All Chapters of The Alpha’s Quest: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
81 Chapters
Chapter 71
Chapter 71Xander's povI acknowledged them and told them to drink. After that, we calmly continued our journey back to the pack.When we got to a distance, I started getting uncomfortable. At first, I thought we were in danger and that rogues were close again ready to strike but when I looked closely, it wasn't that."There's something off," I said to my deltas out of nowhere.Romero nodded. "that's right Alpha. The air feels…tense. Like a storm brewing." he replied to meMy wolf, a magnificent black beast with its blue eyes shifted inside of me, an uneasy tremor running through its own core. The air was unnaturally still to me, the usual chirping of birds replaced by an eerie silence but I chose to dismiss it, attributing it to the waning light. We had been on a mission so tight, doing our best to bring back my mate so it could be that my wolf was trying to warn us to be faster.I raised my hand, a silent signal to continue our trek back home. But the moment my hand dropped, a wave
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Chapter 72
Chapter 72Xander's povI couldn't be more happy about it. That was the reason I loved him so much. He was one of the reasons I never gave up."how about we shift to be faster," Aaron suggested."That's a good idea," Romero said and looked at me.I nodded and instructed everyone. In that instant, we shifted and continued our journey.*******************Carlson's povOn the last floor of the strongest beta's building and on the soft bed laid me, Carlson, the strongest beta in the black pool pack, and I was in a deep sleep trying to make up for the nights I had stayed without any rest. The gentle ripples that lapped against the muddy banks lulled me into a more profound sleep, my massive form enveloped in a comforting blanket of darkness.I then saw myself in a very tight situation in the middle of what seemed like war. I saw kids running, building, and in my confused state, I tried to ask what the problem was but no matter how I tried to find out, I kept on getting pushed until I got
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Chapter 73
Chapter 73Carlson's povStanding in my window, I experienced firsthand horror with both of my eyes.I watched rogues rush into the pack, scattered everywhere.The roar of the rogues echoed all over the pack, daring everyone to show up. Their eyes were burning with cruel hunger as I watched them start sweeping down buildings and burning them at the same time.The smoke curling towards the sky is a testament to their handiwork. They had promised destruction and were delivering, all their howls dripping with malice I had no idea where it came from. "This is what happens when you defy us. This is what happens when you dare to live in peace." some of the rogues said and I froze.This had never happened before in this pack and I couldn't be more shocked.The once sturdy buildings now lay in shambles, their wooden frames reduced to splintered debris. The communal kitchen, where laughter and the scent of fresh bread used to fill the air, was now a smoldering ruin. The training grounds, whe
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Chapter 74
Chapter 74Carlson's povI monitored the pack with a heavy heart. My pack, once a cohesive unit, was now scattered and disorganized. The rogues, emboldened by their numbers, pressed their advantage mercilessly. Wolves started falling on all sides with their cries that of pain and desperation mingling with the clash of steel and the snapping of teeth.A surge of fury coursed through my veins. I would definitely not stand idly by as my pack was demolished before my very eyes. With this determination, I let out a howl that echoed through my room. The sound sent shivers down my own spine as I did my best to ensure no one saw me coming From the distance in my room, I spotted a group of rogues targeting the most vulnerable members which were the kids and without hesitation, I seized several arrows from my bed and notched them onto my bow at once. With practiced precision, I took aim and released the first arrow. It soared through the air, finding its mark in the chest of a charging rogue.
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Chapter 75
Chapter 75Carlson's pov"Show me you are on this pack's side. Show me you’re not just playing another trick."Bob then nodded, his eyes shining with desperation. He drew a small blade from the inside of his cloak, a blade that gleamed with a wickedly sharp edge."I will stop him, Carlson. I swear it. I will fight alongside you, even if it means death."He thrust the blade into the palm of his hand, drawing a crimson line across his flesh. The pain was evident in his face as a sharp hiss escaped his lips, but his gaze never wavered. He looked dead serious to show how committed he was.I watched, my mind racing as I tried to understand the situation. I had known Bob for years and had seen him strategize, seen him manipulate just to rise to power through tricks and ruthlessness. But this... this was different. This was a Bob stripped bare, a Bob who seemed to have found something he was willing to die for.A decision was made, and I took a deep breath. I held out my hand, offering a si
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Chapter 76
Chapter 76Carlson's povI didn't want him to come out of the situation he was in and I didn't care if he died. He was too wicked to be among the living werewolves."Can you let me go?" he commanded me."no, I won't. You walked in here yourself.""of course, I know that. You don't have to remind me." he refuted and I scoffed."Why?" I asked him, my voice rough with the residual anger, but laced with a curiosity that surprised me. I didn't want to understand the rogue, not really. But the question hung between them, unspoken yet undeniable. I needed to know why he had chosen today of all days to attack. Antonio acted like he had not heard what I said."I'm asking you a question. I demand an answer." I said and pushed him to fall at the wall. He stared at me and for some reason, I spotted a smirk. One that irked my very being and forced me to lash out at him. I sent kicks to his face causing him to repeatedly spit off blood. "you… you wouldn't understand." he managed to say as he tu
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Chapter 77
Chapter 77Carlson's pov"There is nothing I would never be able to understand you dick. Just go ahead and say it." I said in anger."well I don't think I feel like saying it out," he said and tried to stand up.I had expected answers, explanations, and a roadmap of the invasion. Instead, I was being met with an impenetrable wall of silence in the next minutes that followed. Antonio's face was a mask of coldness, his dark eyes were unreadable behind the veil of his hood. Every attempt to pry information from him was met with a stoic shrug or a cryptic, "You really want to know?" he asked but I knew he was trying to toy with me."There’s a reason you are here Antonio." my voice was low, a rumble that shook the rogue slightly. "I need to understand the "I won't understand" you speak of. I need to hear it, to know what I would face.""And you will," Antonio said, his voice a low growl that echoed across my room, "well in due time. Patience, my friend. The answers will reveal themselves
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Chapter 78
Chapter 78Carlson's povBut the fight was never between me and him. I had only watched Alpha Xander defeat him and chose not to kill him. Was he still holding in that beef and how was that related to Sonia and Amelia?I was going to hear everything I needed else we would be stuck in there for life. I thought to myself."Why are you doing this?" I rasped the words in a choked whisper. I had seen the rogue’s face, the look of despair that had flickered across his features, and he knew it wasn't just about the disaster that was being caused in the pack. There was something deeper, something that gnawed at the rogue's soul.Antonio shifted a tinge of mockery in his eyes. He coughed, a dry, rasping sound that echoed in the silence of my room. "It was... a first," he mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.I leaned closer. "A mistake? You risked your life, risked the lives of everyone in this pack, for a mistake?" I felt a surge of anger, a hot, volatile force that threatened to
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Chapter 79
Chapter 79Carlson's povI couldn't believe my existence as I wished everything was a dream. I looked up at the wall close to the ceiling and found Sonia's picture up there with mine. One we had taken a time we went to the garden.The weight of this betrayal bore down upon me with an intensity that threatened to suffocate me. The realization of my mate's infidelity had shattered my world, tearing apart the very fabric of my existence. The bitter sting of betrayal coursed through my veins, paralyzing my mind and body. The thought of his my, the one I had sworn to protect and cherish forever forging a bond with another consumed me with an anguish that was almost unbearable. The once-solid foundation of our relationship had crumbled into dust, replaced by a chasm of shattered trust.As the seconds turned into restless minutes, my thoughts spiraled into a whirl of self-reproach. But it had nothing to do with Sonia and Amelia but Leila who was also my seed.The guilt I had secretly harbo
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Chapter 80
Chapter 80Carlson's povThen suddenly, the rain started falling so heavily, thereby adding to my anguish.The rain hammered against the windowpanes, mirroring the pain inside me. I stared at the other window as I watched the rain wash the whole pack, its glow dancing across the walls of my building, a stark contrast to the hot pepper that had settled in my bones. I was already a man stripped bare, my carefully constructed facade crumbling around me, revealing the raw, wounded man beneath.My life, once brimming with ambition and purpose, lay in ruins. My legacy, his very identity was gone in the wind, all reduced to ashes by a single, insidious act of betrayal. It was a betrayal that had not come from a stranger, a competitor, or an enemy. It came from my soul nest. One I had nurtured, the people I had showered with love and affection, the ones I had foolishly believed loved me in return.I thought of my daughter, Amelia. Someone who I had invested my existence in. Whose every whim
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