All Chapters of You're Mine, Ex-wife!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
118 Chapters
New Beginning
Tears streamed down my face as I screamed in horror, "Nathan, please don't leave me! Please!" I knelt next to his unconscious body, my heart pounding in my chest. I gently took his phone from his hand and dialed 911, my voice trembling as I begged for help. "My brother is unconscious, he isn't waking up. Please, anyone, help us!" I pleaded with the dispatcher, desperation tinging every word.A male voice on the other end assured me, "We will be there as fast as we can, ma'am." I quickly provided our mansion's address before ending the call, slipping the phone into my pajamas pocket. Clutching Nathan to my chest, I continued to cry and pray, unwilling to accept the thought of losing my brother. "Please, Lord, I can't lose Nathan. Not now, not ever," I whispered through my sobs, shaking him with all my strength in a futile attempt to rouse him.Soon, the wail of sirens filled the air as the ambulance arrived. Paramedics rushed in, taking charge of the situation as they carefully attende
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The Heiress is Back!
As I stepped into the conference hall, a commotion erupted as everyone began running toward me. Some were brandishing cameras while others held out papers, their urgent expressions and rapid questions overwhelming me. "What's going on?" I stammered, taking a step back, feeling bewildered by the sudden onslaught."Ma'am, where is Nathan Roberts?" inquired a reporter, thrusting a microphone toward me. "We've been waiting for him for minutes. Are you his representative?" another voice chimed in, adding to the questions."My informant said there was an ambulance at his mansion today" another added. "How did they get that news so fast?" I muttered, to myself.Amidst the chaos, Nathan's secretary swiftly shielded me from the barrage of questions. "Listen up, everyone! Get back to your seats. You will all get the answers you seek. Don't embarrass a lady! You are all ganging up on her!" he declared, his voice cutting through the clamor with authority.The reporters hesitated, exchanging glan
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In Bed with Him 18+
As I opened the door to my hotel room, I screamed as I found myself confronted by a shocking sight. Water was everywhere, flooding the room and turning the floor into a small, impromptu lake. With urgency, I immediately called the room service, and the hotel manager was summoned to address the situation. As the commotion drew the attention of all nearby, Dylan emerged from his room, drawn by the disturbance."Why did this happen to my room? What went wrong?" I demanded, my voice laced with frustration and disbelief."We are sorry, ma'am. The bathroom pipe has been having an issue for a while now, but the staff neglected it," the manager explained, his tone apologetic.Feeling overwhelmed, I couldn't help but express my distress. "What will I do now? Where will I stay for heaven's sake? It's nighttime!""The hotel is fully booked, as well as all the others in the city. The only available accommodations are in rural area hotels," the manager informed me, his expression reflecting the un
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The Guy next to Her
I lay frozen in place, unable to bring myself to move or even look at Dylan. Shame and regret hit me, and I clung to the pillow next to me as if it were my only lifeline. I didn't want to face the aftermath, the awkwardness of being with my ex-husband after such an intimate moment. So, I kept my eyes shut, hoping to shut out the reality of the situation.After what felt like an eternity, I felt the comforting weight of a bedsheet being draped over my naked body. I could sense Dylan's presence, his silent gesture of concern. I remained still, my mind swirling with conflicting emotions, until exhaustion finally overtook me, and I drifted into an uneasy sleep.The next morning, I awoke to find myself nestled against Dylan's chest, the thin bedspread our only covering. His arms encircled me, and I couldn't stifle the gasp that escaped my lips. "What have I done?" I whispered to myself, regret settling heavily upon me. "How did I let things go this far? Why did I act so impulsively?" I be
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Diego in Trouble
"Excuse me, what do you want?" I demanded, my voice edged with confusion as the stranger took a seat across from me without a meal tray or any apparent reason to be there.He sat there, a disconcerting smile playing on his lips as he gazed at me, his silence unsettling. "Who are you?" I pressed, feeling a growing sense of unease at his unusual behavior. Instead of offering a simple introduction, he rose from his seat and moved to the chair beside me, his proximity setting my nerves on edge."I'm Diego Pretty," he announced his closeness and touch sending shivers down my spine. "Please stop, just leave," I implored, attempting to draw back from his advances. Panic surged through me as he persisted, his hand on my chin, attempting to pull me into a kiss despite my resistance. I struggled against his hold, pushing against him with my hands with all my strength, but he remained firm, his grip so strong on my chin as I fought to free myself from his unwelcome touch.Suddenly a figure was
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A Date with me?
Suddenly Dylan stood up and walked up to me. "Will you go on a date with me?" he asked, holding up two tickets for me to see. I was taken aback by his boldness. Everyone around us erupted into cheers and chants of "Say yes, say yes," as they clapped along with the rhythm. I glanced at them, then back at Dylan, and finally at the tickets before I responded, "Yes."As everyone cheered happily, I couldn't help but feel emotions. I hadn't said yes because of them, but because going on a movie date with Dylan was something I had always wanted to do. It was a chance to fulfill a long-standing wish and find closure in that chapter of my life.Dylan's smile was contagious as we made our way out of the hotel eatery and back to his hotel room. Once inside, he announced, "I'll be back shortly," before dashing out.As I rummaged through my bag, searching for something suitable to wear, the hotel room door swung open, and Dylan entered, holding a box in his hand. I glanced up at him briefly before
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Allison sprinted toward Dylan and enveloped him in a tight embrace, leaving both Dylan and me dumbfounded. Despite the unexpected intrusion, Dylan still hadn't released my hand. After the hug, Allison pushed my hand away and positioned herself between us, clutching onto Dylan's arms as if she never intended to let go. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the dramatic display."What are you doing here?" Dylan inquired, trying to make sense of the sudden turn of events."I miss you, sweetie," Allison replied with a tinge of reproach in her voice. "You haven't called me in days or picked up my calls, so I figured you were busy. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I decided to come and see my man." She cast a critical glance in my direction before fixing a saccharine smile on her face. "Such a pretender," I muttered under my breath, feeling distinctly uncomfortable.Dylan, clearly taken aback by Allison's unannounced arrival, sought to resolve the situation. "You've seen me now, right?" he rea
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Can't Be Dead
As Doctor Stephen's words were making me lose my mind, another doctor suddenly burst out of the operation room, his voice ringing out with a proclamation that defied all expectations. "He's awake... he's alive!" he called out, his announcement cutting through the atmosphere like a ray of hope."What? He was announced dead just moments ago," Doctor Stephen exclaimed in disbelief before hastily rushing back into the operation room. Angela and I clung to each other, our hearts pounding as we continued to pray fervently, our pleas for a miraculous intervention pouring forth in a desperate chorus of hope and faith.Time seemed to stretch endlessly as we maintained our vigil, our entwined hands and whispered prayers a lifeline of hope amid the uncertainty. We beseeched the heavens for a miracle, our souls united in a fervent plea for Nathan's survival and recovery.Finally, Doctor Stephen emerged from the operation room, a radiant smile illuminating his face. "Nathan is alive. He's survived
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The Rape 18+
Struggling to rise from the floor, I gritted my teeth against the pain and slowly pushed myself upright. As I steadied myself, I saw Dylan clutching the pillow tightly, his eyes still glazed from the effects of the drug. "Charlotte... Charlotte….I," he murmured, his voice filled with longing.The sound of his voice calling out her name tore through me, and in a surge of anguish and frustration, I cried out, "Ahhhh... Charlotte!" The pain in my back seemed to amplify my anguish. "I'm going to make your life miserable. I'll ruin you!" My words rang out with anger and despair, echoing in the room."I can't bear this any longer. I can't allow this to happen," I whispered to myself, my mind racing with desperation. "Using the drug again would have a severe impact on Dylan. and I can't let that happen. He's my only link to wealth. It has to happen tonight. Dylan must have sex with me."As I remembered the plans Sonia had shared with me, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "P
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Soon to Be One and Only
Allison POV"Let me go!" I choked out, struggling against Dylan's relentless grip on my neck. Panic surged through me as I fought for breath, feeling the heat rise within me and my vision blurring. "Please... I might die..." I screamed, desperation lacing my words as I pleaded for release. Finally, Dylan relented, releasing his hold on my neck. Gasping for air, I collapsed to the floor, coughing and wheezing, the sensation of nearly being choked to death overwhelming me.Dylan, wordless, made his way to the bed and sat down heavily, his hand coming to rest on his head. Meanwhile, I remained on the floor, clutching my neck, the trauma of the moment leaving me shaken and struggling to regain my composure.*****For the past two weeks in Germany, Dylan has been avoiding me. He barely speaks, immersing himself in meetings, working on his fashion project, and constantly calling Charlotte. Every attempt I make to engage him is met with rejection. I've tried speaking to him, reaching out to
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