All Chapters of His Daddy Is My Second Chance Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
173 Chapters
101: Alpha King’s death
Alpha Caden’s POV After the messenger delivered the shocking news, my mind raced with a whirlwind of questions. He looks so stoic and serious but also respectful at the same time. He isn’t laughing at my shocked and flabbergasted expression. "What happened to the Alpha King? How did he die? Why am I being summoned?" But the messenger remained steadfast, his expression unreadable as he replied with a respectful tone. "I am not permitted to disclose any further information, Your Majesty." He said, his head bowed a little. This is getting serious. The weight of his words hit me like a physical blow. "Your Majesty?" I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper. The title sounded foreign on my lips, a stark reminder of the immense responsibility that now lay before me.The messenger nodded solemnly, confirming my suspicions. "Yes, Your Majesty. You are summoned to the Alpha King's palace to assume your rightful place as the new Alpha King."A wave of disbelief washed over me, mingled w
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102: Alpha King?
Aurora’s POV I paced back and forth in the bathroom, my mind racing with disbelief as I made my way to the mirror to converse with myself since I am apparently going crazy with so many things I want to say but cannot. I mean, I only have my best friend to talk to and I cannot exactly tell her her father is my mate. "Okay, yes, I am shocked," I muttered, the words tumbling out in a breathless rush. "I mean, what the hell? Alpha Caden is the next Alpha King?" My voice rose with incredulity, echoing the disbelief that churned within me.As I grappled with the staggering revelation, I found myself struggling to make sense of it all. "Yeah, never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought of something like this," I continued, my words tinged with incredulity. "I mean, no one ever has because my dad was so shocked when he heard." The memory of my father's stunned reaction only served to deepen my confusion."And the rest of the pack members..." I trailed off, my brows furrowing in bewilder
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103: His Majesty
Alpha Caden’s POV We approached the Alpha King's palace, I was awe-struck by its grandeur. The palace stood tall and majestic, its gleaming towers reaching towards the sky. The architecture was breathtaking, adorned with intricate carvings and ornate details that spoke of centuries of history and tradition.Weentered the palace grounds, the sight that greeted us was nothing short of mesmerizing. The gardens were a riot of color, with vibrant flowers blooming in perfectly manicured beds. Fountains sparkled in the sunlight, their crystal-clear waters cascading down marble sculptures. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of roses and the sound of birdsong. Everything here screams opulence and real power. Not the one alphas all over the world desperately want. This is real sovereignty. Inside the palace, every room seemed more opulent than the last. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of heroic deeds and ancient battles. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casti
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104: I need my MATE
Alpha Caden’s POVEach elder rose from their seats, a sense of solemnity pervaded the room, their movements deliberate and respectful. One by one, they introduced themselves with a deep bow, their voices resonating with authority and wisdom."I am Elder Bront," began the first, his voice resonant with age and experience."I am Elder Thorne," spoke the second, his demeanor exuding strength and resilience.The third elder, a figure of quiet power, introduced himself as Elder Oak, his gaze unwavering as he acknowledged me. I’m sure he used to be one of the best warriors before old age came to him. "I am Elder Ash," stated the fourth, his voice carrying the weight of centuries-old knowledge.Finally, the fifth elder, with an air of regal bearing, introduced himself as Elder Sage, his presence commanding attention. He looks like someone that commands a war and is never used to hearing the word no. Throughout their introductions, I remained seated, a sense of bewilderment washing over me
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105: A good distraction
Aurora’s POV Alpha Caden's entrance into the parlor was marked by an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. His gaze, fierce and penetrating, seemed to lock onto me with a primal ferocity that set my heart racing. There was a hunger in his eyes, a raw desire that spoke volumes without the need for words."Please come, little fox," he said, his voice low and gravelly, each word laced with a potent mixture of command and longing. His words cut through the air with a weight that seemed to hang between us, unspoken yet palpable. My chest aches with the need to comfort him knowing something has made him this unstable. He has never looked so weak and strong in my eyes like right now. Beside me, Lilian tensed, her eyes flickering with a flicker of uncertainty. She knew the significance of his words, the history that lay between us like an invisible thread woven through the fabric of our lives. And though she remained silent, I could see the questions swirling in her mind, the doubt t
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106: Teetering colors
Aurora’s POV “You’re so beautiful. My beautiful little fox. Tell me you’re mine.” He whispered in my ear, his hands roaming everywhere and anywhere. I lick my lips and say it, breathlessly. He slowly started moving me back to a bed I had no idea existed. A corner in the room is so dark that you can’t see anything but that isn’t my concern. I want to be fucked by this monster of mine right now. He moves his hand from the center of my chest to one of my breasts, gently caressing it. He passes his thumb back and forth over my rigid nipple. He slides his hand down my belly and between my legs.“Tell me this is mine.” He growled in my ear, his sharp fangs now biting gently on it. My answer is faint. “It’s yours. You know it is. I think my heart is giving out.”“Hush now. No more sound unless I ask you a question.” He leaned his head down to my neck where a very much concealed mark of his lies. The bed moves, then I feel Caden’s hot mouth in the center of me. I draw in a hard breath a
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107: A malicious cousin
Aurora’s POV The sudden clap shattered the tranquility of the room, sending a jolt of fear coursing through my veins. Alpha Caden's swift reaction, pulling me close and shielding my body with his own, offered a fleeting sense of security, though deep down, I knew it wouldn't be enough to conceal our indiscretion.In the dimness of the room, the source of the sound remained obscured, casting a veil of uncertainty over the scene. My heart pounded in my chest, the weight of anticipation heavy in the air as we waited for the intruder to reveal themselves.As moments stretched into an agonizing silence, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety creeping in. Who could it be? A member of the pack? A servant? The possibilities raced through my mind, each one more unsettling than the last.And then, just as the tension reached its peak, a voice broke the silence, its tone laced with unmistakable authority. Despite Alpha Caden's efforts to shield me, I braced myself for the inevitable confro
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108: Abandoned and lost
Aurora’s POV Stepping out into the corridor, I scanned the area in search of Alpha Caden, but he was nowhere to be found. A pang of despair shot through me as I realised he had left without a trace. It felt as though something inside me had shattered, leaving behind a hollow ache. Yeah I don’t know what the hell that was but it hurts like a freaking bitch. I hate being hurt. It takes me so long to recover especially in this kind of way. The weight of his absence settled heavily on my shoulders, and a chilling cold seemed to seep into my bones. The realisation that something had irrevocably changed between us gnawed at me, leaving me feeling lost and alone. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I struggled to come to terms with the sudden rift between us. It was a sobering realisation that whatever bond we once shared may now be irreparably damaged.I don’t even know why I think there is something between us when Alpha Caden has said it more than once and very clearly that he
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109: Angry king
Alpha Caden’s POV I strode back to the throne room, my steps heavy with pent-up frustration and anger. As I settled into my seat among the elders, I could feel their eyes on me, sensing the tension radiating from my every pore. My hands clenched into fists, my knuckles turning white with the force of my emotions.Despite the burning fury coursing through my veins, I remained silent, refusing to give voice to the storm raging within me. I knew that speaking out in anger would only escalate the situation further, and I couldn't afford to lose control, not now.The elders exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the turmoil brewing beneath my calm facade. They wisely chose to remain silent, understanding the gravity of the situation and the precariousness of the moment.But despite my efforts to contain my rage, I could feel it simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment. If it weren't for the constraints of decorum and duty, I would have unleashed my wrath upon
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110: Sinister man
Aurora’s POV I stood in the center of the lavishly decorated parlor, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. The warmth of Lilian's embrace offered a fleeting moment of solace, a much-needed respite from the turmoil swirling inside me.But before I could fully savor the comfort of her presence, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as Alexander strode into the room with his characteristic sinister smile. His presence seemed to cast a shadow over the otherwise serene surroundings, his dark aura suffusing the air with tension and unease.I tensed instinctively as his gaze fell upon me, a shiver running down my spine at the sight of that malevolent grin. There was something unsettling about the way he carried himself, a predatory confidence that sent alarm bells ringing in the depths of my mind.As he approached, his eyes gleaming with malice, I braced myself for whatever venomous words he had in store. It was clear that he took pleasure in my di
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