All Chapters of The Alpha’s Quest: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
Chapter 61
Chapter 61Antonio's povIt was still the middle of the night after I managed to escape Alpha Cross' wrath.I was still feeling so insulted and I thought it would be great to channel my anger in the source I thought would be cool.With my teeth bared and a snarl contorting my face, I walked towards the can't where I kept Leila and slammed my fist against the oak door of the prison, the wood groaning under the force I gave it. The stench of damp stone and fear clung to the air, a constant reminder of his failure to conquer Storm Pack. The pack, the very pack I had attempted to conquer, had held me back, their claws and teeth stronger than I had ever anticipated.My gaze fell upon the iron bars of the cell, the only barrier separating me from the one hoe responsible for my humiliation. Leila with her vibrant red hair tangled, lay curled on a straw pallet, her face pale, her forest green eyes closed.Leila, the girl I intended to use as a pawn in my swift games, the girl who, even in her
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Chapter 62
Chapter 62Antonio's pov"Don't go anywhere!! Come back here. You horrible man! At least he trained your daughter. He showed her love. Her mother who you fucked for years is also horrible. She cheated on both you and my father with women! Women like her. So you see no one put her in that situation. You aren't saying anything. Of course, you know I am telling the truth." she said as she banged the cage very weakly hoping she would get my attention."We have scores to settle. Where are you going you monster? You are evil! Stop let's speak. Tell me why you want my father dead. All your plans will fail. It won't work. Stop hurting people who have done absolutely nothing wrong to you. You fucked with his wife now you want his life. Don't touch him. Let him be so the next enemy would spare your daughter!!!" she screamed with all her might and when I turned to look at her, I couldn't help but laugh seeing her in so much pain. She had this face that spelled terror. I bet She couldn't believe
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Chapter 63
Chapter 63Xander's povStanding in my office window and just staring into space had been one of my favorite things lately. Ever since she went missing things had never been the same. I had arrested a lot of people hoping to get one or more information but no matter how much I tortured, these folks were not willing to say a thing. This made me wonder what was so special about the person they were visibly trying to protect.Then I heard a knock on my door."come in," I said and then my delta walked in with his head low."Speak," I said. I was out of patience."the high priestess is here. I think she wants to see you," he said to me and my eyes brightened a bit.The high priestess? I thought.What could she possibly be doing in my palace today? I hope all was alright. I thought because the priestess I knew didn't walk without a mission or a message from the moon goddess."I will see her at the chamber," I said to my delta and dismissed him. Then I walked to my table and put down some
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Chapter 64
Chapter 64Xander's povI stood in my chamber, simmering with the unspoken worry that gnawed at my heart. The fire crackled merrily, but its warmth couldn’t penetrate the chilling emptiness that had taken root in my chest since Leila had vanished. It had been moons, excruciatingly long moons since she’d slipped away, leaving behind only a trail of confusion and the memories of her eyes that still haunted my dreams.I paced, the soft thud of my boots against the stone floor the only sound breaking the suffocating silence. My eyes, usually blazing with an untamed fire, were now dull and hollow, reflecting the pain that threatened to consume me. I had a lot going on in my mind at that moment."alpha Xander," a deep voice boomed from the shadows, breaking the silence. It belonged to Romero, my delta, who was more like my brother in all but blood. I turned my gaze meeting Romero's worried one."Romero," I sighed, a wave of exhaustion washing over me. "Have you heard anything?" I asked my
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Chapter 65
Chapter 65Xander's povI summoned all my most trusted warriors to my grand field close to my chamber. With a heavy heart and a stern gaze, I had to address them, my voice resonating with both sorrow and determination."My warriors of the black pool pack," I began, my words carrying the weight of my concern, "as you all know, a grave misfortune has befallen our pack. Our beloved Leila had disappeared on the night of the triumph procession and since then, there has been no travel of her. So we must act swiftly to find her."A collective gasp of horror rippled through the assembled warriors. They had known about this for a while and even though they didn't cherish her when she was here, I didn't care.Her eyes kept showing in my trance wherever I stood just like right now. All I can see is her forest-green eyes. Mysterious but innocent. The thought of her being in danger-filled me with a mix of fear and clinch."I have gathered you here today to prepare for a search that will leave no s
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Chapter 66
Chapter 66Xander's pov"I'm sorry alpha. I didn't mean to piss you off.""Well, you already did. I don't need you to say anything anymore.c I said and turned, walking out with my delta as though I had never stepped in.Leaving and going back to my chamber, I had to deal with the oppressive silence broken only by the rustle of leaves underfoot and the frantic beating of my heart. Later the next day, I moved towards the border of the black pool pack, behind me was a line of determined-looking warriors moving with the same silent and driven purpose, their eyes filled with a fierce determination born from worry and fear. They were my warriors, the elite warriors of the black pool Pack, and they were on a mission: to find Leila like we had discussed and trained.The pack’s fourth in command had joined in, hoping to lead the warriors. It was a task I had never expected him to shoulder, not at this risky stage, not with his own youthful dreams still flickering within him. But duty, and the
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Chapter 67
Chapter 67Xander's povI wasn't ready to deal with such, so picking up my weapons, I decided to go back to my pack and take all my important weapons. But the trap was laid and I had to face it. I looked at the little baby cry as it changed into a night wolf to attack me. At alert, I shifted too and it was the same with my deltas. They didn't care and without hesitation, they shifted and faced this dangerous wolf. It turned out it was a rogue with the ability to change into anything just to get anyone to fall into their trap. It howled at us and we did the same before going on full attack. The wolf was white and vicious but that was until I got extremely upset and sent fire to its head using my mouth. It didn't look like a big deal as I was able to effortlessly spit fire out. I watched it burn out of the fire that my mouth contained. My deltas didn't need to do much as they watched, impressed by my abilities. After defeating it, I gave my deltas the permission to feed on it and then
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Chapter 68
Chapter 68Xander's povThe apples tasted like something they never thought existed before. They guessed it was another species of eat, so they ate it without any care in the world."Alpha do you want more of this?" Aaron asked me."Not at all. I am very fine with this." I told him and we all got ready to leave.Picking up our weapons, we found our way out of that spot and headed deeper into the woods, looking left and right to see if we could find a lead to where we should go."It's so lonely here. Of course, they would be tough." Romero said. He was referring to the rogues.Speaking of the devils, some rogues flashed around them and the three of them went on alert as they threw whatever fruit they had and slashed out their weapons."come out!" I commanded and they showed themselves. Their paws waiting to strike me and my deltas. Smirking, I monitored their movements. There were six of them. Too small of a number. I thought as I then grabbed one closer using a hidden supernatural pow
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Chapter 69
Chapter 69Xander's povI looked at my men after the fight and realized that half of the warriors I sent out were down in my absence. Blood was all over the body of the other half that were remaining. It got me curious as I wondered what was wrong somewhere.****The stench of their death hung heavy in the air, acrid and suffocating me. It clung to me like a shroud, a grim reminder of the brutal reality that had crashed down upon my warriors. I knelt beside the first body of my warrior, the face contorted in a silent scream. His eyes were wide with fear as it stared blankly at the sky, a crimson stain on his chest which was a testament to the ferocity of the attack on him.The death around me was sickening. Bodies lay scattered across the forest floor, mangled and broken, their lifeless eyes reflecting the fading light of the dying sun. I rose, my muscles aching from the weight of grief and the cold steel of vengeance that pulsed through him. I had been played for a fool. I refused t
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Chapter 70
Chapter 70Xander's povHe was right! I thought but that was by the way.Till I know what I need to know, I won't come to a conclusion."inform them. We need to leave here and continue our journey. We can pause again after a distance." I told him and he bowed his head and left.****As I ventured deeper into the forest with my deltas and warriors, a sense of unease crept over me. I noticed subtle signs of tampering with my trail and a lingering presence that seemed to evade my grasp. It was as if an unseen force was actively obstructing my progress. Probably the moon goddess. I thought to myself as I didn't believe that anything aside from that could stop me.Undeterred, I pressed on, my keen instincts guiding my path. Hours turned into days and nights as I tirelessly searched places. Driven by a relentless determination to find my secret mate Leila with each passing hour, a realization then dawned upon me that he was not alone.****In the darkness of the forest, amidst the rustling
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