All Chapters of His Daddy Is My Second Chance Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
173 Chapters
130: Hospital time
Aurora’s POV I stepped into the hospital, my mind preoccupied with a myriad of thoughts and uncertainties, I found myself unexpectedly crossing paths with a young nurse. I really wasn’t up for pleasantries but he didn’t see that and I thought he might be able to help me. His warm smile and gentle demeanor offered a brief respite from the turmoil swirling within me, drawing my attention and momentarily easing the weight of my burdens.Dressed in the crisp sky blue scrub of a medical professional, he exuded an air of quiet confidence, his eyes sparkling with a hint of curiosity as he greeted me with genuine warmth. Despite the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon me, his presence brought a fleeting sense of comfort, a brief interlude of tranquility amidst the storm. I don’t want to feel alone right now. With a polite nod and a soft-spoken greeting, he extended a welcoming hand, his gentle touch imbued with a sense of reassurance that stirred a faint flicker of hope within
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131: Night breakdown
Aurora’s POV I sat there, chatting with the doctor and trying to keep my mind off the impending test results, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, mingled with a faint undercurrent of apprehension. Despite my attempts to remain calm and composed, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon me, casting a shadow of uncertainty over my thoughts.Then, in a whirlwind of emotions, the moment of truth arrived. The doctor returned to the room, a small slip of paper clutched in his hand, his expression a mixture of professionalism and compassion."Here are the results," he said gently, offering me the paper with a reassuring smile. "Take your time reading through them."With trembling hands, I accepted the paper, my heart pounding in my chest as I unfolded it to reveal the words written within. And there it was, in bold black letters that seemed to leap off the page and sear themselves into my consciousness: "Positive."For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the weight of tho
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131: The doppelgänger
Alpha Caden’s POV In the dimly lit confines of the cell, I stood facing my doppelganger, his eyes ablaze with a fierce intensity that sent shivers down my spine. There is no denying there is something I share with this man that goes deeper than his hatred for me. His features, once so familiar, were twisted now with rage and malice, a stark contrast to the reflection of myself that I beheld in his visage. His eyes that I could see now with the help of the lights in the cell, were icy blue. Like mine. I had hoped to reason with him, to appeal to whatever shred of humanity still lingered within his soul, but it was clear now that such efforts would be in vain. He was consumed by a singular purpose, driven by a relentless desire for vengeance that brooked no negotiation or compromise.He paced back and forth within the confines of his prison, his movements were tense and agitated, like a caged animal desperate to break free from its shackles. With each passing moment, the tension in t
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132: More dirt
Alpha Caden’s POV I stood before the cell that held my lookalike, the air thick with tension and unspoken animosity, I knew that this encounter would define the path ahead. He glared at me with a mixture of hatred and defiance, his eyes blazing with an intensity that mirrored my own."Who are you?" I demanded, my voice cold and unwavering, betraying none of the turmoil that raged within me.He sneered, a cruel twist of his lips that spoke volumes of his contempt. His reason for this is still unknown to me and I am curious to know. Why is he trying so hard to kill me when he doesn’t even know? When we could even be brothers?"I am your reflection," he spat, his words laced with venom. "The one you abandoned, the one you left to rot while you lived a life of luxury and privilege."I felt a pang of guilt at his words, a nagging doubt that whispered of truths long buried beneath the veneer of my own self-righteousness. But I pushed it aside, steeling myself for the confrontation that lay
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133: Caleb
Alpha Caden’s POV I approached the cell the next day, a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension churned within me. I couldn't help but wonder if my efforts to reach out to my lookalike had borne any fruit, if there was a glimmer of understanding amidst the hostility that had defined our previous encounter.To my surprise, as I gazed through the bars of the cell, I found my counterpart clad in new clothes, his demeanor markedly different from the previous day. Though his gaze still held a hint of defiance, there was a subtle shift in his posture, a flicker of curiosity that danced behind his eyes.I couldn't suppress a sense of relief at the sight of him, dressed in attire befitting his station rather than the tattered remnants of his former self. It was a small victory, but in that moment, it felt like a step in the right direction.As our eyes met, I offered a tentative nod, a silent acknowledgment of the progress that had been made. Despite the lingering tension that hung b
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134: Unresolved issues
Aurora’s POV I navigated the bustling streets, the weight of the takeout containers in my hand serving as a tangible reminder of my insatiable appetite, I couldn't shake the unsettling sensation that lingered at the edges of my consciousness. It was a feeling akin to being watched, the hairs on the back of my neck prickling with a heightened sense of awareness as I cast furtive glances over my shoulder, searching for any sign of the unseen presence that seemed to dog my every step.The bustling thoroughfare thrummed with the pulse of city life, the cacophony of voices and the rhythmic hum of traffic providing a discordant backdrop to my mounting unease. Every shadow seemed to conceal hidden threats, every passerby a potential adversary, as I warily made my way through the crowded streets, acutely aware of the eyes that tracked my movements from the shadows.Though I tried to dismiss my apprehension as mere paranoia, a nagging sense of dread gnawed at the edges of my consciousness,
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135: Am I heartbroken?
Aurora’s POV The tension crackled between us like a live wire, each word laden with the weight of unspoken truths and unresolved emotions that hung heavy in the air. Lucas's gaze bore into mine with an intensity that bordered on unnerving, I felt the walls I had erected around my heart tremble, threatened by the vulnerability that threatened to breach their defenses."Stop with your games, Lucas," I began, my voice a low growl of frustration as I sought to steel myself against the tumult of emotions that threatened to engulf me. "I don't want to be part of it, do you understand? I want nothing to do with you or whatever this is that you're playing." I ground out as seriously as I could. But even as the words tumbled from my lips, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of doubt that lingered in the recesses of my mind, a nagging reminder of the unresolved tension that simmered beneath the surface of our fractured relationship."It's not a game, Ro," Lucas countered, his voice tinged wi
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136: A bumpy road
Alpha Caden’s POV As the days passed, I found myself spending more time with Caleb, my enigmatic twin whose presence seemed to cast a shadow of intrigue over the tumultuous landscape of my life. I don’t even know what to call this moment of my life. With each passing moment, we delved deeper into the recesses of our shared past, unraveling the tangled web of secrets and lies that had long ensnared our fates in the cruel embrace of destiny. So much going wrong at once. On the third day of our reunion, I made a decision that would forever alter the course of our shared destinies. With a heavy heart and a sense of trepidation that lingered like a specter in the depths of my soul, I approached the guards and issued a solemn decree."Arrange a room for Caleb," I instructed, my voice tinged with a mixture of uncertainty and resolve. "He will stay here with me."And as the guards scurried to carry out my bidding, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store for us, two lost so
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137: Once and for all
Aurora’s POV Aurora’s POV I found myself constantly looking over my shoulder, a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of my consciousness. With each passing moment, the fear of Lucas finding my home grew more palpable, a nagging sense of dread that lingered in the back of my mind like a dark shadow.I took every precaution to remain hidden, ensuring that my movements were shrouded in secrecy and my presence remained undetected. Yet, despite my best efforts, the thought of Lucas discovering my whereabouts haunted me like a specter, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked just beyond the safety of my walls. I hate not having my own privacy no matter how much I try. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of the wind outside, sent a shiver down my spine, a silent testament to the ever-present threat that loomed on the horizon. I knew that Lucas was relentless in his pursuit, his determination matched only by his fervent desire to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his
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138: Two brothers
Alpha Caden’s POV Sitting across from Caleb, I felt the weight of years of separation pressing down on us, the unspoken distance between us shrinking with each passing moment. It was strange to sit face to face with someone who shared my own features, my own voice, my own essence, yet felt like a stranger in so many ways.I began to recount the tumultuous journey that had brought me to this moment, I could see the curiosity flickering in Caleb's eyes, his expression a mixture of fascination and disbelief. He listened intently as I wove the tapestry of my past, each thread a testament to the trials and tribulations that had shaped me into the man I had become."I was born into a world of chaos and uncertainty," I began, my voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "My parents were rogues, drifters who wandered from pack to pack, never staying in one place for long. They were never there for me, never offered me the stability and security that every child deserves."Caleb's brow furrowe
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