All Chapters of The Alpha’s Quest: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
Chapter 41
Chapter 41Alessia's povOn hearing my voice coupled with me hitting him hard, he jumped up from the bed and faced me.Shocked, I stared at him for what seemed like forever."Gabriel? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him."I'm sorry I just wanted to help. Please be calm. Don't be frightened. I will always be here for you.""Don't give me that crap. Just let me know what your issues are. What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice raising."I have been monitoring you," he said and I froze in shock.Wasn't that too much? I thought. If he has been monitoring me like he said then he must really know too much 'cause a lot had happened in the past few days."look you look troubled okay? Your steps spell fear. Are you in some sort of danger? Do you think someone is after you and fears that you may disappear like your best friend?" he asked me and I laughed in my mind.Turned out he didn't know anything and was just worried that what happened to Leila would happen to me.Gabriel lov
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Chapter 42
Chapter 42Alessia's pov"You are following me right?" he asked her."ouch! I feel some kind of headache. Can I skip this?" I asked faking sickness."Where did the sickness come from? We were just here. Oh on! Alright, I guess I will have to go alone." he said to me and at that moment, I felt my problem ease without stress. Soon, he made his way out of the house to go attend the meeting himself while I chilled back in Carlson's mansion.**********Gabriel's povDespite my parents' hatred for Alessia, I had made sure I made her feel precious. Just as precious as I thought she was. I loved her, there was no doubt and I made her realize that I could accept her any way she was.I went back to my house to get prepared for the meeting when I heard a knock on my room door. My eyes changed as I was starting to get pissed. I hated being interested when I was preparing to go out. Thinking it was one of the omega in my father's house, I decided to be quiet. But that was until the knock became lo
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Chapter 43
Chapter 43Gabriel's povHandling her the medicines, I watched her reaction.Her expressions changed and she looked at the drug and then at me. I wondered what the expression meant as for some reason the smile I saw on her face was on and she stared deeply at me. "Are you trying to see through me?" she asked me and I turned my head. "no," I replied. She was wrong about that. I was just trying to give my mother the benefit of the doubt. I thought that if my mom saw us together in public for once, her perception would change and she would strive to protect Alessia's name at all costs all for my name but the look on her face wanted something else."You don't necessarily have to go to the meeting anyways, so what if I say I want you" she asked me and I passed my hands mid-air.Really? I never thought of that as I good idea. Though enticing, my duties in the pack come first."Look Alessia, we can do this some other time okay? Let's focus on something else for now. Didn't you say you love
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Chapter 44
Chapter 44Gabriel's povI made my way to Carlson's apartment but on getting there, she wasn't in the room. I searched different areas, but she wasn't there either don't give up. Then I remembered she had an apartment closer to the forest. With speed, I rushed there to speak with her.On getting there, as I had expected, everywhere looked still. It was obvious werewolves had gone to answer to Alpha Xander. If she was to be inside, then it meant that only she was disobeying, and maybe me.I walked to the front of the door and knocked thrice.When I thought no one would answer, she opened the door and came out."Gabriel you should be in the Alpha's meeting," she said to me and I smiled."I came to discuss something with you. Why are you looking rough though?" I asked her and she looked back and faced me again."me?" she asked."Yes, you. Who else Alessia.""Whatever please just leave," she said and almost closed the door when I put my foot in between it. "You can't go just like that Al
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Chapter 45
Chapter 45Leila's povI remember waking up from the cold hard floor on gloomy morning in the forest, I had woke from my slumber, my senses slowly awakening from its grip, my consciousness returned, a chilling realization washed over me as I realized I was in cage, not just that, I was confined within the cage.My heart pounded in my chest like a captive bird desperate to escape its prison. Panic surged through my veins as my gaze swept over the surroundings. The cage was small and cramped, its metal bars forming an oppressive latticework that seemed to mock my freedom.I had no recollection of how I had come to be trapped within this cruel enclosure. My heart raced desperately searching for fragments of lost memory. But there was nothing, only a void where clarity should have resided.As the realization of the situation I was in sank in, a sense of isolation and despair enveloped me. I was alone, trapped, and forgotten. The world outside my cage seemed distant and inaccessible, a cru
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Chapter 46
Chapter 46Leila's povAs the sun rose and fell beyond the thick metal walls, my body grew weak from hunger. My mind which was once sharp and clear, began to cloud with desperation. I then realized that my voice was almost now a mere whisper in the vast emptiness.Every hour that passed felt like a lifetime. I paced the confines of my cage, my bare feet heavy with exhaustion. I longed to feel the soft earth beneath my toes, the gentle breeze against my skin. But the only thing that met my gaze was the reflection of my own hollow eyes, staring back at me from the polished steel bars.I couldn't believe I was there.My back started hurting and I needed to do something to be alright. Laying on the cold floor I tried to stretch. I heard some noises but then when I looked around, I didn't see a thing. Then a wolf ran past my cage causing me to pause in my actions to look and in a second, the wolf seemed to be nowhere in sight. It was like it never happened.I fell down on the floor as I wo
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Chapter 47
Chapter 47Leila's povThe next day, a new cage was wheeled in, its metal bars gleaming with a fresh, unsettling shine. Inside of it was a girl who stood, her eyes wide and fearful, mirroring my own terror from days ago. This girl looked younger, her features still sculpted with youthful innocence, a stark contrast to the hardened cynicism that clung to my own face.What the hell was this girl doing here? I thought as I watched them place her down with the cage and place it in a position where she would have to face me. I became curious and went closer as I peeped at this innocent-looking girl wondering what offense she had committed. Soon, the guards left us. It was as though they had something to say to each other in secret. I was still quiet hoping she would speak to me but no matter how much I looked at her, she could only stare back at me without saying a word."Hello," I called out, my voice hoarse from disuse. "You okay?"The girl flinched, her gaze darting around the bare ce
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Chapter 48
Chapter 48Leila's povI huddled in the corner, my back pressed against the cold, unforgiving concrete with my eyes squeezed shut. The air was thick with the silence of fear, punctuated only by the rhythmic thump of my own heart.I had no idea just how long I had been here. Time was a cruel illusion, a fractured mirror reflecting my broken spirit. My mind, once a vibrant tapestry of dreams and aspirations, was now a desolate wasteland, choked by the weeds of despair. Memories, once comforting, now stabbed at me like shards of glass. The betrayal, the deception, the hollow promises once made whispered in the dark.The image of his face, contorted in a cruel smile, flashed before my eyes. His words, laced with venom and deceit, echoed in her ears. "You will be nothing without me," he had said, his eyes cold and calculating. "you're a pathetic little thing, trapped in a cage of your own making. You don't even have a good wolf to communicate with. Poor thing."He had built the cage, brick
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Chapter 49
Chapter 49Leila's povHours passed and soon, it was the next day. I woke up that morning feeling not just oppressed but completely nervous. The morning hours of the next day kept going and I kept languishing in my cage, my hope dwindling with each passing hour.Later in the afternoon, as I paced the confines of my cell, a commotion arose from outside. Heavy footsteps echoed through the corridors, followed by the clang of metal and the rattling of keys. My heart leaped into my throat as the door to my cage creaked open.Surprised, I paused to look at who it was only to see a presence. It was rough and scary. My heart started to beat and I couldn't help but pause my mind and take a deep breath.Striding into my presence was a man of imposing stature, his eyes blazing with a piercing intensity. His rugged features were marred by a sinister smirk, and his demeanor exuded an aura of cold calculation. My instincts told me that this was no ordinary he wolf. he was a rogue, a dangerous menac
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Chapter 50
Chapter 50Leila's povThe echo of the guards' footsteps faded into the distance, leaving me alone with the chilling words that had sent shivers down my spine."He's a monster," whispered a voice that came from the new girl's cage. "A heartless tyrant who revels in suffering." she continued.I turned my head, my eyes wide with fear as I looked at the young and tender-looking woman who was looking hungry and haggard, it seemed she wasn't taken that day but was brought that same day. She lay huddled in the corner of the cage as she looked in my direction. In her eyes were the hope of being able to speak to me. "I am sass," she breathed. "You're still alive here. Well, that was just unexpected considering how mean these rogues are." Sass nodded, her voice barely a whisper as she continued. "well I guess that's just for now. But he may come for me soon enough. Like he came for others."My mind raced. I had heard rumors of the rogue who held us captive, but nothing could have prepared me f
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