All Chapters of Alpha's Runaway Luna: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
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The Blood Canyon Pack.It was officially the weekend. Travis invited me to visit his pack for the weekend.I was honestly petrified however; I did my best to feign myself as excited. Everyone in my pack knew the stories behind the desolation of Carter Steonhill’s pack by Alpha Luthor. Now, I was travelling to that very same pack and I would see the remnants of it. I know that was several years ago, I believe much of that happened when I was very young. Travis held my hand in the town car while talking on the phone with someone.“Yes, we’re nearly there”“Yes, Rose is with me, just like I promised.” He smiled to whoever he was talking to“No, I cannot wait for you to meet her.” He smiled at me, and I smiled back. He stroked my hand and continued holding it. I continued to look out the window as the woodland faded away. I could see a wide-open terrain of land nestled against one of the mountains. Further in the distance I began to the outline of a town. The sign “Stonehill” was etched i
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Revealing the Truth
We ate dinner, it was amazing. His mother was great cook, roasted lamb, mint sauce, garlic roasted mashed potatoes, carrots, and beets. I smile as I enjoy my food. I stay silent and do not mention that I absolutely hate beets. Afterwards, we had a chocolate cake, with red dessert wine. We listened to music and sat by a roaring fire. I lounged against him, enjoying his company until I heard someone walking into the room. His mother immediately changed her demeanor. I sensed fear in her, Travis also straightened up. He no longer had me lounging against him. He instructed that we all sit up properly. I asked him what the issue was, he told me his father was home, and he is not a man to cross, nor is his grandfather.“You mean Sinclair Luthor?”“You know my grandfather?” he asked me in a serious tone, there was a steel gaze in his eyes. I looked skeptical, like he was trying to understand how I knew him.“Sure, everyone knows in my old pack knows of the infamous Sinclaire Luthor, we just
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Lurking Monsters
Travis walked me around the pack, showing me everything. Every entertainment center, the schools, the pack temple for worshipping their “moon goddess” where pack members bring harvest goods to the temple for blessings and their acolytes offer it to “Selene” their goddess. Grocery stores where the rest of the produce, meat goods, and other products that are hand made by some of the elderly, widows, and select maidens of the pack who have farms bring it in to sell.I could not stop my mind from reeling about the cruelness that I witnessed at the packhouse. Travis did not to try and stop his mother from being hurt. What the fuck is with that? If it were me, and he tried to hurt my mother, I do not give a shit if it were my father, I would have kicked the shit out of him!“Is everything alright?” he asked me with concern on his face.“No, it’s not!”“What’s wrong?”“I cannot stop reeling about what happened after dinner back there!”“What do you mean?”“What in the fuck do you think I mea
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Travis walked me around the pack, showing me everything. Every entertainment center, the schools, the pack temple for worshipping their “moon goddess” where pack members bring harvest goods to the temple for blessings and their acolytes offer it to “Selene” their goddess. Grocery stores where the rest of the produce, meat goods, and other products that are handmade by some of the elderly, widows, and select maidens of the pack who have farms bring it in to sell.I could not stop my mind from reeling about the cruelness that I witnessed at the packhouse. Travis did not to try and stop his mother from being hurt. What the fuck is with that? If it were me, and he tried to hurt my mother, I do not give a shit if it were my father, I would have kicked the shit out of him!“Is everything alright?” he asked me with concern on his face.“No, it’s not!”“What’s wrong?”“I cannot stop reeling about what happened after dinner back there!”“What do you mean?”“What in the fuck do you think I mean
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An Alpha Monster
I walk up the stairs to my room. I sat on my bed and opened my mind to see if he was speaking to me or was it my mind playing tricks on me. “Damien?!”“Do you know how difficult it was to find you!” Christ, he sounded really pissed.“Did you really think that I would just let you walk away from me!” he growled.I shuddered at the sound of his voice. “How, how did you find me?” I whispered into thin air. With my mental doors open I knew where he was, he was at the university.“It certainly wasn’t easy! Thank heavens my father always told me to follow the senses of my wolf! All of a sudden, we were in Missouri, and he started to feel a calling towards Oregon. Not exactly on the same college plan that we both agreed on, however, I thought about it. I know you, if you were intent on disappearing from my life, you wouldn’t pick a school where I wanted us to go.” I stood there still frozen; I should have known he would figure it out. He’s always been able to read me like an open book. He
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Goddess in a dream!
I stared at the moon as I screamed. I could not understand what was happening and why I was shifting already. Somehow, I willed myself to leave the Ceremonial Forest. I ran for what seemed like forever. As I ran I called out to Damien. I told him that I was shifting already, and I couldn’t understand why! My birthday was a few days away! Why was this happening!“Kayla! Where are you?!” “I am outside the packs boundaries! I don’t know why but, I am shifting! I do not want to be alone!”“I’m here baby, I’m coming!” he reassured me. I relaxed as I felt his presence getting closer. I felt something else as well.“Rose!” I heard Travis shouting. Dear God! This cannot be happening! I continued to scream, praying that Damien would soon find me and take me away before Travis found me.“Kayla!” I’m here baby! I’m here!” he says as he kneels beside me and holds me. He rocks me as I writhe in pain. The moon shines directly on me like a beacon of light. I glow with the moon, I feel like I am shi
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Mating Nightmare.
I took a look at myself. I felt so alive and free. It was liberating also to know who I am. It was disturbing to know that my real father was Alpha Carter Stonehill, and exactly what he tried to do to me! I shook myself in disgust! I was not going to think about that now. I felt my wolf, trying not to gag as she peered through my memories.I saw Damien and Travis fighting. They were in full death mode, biting, clawing, scratching and barreling into each other. I screamed at them in my head.“STOP!!!!!” Ember roared loudly at them. She stared them down and with her powers, through them away from each other. They stared at me in awe, as I walked towards them. My wolf preened, and pranced, showing her self off. She waves her tail in their faces. She stretched in a mating position, to get there attention. I rolled my eyes. Apparently my wolf is like a siren. She waved her tail again, and showed them her ass. Clearly stating that she wanted to be mounted. I was trying to get her to stop.I
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Welcome home
My mind could not stop spinning with everything that had just happened. I shifted, met my wolf, met the moon goddess, found out from the moon goddess, that I am the daughter of Carter Stonehill, not only that he think’s we’re all dead. Minerva is my twin sister that separated from me after we nearly were killed by Sinclair Luthor. I am shockingly Travis Luthor’s and he’s an asshole like his father. There is no telling if he is just as twisted or demented as Alpha Lucius. Honestly, now knowing everything that I do, why was Carter nicknamed “the mad Alpha” when it is clearly the Luthor Alpha’s. Who in their bloody mind would keep charred remains of their victims locked up in a room and not given a decent burial? If they were just casualties in the pack war, why weren’t they removed and buried? It makes no sense! How did he know that I was Tabitha? It was my first time in the pack since the attack. That was eons ago, there is no way he could have known, unless he somehow overhe
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Unexpected Mates
It felt so good being back home. I never thought I would be coming back here, and with Damien of all people, my love, my mate. When I first left, I thought that I was tarnished and unworthy of his Luna. The moon goddess has shown me that is not the case. Selene showed me through my wolf that I am much stronger than whatever curses life tries to kill me with. She showed me who I truly am. I now know that Damien and I are meant to be together forever! I was a foolish, childish girl when I left this pack in fear, I should have gone to Damien’s house for support, despite him being angry. I should have stayed and fight instead of running away. I was terrified that Alpha Carter would find me and force me into slavery. I should have had more faith in Damien to figure everything out and handle the situation. That will never happen again. I can’t believe that I have a sister. I can’t believe that I am the daughter of that mad dog Alpha. That was so wild and scary. I pray that he does
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Sinking Claim
He backs me into a tree. Everything intensifies. He grabs my hands and pins them above my head. I began to grind on him. God, I have missed everything about him. Inwardly, a dark side of me is hoping that Travis is feeling this, that he is in pain. He deserves it! Why did the goddess pair me with him? He’s on the verge of being just as wicked as his disgusting father and grandfather! Who in the hell would arrest their own mother, and do God knows what to her for what she did? I understand she struck the Alpha but, so did I! She saw the devastation that he and his father did to her mother and siblings for the first time. She saw that not only did they murder the Luna and Alpha children but, they kept the remains and sealed them up. They were going to murder me as well! What sick twist fuck does that?! I cannot understand why Travis sided with them after seeing the hideous truth right in front of him! goddess! Make him suffer for the pain he has caused me! Let my real Alpha claim me toni
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