do you no good!” Kaze narrowed his eyes. Haxor strongly believed he had won this little confrontation.
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Chapter 1443 What Is Despair?
Trent, who had just regained his composure, bellowed, “Kaze Lee, what the hell are you doing? Let Corax go! Are you trying to get yourself and your family killed?” “Piss off, old geezer!” Kaze shouted back without looking at him. Trent got even more upset. Haxor was infuriated when Kaze called him a useless person who spewed nonsense. He pulled his phone out and bellowed, “Kaze Lee, let go of Mr. Corax or I will show you despair!” “What is despair?” Kaze glanced at him with his foot stepped on Corax’s chest. He too pulled his phone out and said, “Why don’t I show you as well?” “You?” Haxor scoffed, “Fine. I’ll let you make the call!” Kaze did not care because he already dialed the number when he pulled the phone out. The call got through quickly. “How may I be of service, God of War?” A strong but humble voice of a middle-aged man came from the other end of the line. Kaze said, “I don’t know how to explain. Why don’t you just talk to him?” He then tossed the
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Chapter 1444 Haxor Kneels
Haxor finally understood what Kaze meant by despair. He was aggrieved. He was in denial.How did Kaze get Loid Farland’s phone number? Who exactly was Kaze Lee? Everyone was shocked by the scene and curious about who was on the other side of the phone. What scared Haxor, a chief of South River Commerce Institute? Loid did not give Haxor a chance to speak. He said, “Give the phone back to Mr. Lee.” “M-Mr. Lee, he wants you on the phone!” Haxor’s hands were shaking as he returned the phone. He noticed the furrowed brows on Kaze, so he quickly used his handkerchief to wipe the phone clean before handing it over. Kaze then took the phone back. He said, “Yes, it’s me. How was it?” “God of War, I am so sorry about this,” Loid apologized. “I have removed Haxor Snowpine from his position. What other requests do you have?” Kaze smiled. “I believe Haxor and his family are not strangers in taking over people’s business and stuff by force. My next request is to confiscate
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Chapter 1445 Play Dead Is Useless
Charlotte stood behind Kaze throughout the entire confrontation and even she was shocked. One phone call and Haxor’s assets were confiscated. His methods were swift and furious. Not even Astral, or the entire Glitter family, had this kind of power. Ignoring the confused and surprised gazes on him, Haxor looked up to Kaze and spoke with his trembling lips, “M-Mr. Lee, please forgive me.” “You’re begging me now?” Kaze frowned. “Kneel straight!” Haxor immediately straightened his back. Kaze raised his hand, preparing to slap the man’s face, but when he saw the oily and wrinkled face, he did not do it. He tossed a pack of tissue paper to him. Haxor immediately understood what Kaze meant. He picked it up and started to wipe his face clean. Slap! Kaze slapped him in the face. “This slap is for you being ignorant and a fool.” Slap! “This slap is for you abusing your position and status!” Slap! “This slap is for you trying to corrupt the system by colluding with
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Chapter 1446 Darcy DV
Corax froze. His eyes widened and he started crying like a baby. “K-Kaze! Brother, please! Give me a chance! I’ll do whatever you want…” Before he could finish, Kaze stepped on him again. “Aaaaargh!” Corax curled on the ground as he cried in pain. “You can come in now and clean things up,” Kaze told Conan through the phone. He wiped his hand with the tissue, tossed it on Corax’s face, and sauntered away. Everyone watched as he walked into the elevator and disappeared from their sight. Only then did they sigh a breath of relief. Back at Horizon Mirror, the moment Kaze arrived home, he saw two beautiful women waiting for him—so beautiful that they looked like paintings of famous artists. Kaze slowed to a stop as he was in awe of their looks. “Kaze, you’re back! Are you okay?” Darcy ran over to him and checked him from top to bottom. She was only relieved after making sure her husband was in one piece. “What about Corax? What happened to him?” she asked curiously.
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Chapter 1447 Interview
Later that evening, Kaze and Darcy were at home having dinner with their family. After dinner, the young ones went off to find their own entertainment. Agnes also wheeled Hector out for a walk in the park. Kaze and Darcy took care of the chores and cleaned up the table. It was then Kaze received a call from Jennifer. “Mr. Lee, have you seen the news?” Jennifer’s anger was clear in her tone. Kaze clamped the phone between his cheek and shoulder as he continued to scrub the plates. “What is it this time?” “Rove announced that they will be having an open bidding for investors. More than ten investor firms are invited, except us! “Rove has gone too far this time. They are cutting us off completely. I’ll send you the article and video now.” Beep! Kaze received the press conference video from Jennifer. “What is it, Kaze? Is it important? You can go, I’ll take care of the rest.” Darcy removed the apron for Kaze and pushed him out of the kitchen. Kaze tapped on the
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Chapter 1448 Withdraw
“Kaze Lee thinks he’s above the law. He treated the city like his own den. He colluded with the gangs and oppressed those who tried to bid for the investment. “A senior of our current chairman, Mr. Syed Lyfe, got beaten up by Kaze Lee and is now hospitalized. He is a criminal, a despicable man! “Rove is an honorable establishment, a brand that is loved by many. As long as Kaze Lee exists, Rove will never work with Hudson Investment Firm. “At the same time, in order to draw lines from that despicable man, Rove will also withdraw from the Lilyrose Commerce Guild, where Kaze Lee’s wife is the president!” Eddie spoke fiercely and righteously in front of the camera. Kaze watched his phone emotionlessly. With Rove’s current reputation online, Eddie’s words officially cut off all possibilities for Hudson Investment Firm to invest in the company. Even if things saw an unexpected turn for the better, both Hudson Investment Firm and Rove’s reputations would be hurt and the people w
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Chapter 1449 Cause Trouble
Kaze was the one who solved all the recent crises that befell Lilyrose. Therefore, he had quite the reputation among the Lilyrose Commerce Guild members. After Darcy delivered his message, the situation within the guild calmed down a little. The night was quiet. The next morning, right before Darcy went to work, Kaze stopped her. “Darcy, take half a day off. I want to take you somewhere.” “What trouble are you causing this time?” Darcy was a workaholic. She did not want to take a day off for no reason. On top of that, she had to deal with the guild’s internal affairs as well. The more people questioned her, the more she tried to prove others wrong. “So you see me as a troublemaker?” Kaze was slightly speechless but he nodded with a bitter smile. “You’re right. We are going to cause some trouble today.” With Kaze dragging her away, Darcy had no excuse to escape. However, she was also curious about what trouble he was referring to. “Fine. I’ll see what you are c
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Chapter 1450 Tulips Royal Family
Eddie suddenly stopped talking because he saw Sieg looking at him. The frosty gaze made his heart skip a beat. His back was drenched in sweat instantly. Eddie blurted out without thinking. The investment department of Tulip Corporation had been oppressing the local brands through capitalism. Even though their methods were smart and secretive, which utilized a proxy like South Hill Holdings, those who were smart would still be able to see through it. It was not exactly a secret. In fact, they had been targeting local brands for a long time now, and Rove was certainly not the first or the last. Tulip Corporation was not the only mastermind behind this whole operation either. It was not one, but many other forces in the dark playing a role in this whole scheme. It was complicated and could not be put in simple words. The person in charge of Tulip Corporation in Arcadia called Sieg himself and offered to invest in Rove. They were obviously not trying to help Rove. T
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