All Chapters of His Daddy Is My Second Chance Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
173 Chapters
111: Time to move on?
Alpha Caden’s POV I paced back and forth in my room, the weight of the day's events heavy on my shoulders. Despite the turmoil swirling within me, there was a nagging voice in the back of my mind urging me to seek out Aurora, to apologize for my cold demeanor and explain the turmoil that had consumed me.It doesn’t justify shit but I hope she will understand. But as much as I longed to seek solace in her presence, I resisted the urge, knowing that it wasn't fair to burden her with my own internal struggles. Besides, there was a part of me that hesitated to confront her, a lingering sense of shame at how I had acted in front of her earlier.Instead, I forced myself to focus on regaining control of my emotions, to push aside the anger and frustration that threatened to consume me. It was Alexander's fault, I reminded myself bitterly, for disrupting the fragile peace that had briefly settled over me.Despite the awe-inspiring beauty that surrounded me, I found little solace in the gran
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112: A steamy night
Aurora’s POV My closed eyes flash open when Alpha Caden pulls back, crushes my waist between his palms, and grinds my pussy against his muscular thigh. He keeps thrusting my hips back and forth until the texture of his pants rubs on my clit. The friction, too intense, and I’m shameless, not caring I’ll leave a wet patch on his thigh. At this point I don’t even care what happens to his pants to be honest. I just want to get there. I don’t know where but there is a limit I need to reach. “Fuck… Yes!” I encourage, sighing with pleasure at the fact that he finally ended the torment.Primal need darkens his sharp features and he demands, “Say you’re my whore.” Our eyes meet as I lick my trembling lips. “Say it, little fox.”“I-I’m your whore.” I mumbled, feeling oddly satisfied at the look in his eyes. His grip becomes painful and he uses me like a rag doll, grinding and rocking me against his thigh until an ache builds in my stomach. I clutch onto his shoulders for dear life, loving e
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113: Malfunctioning hormones
Aurora’s POV I awoke from the depths of slumber, my senses slowly returning to the waking world, I found myself bathed in the soft glow of morning light filtering through the curtains. Disoriented and still groggy from sleep, I blinked back the remnants of my dream, the tendrils of its lingering embrace slowly dissipating.How could I dream about having sex with Alpha Caden after the way he has tossed me aside like I meant nothing to him? Nah, something is definitely wrong with my hormones.But as I stirred, a sense of unease washed over me, a nagging feeling of disquiet that refused to be ignored. Casting about the room with bleary eyes, I realized with a start that I was alone—no comforting presence beside me, no warmth to chase away the chill of the morning air.Slowly, the fog of sleep began to lift, and with a dawning sense of clarity, I remembered where I was—the opulent confines of the palace, a world away from the familiar comforts of home. It wasn't just a dream; the reality
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114: Lucas’s arrival
Aurora’s POV Alexander joined us in the dining room, a facade of conviviality masked the tension that simmered beneath the surface. With practised ease, he engaged Alpha Caden in conversation, his tone light and affable, as though oblivious to the frosty reception he received in return.Despite Alpha Caden's curt replies and clipped responses, Alexander persisted, his demeanour unwavering as he continued to address him with a casual familiarity that bordered on insolence. Each word seemed calculated, each gesture laden with subtle implication, as though he revelled in the discomfort he caused. He doesn’t care that he is disrespecting his own king. I would like to see how Alpha Caden would punish him. As the exchange unfolded, a palpable sense of unease settled over the room, casting a shadow over the once jovial atmosphere. Though I remained silent, a knot of apprehension tightened in my chest, a silent witness to the unspoken tensions that simmered between them.Beside me, Lilian
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115: Night talks
Aurora’s POV I lay in my room, the soft tendrils of sleep beginning to envelop me after thinking of everything and nothing, I sensed a presence—a subtle shift in the air that alerted me to someone's presence. Though my eyes remained closed, I listened intently, my senses attuned to the quiet footsteps that approached. I really don’t want to deal with anyone right now and should have closed my door. Why didn’t I again? At first, I remained still, feigning sleep in the hope that the intruder would retreat, but as the scent of familiarity wafted towards me, my heart skipped a beat. It was a scent I knew all too well, a blend of earthy musk and forest pine, tinged with a hint of sorrow and longing. Lucas.With a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, I cracked open my eyes, peering through the darkness to catch a glimpse of the figure standing at the edge of my bed. There, bathed in the soft moonlight that filtered through the window, stood Lucas, his silhouette a haunting echo of the
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116: Once and for all
Alpha Caden’s POV I navigated the corridors towards the throne room, the weight of responsibility heavy on my shoulders, I was startled to encounter Aurora emerging from her bedchamber. Her presence halted me in my tracks, and I couldn't help but notice the subtle signs of fatigue etched upon her features. Her eyes, usually vibrant and full of life, now bore a weariness that hinted at nights spent wrestling with inner demons. The faint lines of tension around her mouth spoke volumes, hinting at unspoken worries that weighed heavily on her mind.Even her tattoos look a little out of place for the first time. For a fleeting moment, I debated altering my course, seizing the opportunity to address her concerns, to offer solace and support in whatever capacity I could. Yet, the urgency of the impending meeting with the elders loomed large in my thoughts, demanding my undivided attention. With a regretful glance in her direction, I reluctantly made the decision to prioritize the pressi
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117: Forsaken or not?
Aurora’s POV I sat in the serene garden, the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds provided a soothing backdrop to my turbulent thoughts. The sun cast dappled patterns of light and shadow across the lush greenery, creating a tranquil atmosphere.My mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and I found myself lost in a sea of contemplation. I have been doing a lot of that lately and it is not healthy at all. Memories of recent encounters with Alpha Caden flooded my thoughts, each one a painful reminder of our strained relationship. The hurt and confusion weighed heavily on my heart, making it difficult to find solace even in the beauty of the surroundings.I had seen Alpha Caden earlier, a fleeting moment that had left me reeling with a mixture of longing and disappointment. His indifference had cut deep, stirring up a storm of emotions within me. Despite my efforts to maintain composure, the hurt threatened to overwhelm me, leaving me feeling adrift and alo
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118: A road blocker
Aurora’s POV With my heart pounding in my chest and tears threatening to spill from my eyes, I stormed away from Alexander, leaving him sitting in the garden behind me. I could hear him laughing at me from behind but I cannot bring myself to be angry at him. Every step felt like a battle against the overwhelming emotions churning inside me—anger, hurt, and betrayal warring for dominance as I made my way back into the palace.I pushed open the ornate doors, my jaw clenched tightly as I scanned the grand halls for any sign of Alpha Caden. My mind was a whirlwind of tumultuous thoughts, each one more agonizing than the last. I can’t take it. This hurts more than when Lucas rejected me. As I rounded a corner, I caught sight of him, a figure moving with purpose down the corridor ahead. His wide shoulders and powerful strides. Without hesitation, I quickened my pace, determination fueling my steps as I closed the distance between us."Alpha Caden!" I called out, my voice laced with a mix
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119: Emotional parting
Aurora’s POV As I made my way through the dimly lit corridors, my resolve faltered with each step. Doubt gnawed at the edges of my determination, threatening to derail my plans before they had even begun. But just as I reached the threshold of the grand entrance, a figure emerged from the shadows, startling me into frozen stillness. I thought it was a guard but no, she stood there in her nightgown looking like an angel. There, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the windows, stood Lilian, her silhouette cast in sharp relief against the darkness that enveloped the palace. Her eyes bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine, a silent question hanging in the air between us.For a moment, neither of us spoke, the weight of unspoken truths heavy upon us. And then, with a slow, deliberate movement, Lilian narrowed her eyes ever so slightly—a silent warning, a silent plea.I knew then that she understood, that she saw through the facade of composu
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120: A leap of fate
Aurora’s POV I traveled for what felt like an eternity, the landscape shifted and morphed around me, a blur of colors and shapes that seemed to mirror the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions churning within my own heart. From trains to cars, and everything in between, I spared no expense in my quest for distance—distance from the pain, from the memories, and most of all, from Alpha Caden. I don’t want to be anywhere around him now or ever. With cash in hand and my card as backup, I journeyed onward, each passing mile a testament to my determination to put as much space as possible between myself and the man who had turned my world upside down. And though I knew deep down that Alpha Caden could find me if he truly wanted to, a part of me clung to the hope that perhaps he wouldn't, that perhaps he would let me disappear into the vast expanse of the world without a second thought. I want that. But even as I traversed the winding roads and bustling cities, the shadow of his absence loom
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