All Chapters of Alpha's Runaway Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
46 Chapters
Broken Runaway
I woke up feeling like my head was hit by a sledgehammer. What in the hell happened? My body including my legs feel numb? There is a intruding feeling near my core area as if I am being poked and prodded. This stirs me to life, and I jolt awake. It is then I notice the same man who I tried to run away from. I immediately begin to thrash. I try to call out to Damien again but, this time I realize that I cannot use my abilities. There is a silence, as if I have no gifts?“Stay still sugar, we’re just getting warmed up, I need to see if you’re father is right, if you’re a prime fit for me” he says with a sick grin“Get the fuck away from me” I scream. He smirks before backhanding me hard. “Be good and I will give you hours of pleasure.” I smirk before I spit in his face, he growls before backhanding me two more times. My lip stings, I notice that I am strapped down which explains why I have difficulty moving. Meaning he has full access to my body, and I cannot stop him. I growl and thra
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Missing Luna
I walked around the property of my parents house. I let my emotions flow, the pain in my heart was palpable. I felt so rejected by her. It tore my heart apart. I know we had fun at that party, and I claimed her as I had been wanting to do for the past two years. I prayed that my devotion to her in the hospital would spark something between us. Two years I have waited for her to be mine. During the party, I felt like I finally had my chance. She was not with Tyson anymore, or anyone else. The last two years have been brutal, my wolf has nearly overpowered me at times. He is getting so impatient waiting for her. Every time I had a chance to take a step to claim her. She had moved on to someone else. She only saw me as a friend, she never looked my way as anything but a friend and classmate. When she started dating Tyson who was going to be my Beta, I felt like the universe was pulling us closer to each other. I finally had the opportunity to spend more time with her as she hung around
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Club Aura Erota
It takes me two hours to drive to this disgusting establishment. I can feel my skin crawl just driving into the parking lot. I have no idea what to expect coming here. I only pray that I can find her and bring her home. There is a black and gold majestic gate at the opening of the property. I know this place is not arranged like a drive by bar. From the outside it is set up to look like a place of decadence. Once I am recognized a female voice on the video screen purrs “welcome Alpha Damien”I drive through the gateway towards the insidious building. The place looks like a grand castle from the house, a place of royalty and solitude. This is all for the show mostly to attract their high-end vampire clientele. Inside is a labyrinth of various shows that girls of various ages are forced to create to entertain various nefarious customers. Some is BDSM, others are theatrical burlesque, while for those rogue thugs who are not classical, it is full frontal exotic dancing. The girls only wea
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Far from home
Kayla POVI drive for what feels like hours. During the first several hours I could not stop crying. Leaving everything behind was harder than I ever imagined. All I did originally was dream of ditching the state of Georgia, leaving my miserable fathers house behind, and heading into the horizon. Finding new adventures, and a new destiny before coming home to Damien. Now, everything has changed. Everything felt different. I was different, I did not feel like that same girl anymore. My heart ached for Damien, I never meant to abandon him. I knew though after what I did, I could never see him again, I could never go back there. I knew that I had to rewrite my story and live a completely different life away from my pack. I prayed that he would move on and choose someone else like Whitney or Stella as his Luna. I prayed to the goddess through his grief he would find happiness. I fought to keep more tears at bay. I need to leave everyone and start over. Go so far away that no one would fin
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Starting A New
One month Later…It took me what felt like a thousand years but, I finally made it to Portland Oregon. I do not know how I was able to deceive so many of these humans. I faked High School transcripts, I faked the origin details of my drivers license, and I faked the date of my birth to be a year older. It is also amazing what money will do. I sold the car and expensive clothes in Los Angeles. I got more than enough from a stupid human influencer who thought the clothes would make her look like a celebrity. I paid my whole college tuition with the money. The rest was a piece of cake. I have always secretly been a pro at computer graphics and imaging. They bought everything really easy. I am now a student at the University of Portland Oregon. Completely off the level that I was originally going to apply to with Damien.Damien.God, how I missed him so much. I had three months left until my birthday and I wanted to scream in terror that I would be going through the transformation possib
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The Ugly Truth
After class, Dakota and I walked together. We decided to eat lunch together. As we walked into the dining hall, I spotted Travis with some of his friends. A few of the devious girls were hanging around him. One was being obvious as she stroked his muscled arms and was making clear signs of desiring to mate later on. Everything I would have done myself to any Damien and every other guy I knew in my old school. As I looked at them, I saw myself. I never realized until now what a slut I was back in my pack. Seeing these girls and how they were acting towards Travis gave me a dose of reality. My father was right, I was a whore, I just never saw it. I thought back to the drinking, the parties, the threesomes, to Damien claiming me and myself pushing him away countlessly only to try and pursue a different guy. All the disrespectful flirting I did. I knew for a while Damien was mine. The night we had the threesome. Damien was right, it did become most me and him with Tyson watching because,
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Finding Kayla
Damiens POVIt has been weeks since my entire world fell apart. I still could not believe that she was gone. I knew she was not dead, I would have felt it. I just could not believe that she would abandon everyone and disappear like a ghost. What was going through her mind? It hurt so much. I thought she would at least after a while make a phone call and let anyone in the pack know that she was safe and alright. I thought she would at least let me know. I had been completely wrong, and for the hundredth time, I feel so guilty for blocking her out in anger. She was reaching for me, and I mentally blocked her out because I was angry. If I had only known the peril she was going through, and listened to my wolf, things would be different. I continued during the first several days to hang by my phone, I clung to hope that Kayla would possibly call me. I yearned for her, my wolf was ravenous, and continued to trying to call for her. My wolf is furious with me. He blames me for her elopement.
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New Beginnings
New BeginningsI cannot believe that I have been here three months. My birthday is drawing near soon, I am scared but excited at the same time. During this time, I feel like I have drawn a lot closer to Travis. I have never broached the subject about his pack. I never voiced to him my fears when he would ask me what is troubling me. How could I? what would I ask him or what would he even say? What direction would our relationship turn if he learned that Carter was alive and the pack he lived near. What would he think of the man he became. There is so much more to the story I am sure that none of my pack members and I know about what really happened to Carters pack. We have only heard hearsay. d made me worry constantly. Would Carter ever come back and then find me here? I know he would kill me. I can never let him find me. I pray to the goddess he never does. \I am sitting in my second hour class which I now share with Travis, Dakota, and a girl named Bitsy. She had red hair, and tur
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Hello Old Me
Hello to Old Me!I stood in the room, listening for anyone to say anything. Not sure how longs I stood still, like I was frozen in time. Eventually I decided that it must be my mind playing tricks on me. Though it was odd, I thought I smelled him as well. There is no way that he could be there. I decided to ignore it. It must be guilt from my conscience. My mind knows that he laid claim to me, that I am technically an Alpha’s chosen. I continued to tell myself over and over again “he is back in the pack; he is not here.” He is going to move on, find his mate, choose someone else. Not hold on to the connection of a girl who ditched in the middle of the night and was just his High School fling. I do not have my wolf yet; I do not even know who my mate is. He does have his wolf, he will find his mate, his luna and eventually forget about me.Something deep inside of me felt like it was burning at the thought of Damien moving on with someone else. There is an echo of pain in me, and I fou
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It has been a week since I reverted back to my old sense. Not fully though, I may be dressing like the old me, however, I am not going to be as reckless as I was. Will I party yes, but, if I find my mate, I am not going to toss his feelings around. That was a mistake I made with Damien, I knew he was claiming me, and I was a fool for not basking in it like any other girl would. Looking back now, why did I want to “play the field” with an Alpha that I had always loved and wanted? That is why it hurt so much to leave him in the beginning. That is why there was pain when I thought about him or thought about moving on. It is the only scenario I can think of, somewhere deep inside knew that I had always been meant for him, and it was trying to stop me from being a slut. I had Tyson but, I somehow always knew Damien was meant for me, I was just to selfish to accept it.The pain in my heart when I think of him does not diminish. I will myself to stop myself from thinking of him. As much as
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