All Chapters of His Daddy Is My Second Chance Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
173 Chapters
121: Drunk Lilian
Alpha Caden’s POV As the days passed in a blur of ceaseless activity within the palace, I found myself consumed by the demands of my newfound role as Alpha King. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of meetings and responsibilities, there was a conspicuous absence that weighed heavily on my mind - Aurora.Despite my efforts to seek her out, she remained elusive, her presence conspicuously absent from the corridors of the palace. The same could be said for Lucas, who rebuffed all attempts at communication, and Alexander, who seemed to have vanished into the shadows.Even Lilian, my steadfast companion and confidante, appeared to be keeping her distance, her usual warmth replaced by an air of reticence and avoidance. With each passing day, the sense of isolation grew, leaving me to ponder the significance of their absence.My own children are trying to stay away from me. What on earth?Was I so consumed by the duties of my new role that I had inadvertently neglected those closest to me? The thoug
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122: A missing queen
Alpha Caden’s POV With a furrowed brow and a heart heavy with concern, I navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, my footsteps echoing hollowly against the cool marble floors as I made my way towards Aurora's room. Something within me feels like I’m too late. The dim glow of lamplight cast flickering shadows upon the walls, lending an air of mystery to the silent halls as I pondered the cryptic words that had passed between Lilian and me. She left me a message. I approached Aurora's door, a sense of trepidation gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, uncertainty clouding my thoughts as I grappled with the implications of Lilian's accusations. What did she mean by "taking Aurora away"? Did she know about our bond, our connection as mates? Or was there some other rift that had formed between them in my absence? Is Aurora also avoiding her because of my mistake? With a hesitant hand, I rapped softly upon the polished wood, the sound echoing through the stillness of the n
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123: Time for retribution
Alpha Caden’s POV The weight of guilt pressed down on me like a suffocating blanket, each breath a struggle against the overwhelming sense of failure that threatened to consume me. Alone in the darkness of my chambers, I tossed and turned, unable to find solace in sleep as the echoes of Aurora's absence reverberated through the empty spaces around me.With each passing moment, the anger within me simmered and seethed, a fierce blaze of frustration and self-loathing that burned bright against the backdrop of my thoughts. Lucian's silence echoed in the depths of my mind, a silent condemnation of my failures, his presence a constant reminder of the bond I had broken."Why?" I whispered into the darkness, the words heavy with the weight of my regret as I pleaded with the empty air for answers I knew would never come. "Why am I like this? Why do I always ruin everything?"But the silence that greeted me was deafening, a stark reminder of the emptiness that filled the void where Aurora's
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124: New adventures
Aurora’s POV I unpacked my belongings in the sparsely furnished apartment, I couldn't shake the lingering sensation of unease that had settled in the pit of my stomach. It felt like a leap, a sudden jolt that had caught me off guard, but I brushed it off as nothing more than the effects of jet lag from the long flight.Focusing on the task at hand, I methodically arranged my few possessions in the unfamiliar space, trying to create some semblance of order amid the chaos of my thoughts. Yet, no matter how I tried to distract myself, the nagging feeling of disquiet remained, a persistent whisper at the edge of my consciousness.I pushed aside the intrusive thoughts, chalking up the strange sensation to fatigue and the stress of recent events. After all, there were more pressing matters at hand than indulging in unfounded paranoia.But deep down, beneath the layers of rationalization, a seed of doubt had been planted, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Ignoring t
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125: New beginnings?
Aurora’s POV After indulging in a day-long feast of culinary delights, I returned home feeling both satisfied and utterly exhausted. I haven’t eaten this much in a while too. Never really had the time working for Alpha Caden and all. The weight of my indulgence hung heavy in my belly, rendering me incapable of even the simplest tasks. As I lay sprawled out on my bed, surrounded by bags of groceries waiting to be unpacked, I found myself immobilized by a wave of lethargy.Despite my best intentions, I couldn't muster the energy to move a single inch. The soft comfort of my bed beckoned to me, enticing me to sink deeper into its embrace and surrender to the blissful haze of post-feast lethargy.With each passing moment, the groceries remained untouched, their contents tantalizingly out of reach but ultimately forgotten in the face of my overwhelming exhaustion. It was a rare moment of surrender, a temporary respite from the demands of the outside world as I allowed myself to succumb t
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126: A scorned king
Alpha Caden’s POV I followed Lucian's lead, a sense of determination coursed through me, driving out the lingering doubts and uncertainties. With each step, my resolve hardened, fueled by a simmering anger that threatened to consume me.The palace corridors stretched out before us, silent and foreboding, as if holding its breath in anticipation of the confrontation to come. Lucian moved with purpose, his instincts guiding us unerringly toward our quarry.The least I could do for Lucian is let him teach the man that chased away his mate even though I also have my fault. One thing about Lucian, he punishes everyone and I won’t be escaping this. He will remind me for the next years to come. Finally, we reached our destination: a secluded chamber tucked away in a remote corner of the palace. The air crackled with tension as we approached, the weight of our purpose bearing down upon us like a tangible force. He was there. Lucian felt him. Without a word, Lucian pushed open the door, rev
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126: Revenge for the queen
Alpha Caden’s POV With a commanding gesture, I motioned for the women to leave, my expression a mask of cold resolve. They hesitated for a moment, casting furtive glances at Alexander before scurrying from the room like frightened rabbits, their silken garments billowing behind them.As the last of them disappeared through the door, leaving us alone in the dimly lit chamber, I turned my attention to Alexander, my gaze burning with fury. He stood before me, naked and unrepentant, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.I advanced on him slowly, each step filled with a simmering rage that threatened to boil over at any moment. Lucian prowled at my side, his eyes fixed on our quarry with a predatory intensity."Dear cousin," I growled, the sound low and menacing in the hushed confines of the chamber. "You have much to answer for."But Alexander only laughed, a sound that grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. He sauntered forward, his movements languid and insolent, until h
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127: Genuine happiness
Aurora’s POV After tending to my morning chores and putting away the groceries, I found myself with some rare free time. With nothing pressing on my agenda, I decided to indulge in a guilty pleasure—binge-watching movies.I settled into the cozy confines of my living space, surrounded by the comforting familiarity of home. With a wide array of o lookmovies at my disposal, I scrolled through my options, eager to lose myself in the world of cinema.As the opening credits rolled on the screen, I sank deeper into the cushions, relishing the escape from reality that movies offered. With each film, I allowed myself to be transported to different worlds, immersing myself in captivating stories and larger-than-life characters.Hours slipped away unnoticed as I surrendered to the allure of the silver screen, my worries and responsibilities fading into the background. For a brief moment, I allowed myself to forget the challenges that lay ahead and simply enjoy the simple pleasure of cinematic
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128: Shock or…?
Alpha Caden’s POV With firm resolve, I strode through the grand corridors of the palace, my footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors. The weight of my decision hung heavy in the air as I made my way to the throne room, the gravity of the moment palpable with each passing moment.I feel like I have aged a million years in the past few months and I’m not liking it at all. It seems like everyone is after my life in this palace, not only Alexander. Even the Elders want me to do everything at the same time. I mean, I don't know how being a king is.I entered the opulent chamber, the elders turned their attention to me, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Standing tall at the head of the room, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. Not that they will stop me. No force will be able to."My esteemed elders," I began, my voice steady and commanding, "I have come to address an important matter regarding the coronation."A ripple of murmur
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129: More truths to unearth
Alpha Caden’s POV As the guards released their hold on the man, he staggered backward, his eyes widening in disbelief as he turned to face me. In that moment of confrontation, our gazes locked in a silent exchange fraught with astonishment and recognition.I could see the shock writ large across his features, mirrored by the incredulity reflected in my own expression. It was as though we were beholding mirrored images of ourselves, separated by time and circumstance yet undeniably connected by a shared likeness that defied explanation.For a fleeting instant, the air crackled with the tension of unspoken realization, the weight of our mutual discovery hanging heavy between us. Here stood two men, strangers bound by the inexplicable bond of resemblance, their fates intertwined in a twist of fate neither could have foreseen.The gravity of our encounter settled upon us, a sense of surreal disbelief descended, mingling with the dawning recognition of the strange and inexplicable connect
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