All Chapters of Alpha Nox: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
339 Chapters
Chapter 0151
Lilac’s P.O.V. That night I dreamt of eyes watching me through the shadows, a cell with bars that sparkled like liquid moonlight, and of a laugh that felt both familiar but foreign. It wasn’t the Whisperer; I knew that much. Before I had the chance to identify the cold, cunning laugh, the sound of
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Chapter 0152
I barely registered the pain of her retaliating above the sheer adrenaline pumping in my veins. The blood-thirsty rage was pure euphoria, drawing my attention to my hammering heartbeat and the thoughts that raced through my head. This was what it meant to be alive. Call me fucked up, but I loved it
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Chapter 0153
“Why are you here?” He shrugged, “I have nothing better to do. Besides, you’re one of my whisper’s now.” I grabbed the first aid kit from beneath the sink and lowered myself onto the ledge of the tub. A few minutes later I had everything I needed sitting on the sink. The bottle of alcohol sloshed
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Chapter 0154
Lilac’s P.O.V. I walked into school that morning covered in fading bruises. Hakeem had gotten all protective when I told him what happened, while Jada wanted a complete run-down of the fight. She grinned savagely with every mark I left on Riley’s body, wincing at the parts where I was hurt. It was
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Chapter 0155
He rolled his lip between his teeth, his pale eyes bright with anger. Such a small action shouldn’t have affected me, yet it sucked the very air from my lungs. Sparks licked their way down my jaw and neck, culminating at the peak of my shoulder. Their musical hum filled my head with static. I was no
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Chapter 0156
Lilac’s P.O.V. There was a storm brewing in my chest. It’s lightning coursed through my veins while its thunder exploded in my ears. I shoved Nox away and ripped open the closet door. Ignoring my name as it fell from his lips, I bolted. Those eyes of his remained on my back, and somehow I knew tha
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Chapter 0157
My hands clenched into fists, as though I could physically beat this all-consuming pain away. “But she never made it.” I knew the ending of this tale. It had been whispered by the townspeople for as long as I could remember. There had been so much blood that the grass had been painted black for a we
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Chapter 0158
Lilac’s P.O.V. His usual band of followers had dispersed, all heading to their own cars. Only one remained at his side, some guy whose name I didn’t know. I’d seen him in the parking lot when I arrived this morning. Shit! Did he see me hit Nox’s car? A neat swoop of auburn hair sat atop his head,
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Chapter 0159
“Hey, I’m not complaining. I needed the outlet and I’d happily dislocate my shoulder again if it meant kicking her ass.” “She dislocated your shoulder?” His fury was amusing considering his past betrayal. That was his problem though, not mine. I rummaged through the pocket of my sweats until I fou
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Chapter 0160
Lilac’s P.O.V. “Well?” Jada stared out at the street ahead, slowing the car to a crawl. She hadn’t said anything this entire time, even after I explained how my conversation with Nox had gone. We pulled off the main road and onto the shoulder, next to a string of small businesses. An antique shop
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