All Chapters of Alpha's Runaway Luna: Chapter 41 - Chapter 46
46 Chapters
Pack Morons
Everyone settled down. I was happy to see that Damien was now starting to relax. He passed me some buttered rolls. We sat, ate, conversed and finally had a nice time. Damien socialized with his friend Franklin. Whitney came over and sneered at me. “Congrats on seducing the Alpha into mating a tramp like you, weren’t you the one that was running away from him? I guess you decided to be a slut after all” she smirked. I snarled at her, losing my appetite, I picked up my drink and through it in her face.She gasped “Why you mongrel! My hair!” she shrieked.“Whitney, I don’t know what your beef is considering I just returned but, you should know better than to mess with an Alpha’s mate and your future Luna! Or did you miss what Damien just did to your brother defending me!” I said in dry tone. She snarled and raised her hand to strike me. Damien had our full attention now, and was giving her a daring look. She shrank backwards and bowed her head in submission before scooting away.I never
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Finding Minerva
We left the dining hall; Damien grabbed my hand. I steeled myself to face the man who ruined my life. A man who was broken and torn apart inside. A man who I have no choice but to admit is my father. Damien turned to me with fierce love and protection echoing in his eyes. “Are you ready?” he asked me. I had no idea if I would ever be ready to face him again but, I had to be strong. I nodded and could not speak. I feared that my voice would come out as a squeak. I grabbed Verona’s hand. I was really wishing that Minerva was here as well. Suddenly I got an idea. “What if we delay this meeting?” “Why?” Verona asked me. “Minerva” I told her. She looked at me confused then with fear on her face. Damien was looking at me dubiously. *What are you thinking about? * he asked in my mind. “I was just thinking, he might have an easier time believing everything if he sees us twins united.” “Do you think it will work?” she asks
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We entered the Dungeon, and the placed smelled of sweat, piss, shit, and blood. I understood what happens in these places. By the look on Verona’s face she was trying not to vomit at the smell. We walked down a dark stairway made of stone. I looked around, there were lanterns hanging from the ceiling that looked ancient. The walls were made of rock and cement. It felt like we were walking down into the depths of the earth. I was starting to wonder how far down we were going. The ceiling was high above us. It felt like we were entering a great cavern like the Bat cave on Batman begins. Above us hung these ancient cages that were covered in cobwebs. They had dark stains on them, almost like the color black. I turned my head away, I did not want to imagine what it was. As a warrior, I had an idea but, I didn’t want to think of it. I looked over at Verona, she still looked sick. “Hey, are you alright?” “Yes, honestly, I have not been feeling well since I came here. My body feels ill. So
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Out of the Shadows
Suddenly his focused shifted, they started to flinch as if they were just seeing the light for the first time in years. It was as if scales had fallen from his eyes, and he was finally able to see for the first time. “Raven?” he said like he was seeing a ghost. “Did you forget me? Of course you did, I was only your doctor but, you never gave me any attention! Even when I tried to tell you not to trust Sinclaire, I could feel something wrong in my core, I told you he threatened me, that he threatened Emberly, you refused to listen to me!” “Do not talk to me about that devil! You have no idea what I went through when you left wherever you went” “I found my mate, I found Alistair, and I came here. You know this, You were the one who gave me your blessing.” He was shaking his head, it was like she was stirring his memory. “I know full well what happened. I Saw It!” He was looking at her incredulously. “That’s impossible!” he said shaking his head. Refusing to still believe her.
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Return of the Father
I stared at him; I am not sure whether I should tell him exactly what I saw in that room. I clam up. He stares me down, and I begin to walk away, I am a stubborn she-wolf. I’m not going to answer him, and he’s realizing it. “Tabitha! Tell me what you know!” he demands. I roll my eyes and continue to ignore him. I don’t give a shit if he is my father, I’m not going to give in easily. I do not need him puking again on the floor, I’d rather keep the information to myself. “Tabitha, tell me right now!” He commands me, his Alpha tone radiating forward. I almost buckle at the command. After so many years, he still is an Alpha, and apparently still my Alpha. He’s my fucking father, and his effect still works on me. Fuck, I buckle under the weight of his command. His authority spilling over me like the kings blood that still flows through his veins. “Kayla! Just tell him what you saw!” I grit my teeth. Feeling the power wash over me as his Alpha dominance returns. I emotionally give up.
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Evil Twin
Damien’s P.O.VIt has been two hours since I crossed through the portal. I decided to look first at the university. I have only been here briefly; I have no idea who to fucking look for. What does Minerva even look like? They said she’s Tabitha’s twin but, I am not seeing anyone who closely resembles Tabitha yet. Did something happen to her? Was she discovered? I walk around the entire school. Thing only way for me to actually find her is by actually attending classes. I have a condo that I bought which is close to the University. This is going to take longer than expected.I walk down a hallway; fuck Travis is there with a really hot brunette hanging on him. Kayla did say Minerva follows him everywhere. Hopefully that might be her. He has his head down looking at something, he doesn’t notice me. I walk past him quietly. I stop at my first class on my schedule. I am glad that a lot of the crazy shit happened over the weekend, if Kayla is going to be missing any classes, I will have to
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