All Chapters of Alpha Nox: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
339 Chapters
Chapter 0171
Nox’s P.O.V. “And his job is what, exactly?” Lilac asked the six-foot-three warrior, like he was nothing more than a shrimp. It wasn’t surprising that Will took her attitude in stride. His own mate was known to be a ball of spitfire, and that was on a good day. He was likely used to the sass, even
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Chapter 0172
Blush rose to the surface, coasting down her cheeks to her neck. Suddenly, I was aware of all the eyes on us. We both turned away, and I cleared my throat. “Is everyone ready?” On the drive, Will looked over the contents of the box and listened as both Lilac and Jada recounted their individual stor
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Chapter 0173
We made our way inside through the back door. As Jada and Hakeem’s father promised, it was unlocked. Apparently, Mr. Wilson had a friend that worked here. He didn’t know why we were coming, only that the Alpha’s son had need of him. Ten minutes and one lengthy explanation later and I was at my brea
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Chapter 0174
Nox’s P.O.V. The alert repeated itself for the next five minutes, until finally, the prerecorded video we made flashed onto the screen. Will stood at my side, both our faces chiseled from stone. You could feel the weight of our silence through the television. “You have my sincerest apologies for i
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Chapter 0175
I knew it was wrong, but every afternoon when I’d go to class, I’d see how the parents fawned over him. Silas was a beloved member of the community, practically untouchable. The night Lilac found her proof was the night Silas attempted to rape me.” Her voice lifted an octave, passion filling every s
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Chapter 0176
I slapped a hand to my chest and groaned, “Damn, that stung.” “Be real, Nox. You might be his son, but he hasn’t treated you like one in a very long time.” “You’re right, I just never questioned it until now.” She lifted her shoulder in a shrug. “You trusted him, just like I trusted you. It was y
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Chapter 0177
Lilac’s P.O.V. Jada shot up off the couch as a symphony of ringing phones exploded to life around us. She scrambled to the closest one, snatching it off the coffee table and mashing it to her ear. Hakeem, who had been pretending to sleep to give Nox and me privacy, stretched his arms over his head
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Chapter 0178
Her mother pulled away and smoothed down Jada’s hair before patting her on the cheek. “No, I’m not angry with you. I understand why you didn’t tell us. I just wanted you to know what I would’ve believed you, even back then. I wasn’t there for you, but I am now.” Nox quietly watched their exchange.
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Chapter 0179
Lilac’s P.O.V. I met Nox back at my apartment that night. The plan was to get him alone, so that I could tell him what I’d decided. My mind was too muddled for me to even think of driving, so I had Jada drop me off at my place. She’d been vibrating with excitement when I told her, barely containin
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Chapter 0180
Classes resumed the following day. Walking through the halls, I could all but taste the tension lingering in the air. Eyes tracked my every move. Students stood in clusters watching as I passed. This time their faces weren’t filled with varying degrees of hatred, but curiosity. Their murmuring kick
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