All Chapters of The Alpha’s Quest: Chapter 81 - Chapter 85
85 Chapters
Chapter 81
Chapter 81Carlson's pov"You traitor. You are an animal." I said as I did all I could, trying my best to hurt him so badly. Dragging his neck in my bittered state, I hit his head numerous times on the wall, my mission, to break his skull."I didn't tell you to treat her bad! He screamed back at me."You failed in your responsibility as a father and husband. Your foolishness is the reason my lover is in the red den tight in this fucking pack and all you have to do about that is stand here and scream about how betrayed you feel? How about when you hurt her at the beginning of the relationship? After hurting me, you went ahead and hurt the woman of my life and expect me never to retaliate? Nah! This is the best time to get back to you. The best time to show you who is boss. Who told you and your alpha that you would get away from me? I hate you! I hate Xander and I will make every single one of you pay just like I let the other enemies die like chickens." he said, laughing maniacally.
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Chapter 82
Chapter 82Carlson's pov"So now you see I don't need to tell you just how cruel of a person you are. You made her life hell and think I would let you be around my daughter and call her yours? You know that's not true you bastard." Antonio said and attempted a successful kick on my face. I felt weak so I couldn't stop him. Without waiting for another one, he sent a chill punch at my spine, causing me to go back a little bit. I was wounded but noticed that despite the wound, I couldn't feel the real pain. It was just inches of it that felt like scratch."What now uh!" Antonio said and approached me. "are you regretting your actions? You shouldn't anymore. You should just leave the earth after all, you now know that no one wants you.""shut up you bastard," I screamed and ran to him, giving him punching in all parts of his body. But then he stood, looking at me with a wild grin on his face. The green sent needles straight to my heart and pierced it relentlessly. This feeling made me no
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Chapter 83
Chapter 83Carlson's pov"you can't be serious Antonio? Tell me the truth." I screamed at him, scared for my life."the truth, you already know," he said, approaching me."I don't know anything. Tell me what I need to know.""the truth is..." he said, completing his statement with a large punch on my face.My nose bled but that was not my issue.I was wondering if I would ever be able to live to correct my life mistakes. Even though I never get to correct it with Amelia and Sonia, I badly wish to correct it with Leila and I really hoped it wasn't what I was thinking."you will die!" he said to me and brought out a long rope.I couldn't stand to defend myself and couldn't shift because of the poison in my body system. The inky thing I could use was my hands but the sane hands were pressing my legs, trying to ensure that the poison did not get to a fragile part of my body. That was how helpless I was at that point. He tied me and lifted me, throwing me to the top of my bed.I was then l
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Chapter 84
Chapter 84Antonio's povI knew she would feel like dying when she finally hears that her father was gone just like her mother. It would be so pleasing to watch.Poor little thing is about to feel the greatest loss of her life. She would probably bag her head in the cage or even commit suicide if she ever gets to find out. The imagination in my head kept making me grin as I thought of what to do with the corpse.I had expected him to vanish but it seemed as though his blood was just too strong for that.Looking at the huge body lying lifelessly, I grinned as I gazed into the space.I then raised my hand like giving out a signal to one of my men who were hidden. Seemed as though these folks had no idea what I had in store for them. I thought, wishing they knew what was coming.One of my warriors came forward and handed me a lighter. Two more arrived and placed the wood on the ground of the field, after that, they then lifted Carlson's corpse and placed it in the woods, I couldn't help
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Chapter 85
Chapter 85Xander's povWe had been moving far away but that was until we got into this thick forest I had not necessarily crossed before. It was way too thick. Thicker than I thought it was when I was going or maybe I never really crossed this part of the forest.We were minding our business and moving when I heard a loud cry from the back. It was one of my men. Shocked, I stopped and it was the same with Romero and Aaron. "What could that be?" I asked."I think one of our men was attacked," Aaron said to me and I heard to stop to check what it was and when we got to the back, it turned out he was dead. Just like that, I had lost a strong warrior. Wondering what was going on, I thought it would be best to continue our journey and this time, be faster to avoid situations like this again. "be watchful. Ridge everything you need to dodge." I said and then headed to the floor to lead them with my deltas.This time, I and my warriors raced like never before and tirelessly as lives de
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