All Chapters of Alpha Nox: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
339 Chapters
Chapter 0161
She frowned at the open sign hanging inches in front of her face, and knocked “Open up, Aunt Z! We need to talk! Don’t make me astral project in there.” There was a flash of movement on the other side of the door that gave me pause. It happened so fast I couldn’t be sure if I’d imagined it or not.
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Chapter 0162
Lilac’s P.O.V. Zuri vanished through a set of beaded curtains, her sandals clicking across the hardwood floors. I turned to Jada, wondering why the hell we’d come all this way for a psychic reading. “Your Aunt is a psychic? Why didn’t we come here before?” Jada sat down on the bench, her body sli
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Chapter 0163
I nearly choked. “Not accurate in the slightest.” The look Zuri gave me told me she didn’t buy into my bullshit for one second. She flipped over the third card and the words Valeria had spoken roared in my ears. “You are of the dark, a piece of the vastness that is the night sky. You are her Reape
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Chapter 0164
Lilac’s P.O.V. Well, that went well. Jada hadn’t been too angry with me, at least. That little vein on her forehead hadn’t made an appearance, which was as good a sign as any. With how thorough her verbal lashings were, there was no doubt in my mind she’d make an incredible mother. Hell, with al
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Chapter 0165
He looked down into the box of photographs, reaching out to trace one with his finger. Like a phantom, he went right through it. I caught the flash of recognition in his eyes and turned to face him. “You know Silas?” “Sure do.” He said, clenching his jaw. “Silas Whitlock, Beta to Alpha Oliver Grif
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Chapter 0166
“Something tells me you have your fingers in more than one pie. I think you know a lot more than you let on. My only problem is discerning the truth from all of the lies.” Something flashed in the depths of his smoky eyes. A hint of irritation, perhaps. “I never once lied to you, Lilac. Not once. I
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Chapter 0167
Nox’s P.O.V. “What the actual fuck?” Lilac sighed and flicked her hair over her shoulder. The move was captivating, making me falter in my anger. She rolled her eyes and my hands itched to spank the attitude out of her. The flicker of need I’d been feeling for her had been steadily growing over t
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Chapter 0168
“Unless the Whisperer’s abilities developed late—after he went into hiding.” I supplied with a shrug. She nodded slowly. “That would make a lot of sense.” An errant thought slithered through my head. “The Whisperer seemed pretty adamant your mothers alive. If he’s Phineas’ son, then maybe Phineas
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Chapter 0169
Nox’s P.O.V. He combed his fingers through his greying hair and let out a sigh. I knew what that sound meant and could practically hear his response before it left his lips. “Not now, son. It’s late and I really need to finish up. I’ve got a meeting early tomorrow morning to discuss Ms. Einar’s pl
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Chapter 0170
“His memory? You’re talking about his memory as though there aren’t dozens of girls out there who are hurting because of him! How can you silence that many people and sleep at night?” I threw my hands up, fury weaving its way into my voice. “Those girls deserve justice! Lilac deserves justice, dad.
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