All Chapters of Alpha's Runaway Luna: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
45 Chapters
A Perfect Day
A Perfect Day…High School. Another year, another day of my amazing life! I cannot believe that it is the beginning of my Senior Year! OMG! I am so stoked! This year is going to be so perfect already!My name is Kayla! I can honestly say, I feel like I have the perfect life. I am now a Senior at Karcher High School. I have grown up in this town my entire life. I also cannot wait to leave it and see what the world looks like. I have a road trip with my friends and my amazing boyfriend but, I want to explore the world for myself. To drive, and drive for hours. Never stopping, seeing everything, and experiencing adventure.I am only being partly honest, to be frank. My home life is a piece of shit. My father's family is amazing, if only my father was so great. There are several days where I just want to run away and go where no one has even heard of him. My rock is my older brother Joshua. He can be an asshole at times but, he is the only one in the house who tries to protect me. He watc
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Claimed by the Alpha
Damien Porter, the hottest guy in our school and future Alpha of the Blood Stone pack where I live. He's 6'3 and sexy as fuck. Dark wavy hair with amber colored as, and sculpted 8-pack set of abs. He's every girl's wet dream and every guy's best friend in our High School. Damien’s parents Alistair and Raven Porter are the Alpha and Luna of our pack. They are also millionaires. His mother is a well-known interior designer, his father is an IT tycoon. Alpha Alistair owns four companies. One in Technology, One Hospital, One University, and a Law office. Damien has two other brothers and two sisters. His brothers Alec and Wilson the twins. They are in their Sophomore year. Damien is hot as fuck and throws raving parties. I love it! His private event parties are fun. I get access cause Tyson is good friends with him. Sometimes they are topless parties, and Tyson and I have sex in the private pool. One time Damien hired strippers. Fucking epic! I loved it. I had a threesome with Damien and
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Party Scandals
After I stayed there for a while and decided to go to the bathroom and check over my appearance. I notice, to my shock and gratitude, that Damien did not mess very much up. My hair does not give that “I just fucked” look. I borrow a comb, and comb through my hair to make sure it is perfect. I clean my pussy as best as I can and spray deodorant so no one will guess that Damien just fucked me hard.After I am finished, I head out the door to the party. I walk past my previous room and realize that he had fucked me inside of his families garden lounge. It is off the kitchen down a hallway towards the back of the house. It is an area I visited when I spent time here with my aunt. Aunt Charise is friends with the Luna and has enjoyed attending gardening club and book club in this room. Shit I hope we did not leave a stain!‘That’s what maids are for sugar.’I groan, apparently, somehow, he managed to hear my thoughts, and I had to endure his smug remark.‘Har Har very funny fucker!’‘Thank
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Brawls and broken glass
After I stayed there for a while and decided to go to the bathroom and check over my appearance. I notice, to my shock and gratitude, that Damien did not mess very much up. My hair does not give that “I just fucked” look. I borrow a comb, and comb through my hair to make sure it is perfect. I clean my pussy as best as I can and spray deodorant so no one will guess that Damien just fucked me hard.After I am finished, I head out the door to the party. I walk past my previous room and realize that he had fucked me inside of his families garden lounge. It is off the kitchen down a hallway towards the back of the house. It is an area I visited when I spent time here with my aunt. Aunt Charise is friends with the Luna and has enjoyed attending gardening club and book club in this room. Shit I hope we did not leave a stain!‘That’s what maids are for sugar.’I groan, apparently, somehow, he managed to hear my thoughts, and I had to endure his smug remark.‘Har Har very funny fucker!’‘Thank
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Waking up
I awoke with the feeling as if my head had been shoved through a vice. A few things were clear. 1. I was in a hospital room. It looked like I was in Alpha’s pack hospital. Thoughts of the party were hazy but 2. I was sure that Damien staked his claim, 3. my cousin is slutty psycho, and 4. my boyfriend has been cheating on me! What the hell happened?! I thought we were perfect. How could one night change so much!The more conscious I became, the more I realized that I was not alone in the room. I looked around the room. I found Damien asleep sitting on a chair next to me. I turned my head to look at him more closely. The monitor started buzzing. His eyes snapped open. He caressed my face.“Kayla! Thank heavens you’re finally awake!” he said in a pained voice“Damien? What is going on? Where am I?”“You’re in the hospital, someone attacked you during the brawl, your back and leg were broken, and you had cuts everywhere. You lost some blood. We thanked the heavens, you’re a werewolf! You
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Blissful Surpises
As I soak under the water, I feel a presence enter the room. I feel his hands caress me. I turn to see Damien grabbing a sponge and filling it soap, he began to wash my back. He glided the sponge down my legs, and in between them. I let out a gasp as I heard him chuckle at my reaction. The sponge moved over my breasts. I attempted to grab on to his shirt for balance, only to realize I was touching his sculpted abs. “Damien!”“That’s right angel, I am just as bare as you” he whispered while kissing my neck and guiding the sponge lower down my front to my heated core. I gasped when I felt his fingers toy with my clit, and I bit back a moan.“God, I love your pleasurable sounds! It’s music to my ears” He said as he continued to kiss my neck. His fingers continued to dig in deeper to my soaking pussy. I began to buck at the feeling of his fingers entering me. I screamed his name as pressure started to build. Suddenly, he kneeled down and spread my legs wider. Before I could say anything,
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Fire and Ice
I shake my head and continue walking towards the delusional boy who thinks he owns me. He takes me into his arms, he presses his body hard against mine and captures my lips in a toe curling kiss. “Hey there Mr. Porter”“Hey beautiful!” he says as he kisses on my neck. “what are you doing here?” “What? Can’t I surprise my girl?” I was stunned into silence. He was still under the impression that I was his! I thought that was just fun and games while at the party. I know that he took care of me in the hospital. That I factored in just being a good friend. I am too young to be in a relationship, especially with the future Alpha of our pack! What happens if he finds his mate and it’s not me?“Since when am I your girl?” I smirk as I tease him. I hear his growl, I see his eyes shift color and I can see his wolf is trying to break through. I realized I just poked a sleeping giant with my comment. If there is a possibility that his wolf has an interest in me, I am fucked! “Do I have to p
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Cheer Terror
We arrived at school, and before he could say anything I quickly jumped out of the car. I could already see everyone’s faces staring at us. I held my head high, took a deep breath, and walked forward ignoring all of the curious faces. I could hear the whispering from everyone I knew this morning. It was as if I could hear their voices in my head. An inane babble of voices like a broken record that will not shut up. Asking questions like “Are they together?” “what about Whitney?” “Is Kayla now the new queen B?” amongst the questions were jealous bitches making snide comments “slut” “whore” “mate stealer” and “gold-digger” Don’t ask me how I was hearing everyone’s internal monologues; I don’t know. I did my best to block everything out.I ignored the tingling feelings my body was giving me. How he matched my strides, how he tried to press me into him, how feverish my body was feeling next to him. How his hands tried to caress my backside as I continued to resist him and the urges I was f
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Dancing in the dark
I was collecting my thoughts, as well as my chromebook to log into google classroom when I felt the seat behind me move like someone had just sat down. I didn’t not seen anyone else walk in so, I knew what it meant when I felt a hand gently caressing my back underneath my shirt. I gripped the table, and tried to steady myself to focus on my work.“keep trying to avoid me baby girl, we both know who owns this body, and how much its craving my touch” he whispered. My body was coming alive as if he was breathing sexual life into it, proving his words true. I bit back a moan, and cursed the teacher when he announced it would be a movie day. He informed us that we would be watching a math movie called “Stand and Deliver.” My body went on full alert when I heard Damien whisper “perfect” as the lights went out.I felt his chair move, next thing I knew, he was sitting directly behind my chair. He had moved his chair directly behind mine, quietly pushing the table out of the way. My body was l
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An Hour of Woes
Damien did not speak to me or touch me the rest of class. When the lights turned on. I did not notice him at all in the room. He had completely left early. I heard someone comment that he had snuck up front and told the teacher he was not feeling well during the movie and has not come back to class. I did not dare look at Whitney. I could already feel her rageful glare. I could almost hear her mental voice screaming profanities at me. I chose to ignore her as the movie concluded and I walked away from the classroom. The crowded hallway felt almost like a blur as I ended my day and walked away from the schoolyard. As I walked into the parking lot. I felt a stab in my chest as my memory hit me. Damien had driven me to school, and his car was no longer in the parking lot. I felt ice cold as I realized my actions hurt him deeply, deep enough that he abandoned me at school. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, I was forced with the unbearable act of walking home from school.
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