All Chapters of Craving My Ex Luna: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
148 Chapters
Lorenzo:I hid Clarissa behind me and stared at the door. It was pushed open and someone walked in. My body became tense and the stranger and I locked eyes. He had a smile on his face and walked casually into the living room.I was stunned and confused. Who was he and what did he think he was doing?“Lovely place you have here," he said lightly as he looked around the living room. “What happened to the wall though? Is this…coffee.”He stared at the stain with intrigue and I pulled Rissa even closer to me. His mannerisms worried me. He seemed so comfortable walking into a home that wasn't his.I sniffed the air and his scent made my heart skip a beat. He was a wolf.Was he a rogue? One of Hazan's wolves maybe?"Who are you?”I snarled back at him and he finally turned to me. He smiled and glanced at Rissa who was still standing behind me."I will not ask again, who are you?”I bared my fangs and could feel my wolf bubbling to the surface. I was ready to rip this man to pieces but he di
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Erica:I sat at home and the kids played with their toys. I watched them but my mind had drifted far off.Lorenzo his morning for his doctor's appointment. Part of me was happy that he left. My wolf seemed uncomfortable around him though he had been nothing but wonderful to me.I sighed. Maybe it was the guilt I felt for sleeping with Dante. It still haunted me and yet, deep down in my soul, I still craved him.I had spent the night with Lorenzo. For the first time in many nights, we slept together. My skin crawled as he wrapped his arms around me.My every instinct was to push him away. I couldn't explain the relief that I felt when he let go of me turned over, and fell asleep.I didn't sleep much and spent the whole night being lost in thought.Part of me didn't believe Lorenzo but I had no evidence to doubt him earlier. It did make sense why he would be embarrassed to tell me and why he would want to sleep in a different room.But, something was off. His eyes…they seemed shady and
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Dante:“Damn it!”I was close to slamming the phone on the floor. Erica was still ignoring my calls.I growled and shoved the phone back into my pocket. I was at the hospital and it was a mess. The doctors were running around and the security officers were posted at the door, trying to keep Laura's dad and the other crazy members of the council out of the hospital.I looked at my watch. Fuck! It was getting late. What was taking them so long?I could hear the ruckus that came from outside and the council members violently yelling and demanding that they be allowed inside the hospital.I scoffed. Those old geezers were not going to come in here until the tests were done.I pulled out my phone and dialed Erica's number again. If only she would talk to me. I knew deep down that Laura wasn't pregnant for me. If only Erica would pick up my calls and I could explain everything to her…“Dante!"My ears were pierced by a high-pitched yell. I turned my head around.Fuck! What was she doing her
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Erica:Saturday rolled around the corner pretty quickly. The entire week I was on edge and it wasn't just me. Lorenzo seemed more unhinged than usual and Dante's calls came in so frequently that I had to make the painful decision of blocking him.I had to focus on this date. I was determined to make it up to Lorenzo for not being there for him when he needed me.I exhaled as I stood in front of the dressing mirror putting on earrings. Lorenzo had gotten me a new dress for the occasion. It was a beautiful dress that was just perfect for a summer evening. Not too casual and not too flashy.However, something about his gifts didn't sit well with me. They made me uncomfortable and put my wolf I'll at ease.For days she sat in my head, moping and moody. I still couldn't get her to see reason. We couldn't be with Dante.I was finally able to get my earrings on. I was about to fasten my necklace around my neck when I felt someone behind me.I turned around and gasped in surprise.“Lorenzo?"
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Clarissa:My heart skipped a beat. My plans began to feel sweaty. My heart was racing and my breath was heavy.They…they knew each other?! He never mentioned that!This is bad. This is really bad. Lorenzo was just as shocked as I was and he cast me a look of accusation but I shrugged lightly. I didn't know this. I was just as confused as he was.Erica and Javier were still looking at each other. She was flabbergasted but Javier kept a smile on his face. What was up with this guy? What did he want with Erica?“Javier…you're…you're Clarissa's mate?”He smiled and his bright golden eyes lit up. They looked so warm and innocent, nothing like the gaze he gave us when he came to my house to strike this bargain with me."Yes. She has told me a lot about you but I didn't think that it was the same Erica. This is a shock for me as well.”My heart was still beating violently. I was already uncomfortable about the way he was holding me and now, this had to come up.Lorenzo glared at me and I saw
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Erica:“Erica, will you…will you make me the happiest man and marry me?”He held my hand tenderly.I sat staring at the ring that was just a few centimeters from my fingers. My heart was pounding in my chest.How long had he had this planned? Was this why he was acting all funny these past few days?I felt the tension in the room multiply. All eyes were on me. Everyone was expecting me to say ‘yes’.My insides churned. I felt so uncomfortable.I saw the deep brown of Lorenzo's eyes. Something about them was off.I had watched movies and had seen the glee and bundled excitement that was in the man's eyes when he popped the question. He was happy and it almost felt like the happiness radiated all around and even out of the screen.But now, I was here. It was my turn and all I could feel for this man on his knees before me was…Nothing.I felt nothing for him. No love, no affection. Part of me felt that I could tell that he had no real love for me either. His beautiful brown eyes were pl
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Dante:I was in my room. It was a mess. The furniture was turned upside down and the bedding was all over the floor.I sat in the corner of the room. I was a miserable mess. A bottle of wine was a few inches from my foot.In my hands, I had another bottle, half drunk.I took another swing and the liquid filled my mouth again and filled my stomach with a comforting warmth as it went down my throat.My phone was beside me and its screen was bright. Erica's number was the only thing glaring at me. I had called her ever since the incident at the hospital but there was still nothing.“Fuck!"I slammed my head on the wall behind me. My wolf was miserable. I hadn't seen her for days and I didn't know that it would take this toll on me.I had Laura out of my life. I could be with her now. I just needed her to give me a chance to explain things. Why wouldn't she pick my calls?I took another large gulp from the bottle of wine that I had in my hand. I didn't have any other numbers that I could
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Dante:Robert turned to the door and left. I felt my claws sink into the table but I put myself under control.“Come in."Erica walked in and I felt my wolf leap at the sight of her. I could barely control myself. My breathing was erratic and my body was tense. I wanted to grab her and kiss her. I wanted to make her mine.“Erica…”Her name was like milk on my tongue and it escaped my lips in a desire-filled breathy way.Her eyes dazzled me but in their beauty, there was a deep sadness.I rushed to her. My body wanted to feel her against it. I wanted to relish the scent of her perfume and hair. I wanted…“Stop."She put a hand out in front of me and I stopped in my tracks.“Good morning, Dante.–"Her voice and mannerisms were cold. She clutched her bag close to her chest and stood away from me.“–May I have a seat?"I hurriedly gestured to a chair and she sat down. I sat down as well. My eyes feasted on her and I felt all my desires for her spring to life once more. I was still despera
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Dante:Monday rolled around the corner and I was in my office.Sunday was busy and I didn't get a wink of sleep. I had really let myself go. I had stubbles on my beard and my hair had grown unkept.I got a well-deserved haircut and shave. I needed to look perfect.I sat impatiently in my office. Erica had told me that she was coming by 9 a.m. I had come an entire hour early and now I was stuck looking frantically at my watch.The minutes seemed to pass by slowly. I felt anxiety rise inside of me. It was soul-crushing. I could barely take it.It was 8:30 a.m. I had managed to wait thirty gruesome minutes. I could…Knock! Knock!My heart skipped a beat. She was here. I readjusted my cuffs but soon the scent hit me. That wasn't Erica.The door opened and Robert came inside. He had a grin on his face as he looked me over.“What a transformation. I was getting worried about you. When you came out of your room yesterday, I almost didn't recognize you."He took up a seat and I stared at him
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Erica:I was dumbfounded. He stood there, at the door staring at me. He refused to move.My heart was trembling. I had to go. I couldn't stay any longer.“Dante, move out of the way."“No. Not until you say what I asked you to say, Erica. If you really want to leave, tell me, make me believe that you would rather spend your life with Lorenzo than be with me.I opened my mouth but I felt it clamp shut. I couldn't lie. I had exhausted all my lies. Any more and my heart would shatter to pieces.His bright green eyes stared into my soul. My body was captured with fear, fear of what was to come if I kept staying here."I am waiting, Erica.”His voice made my heart skip a beat. I still couldn't say a word. Damn this! Why did this have to happen to me now?I averted my gaze and stared at the ring on my finger. I ran a finger across it and the bumpy stone stubbed my fingers a little bit.I didn't love Lorenzo. Being with him felt like being with a stranger. Kissing him, touching him felt revo
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