All Chapters of The Alpha’s Quest: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 Chapters
Chapter 31
Chapter 31Romero's povUnder the severe discussion's embrace, as the stars twinkled above like celestial guardians, emerging from the dense undergrowth. My keen eyes scanned the surroundings, my senses heightened by the natural tranquility. A wave of unease washed over me, a subtle disturbance. I had to do something about what I just saw. I thought. I then turned and made my way out of the forest, speedily heading to the palace.I had always been a loyal and devoted delta, my unwavering allegiance to my alpha, alpha Xander unyielding. Wouldn't I be an undevoted delta if I don't make things right? I thought, my heart racing in anger. My alpha Xander was a good one. Why does he have to go through this? From Leila's disappearance to my injuries and all of a sudden, death.With a heavy heart, I made my way to Alpha Xander's office, hoping to find me there, my steps guided by the faint glow of the moon. As I approached the entrance, I noticed alpha Xander sitting sentinel, his piercing
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Chapter 32
Chapter 32Xander povIt took me a while in my office. The next day, I had to go through important things and though hectic, I pushed through until I couldn't take it anymore. I then made my way out of the palace into the forest to handle my mental health better without saying anything to anyone, even to my delta.The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, spidery fingers of light through the dense canopy of the forest. The air, still warm from the day's heat, was heavy with the scent of pine needles and damp earth. A chorus of insects buzzed and chirped, their tiny voices filling the evening silence.With my shoulders broad enough to rival a bear's, I walked through the forest path. I moved with quiet confidence, my boots barely making a sound against the soft earth. I was the alpha of my pack, a leader whose word was law, whose strength was unmatched, but tonight, my mind was troubled. I have sort of peace from the mood goddess but all these still look like fate. I needed the s
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Chapter 33
Chapter 33Xander povMy wolf instincts flared and stopped. He paused, my amber eyes scanning the shifting shadows, my keen nose searching for the source of the unease. The air, once fragrant with the life of the forest, now felt heavy, suffocating."Show yourselves," I commanded, my voice resonating with the power of my alpha status. The shadows, however, remained silent, their shapes contorting in a silent, mocking dance. "I am Aloha Xander, Alpha of the black pool pack. Do you dare to hide in the shadows of my woods? You dare to taunt me?"The shadows seemed to writhe in response, their shifting forms a silent mockery. The air grew colder, the chill clinging to his skin like a spiderweb. I felt a tremor of unease, a prickling sensation that ran down his spine."Do not play games, show yourself." I barked, my voice now a rumble of power. "Show yourselves, or face the consequences.'The shadows remained silent, but their movement seemed to intensify, growing more frenzied and agitate
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34Alessia povInside a simple room located on the second floor of Carlson's building lay my distressed self. With my eyes closed, I forced myself out of my reality. I don't know why, but for some reason, I couldn't sleep in my room anymore, so I had to make my way to my best friend's hoping to see her but she was nowhere to be seen.The whole neighborhood thought of me as Leila's best friend. Little did they know that my actual best friend was Amelia who also happened to be my partner in crime. I had agreed to all the offers 'cause I had always looked at Leila as a fool and dumb bitch. But after the last incident, it felt as though my peace was gone and I couldn't enjoy myself anymore like I used to. Damian was in the red den. I needed to respect myself else I would get picked up. The Red Den was a place I never wished to get into my whole life.It was so late at night. Time was running but I was yet to sleep no matter how I closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I then stood
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Chapter 35
Chapter 35Alessia pov"Leila punish me but don't kill me. You will gain nothing really."I thought and quickly walked into the sitting room to look at the time. It was still 3 am. Scared to go back to bed, I sat on a couch, curled up my body, and stared into space. My mind went blank as I had no idea what I should do.It irked me that I had to live like this ever since the disappearance of Leila. I could no longer move peacefully around the pack because I feared that I would get recognized and some rumor would start in the pack. Most people in the pack already knew about the affair with Damian so of course I was a suspect. I left the public eye for a while hoping that her disappearance with wash away not knowing that it would become stronger with each passing day.Thinking about Alpha Xander who wouldn't let the news of her disappearance slide, I couldn't help but remember his facial expressions in my dream. Would he really kill me if he ever gets to see me?Soon it was 7 am. I had
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Chapter 36
Chapter 36Alessia's povThis man again? I thought. He was familiar. I knew I had seen that face before. Smiling, I stood up and threw his hand back at him.Pretending like nothing happened, I turned to leave."what were you doing at the red den?" his voice came through. I froze as regret washed me I guess I shouldn't have appeared there. Going closer to the red den was another mistake. "I know nothing about what you spit" I replied and started leaving. I made sure I walked faster and did my best to wash away the memories of meeting such a grumpy old man.When I got to the front of Carlson's house, I remembered I had not taken my medicine for the day. I guess I had to go to my house. My wolf was faulty but no one knew 'cause if they knew, it would be a stain to my reputation. On getting to my house, I realized no one was home so I quickly got in, took my medicine, and made my way out again. "You smell of a portion I know." a voice came through from behind. Shocked at the familiar
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Chapter 37
Chapter 37Alessia's povIt felt as though I should kneel and cry at his feet that minute but I had to hold my body system else I'm fucked up.Worried, I had to take out the mask, letting him see my face. I had no idea why I had to go through this but I felt as though it was my karma."Fine but you are not allowed to speak about anything you know," I said to him, making sure I remained strong so he wouldn't notice just how I was vibrating from within."let's meet at 6 pm this evening how about that?" he asked me."sure but where?""Disguise. This is my house," he said, giving me a piece of paper that had the location of his house.Weird! Later that evening, I made my way to his house, feeling enticed that at least I would have fun after a while. Happily, I got to his house. It was an old home. Too old for someone like him to be living in though and it made me doubt if it was actually his home."That's my bed," he said to me without greeting, making me wonder what the fuck it was he w
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Chapter 38
Chapter 38Alessia's povI choked heavily on the water I kept sipping and a few minutes later, I was able to relax and the moment my head touched my bed, I slept off. The next morning, I walked out of my door and saw a man standing there. Could it be the same person the night before? I thought but as soon as he turned, I realized it was a different person entirely. "Do you realize you look suspicious standing in front of a young she-wolf's house?" I asked, my voice so loud. I wanted him to sense my anger. "You are more suspicious so be more quiet to avoid implicating yourself." He said and walked towards me. "By the way, what were you doing with omega Vain?" He asked me and I looked up at him like he was stupid. "I don't know anyone by the name vain. Can you just get out?""I can go but you have to beg me. I know you have a hand in what happened to Leila. If nothing, you know her whereabouts.""I don't know what you are talking about. Why are you harassing me?" I asked him. "Hara
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39Alessia's povLifting it up, I quickly pushed it into one of the deepest wells in the Black pool pack. After that, I ran out and headed to my house. Panting heavily, I was about to open the door when I caught a man standing there and looking at me. What the heck? I swore inside of me. I really didn't want to have to deal with people all the time. "What are you doing there?" He asked me. I couldn't see him clearly as I was famished and tired. "Not your business, not your problem," I said to him and attempted to walk in when he pushed me hard to the floor causing me to almost strain my back muscle. "It's the pack business. Why do I see blood all over you?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes. Like me falling made me more sober. "I want to go in. ""you are going nowhere." He said to me and attempted to go see what was thrown."Look Jack you are my friend and I will never lie to you. You have to listen to me." I said to him. "Shut up I stopped being your friend the mom
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Chapter 40
Chapter 40Alessia's povWhat does he need that for? I thought."Let go of me." I freaked out and before I could say another word, he injected me.Oh no!I cried as I then started losing my consciousness. It turned out he had given me four times the lethal dosage.****I woke up feeling lightheaded as I tossed and turned around what felt like a wooden chair.Where was I? I thought as I looked around and realized where I was. This house again? I turned around to see if anyone was around but no one was there to pay attention to me.Smiling a bit, I stretched my legs. For some reason, I felt better. On the table close to the wooden bed, I sighed balms and native drinks. Did he treat me himself? Where could he be? I said and started feeling a bit careful. Sitting up, I put on the footwear that clearly wasn't mine as I sought escape. But on reaching the door, I realized, I was naked. Shit! I spat and rushed back to the bed, quickly covering my body hoping no one had seen me."where is h
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