All Chapters of The Alpha’s Quest: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 Chapters
Chapter 21
 Xander's povEach rogue fought back against the immense pain, enduring it with stubborn resilience. Their bodies were broken, but their spirits remained unbroken. Despite the overwhelming agony, they held onto their silence, their resolve, and their unwavering loyalty to the freaking troublemaker of a master.As the sun began to set, casting long shadows through the den, I paused, my fury finally waning, replaced by a hollow exhaustion. I looked at the rogues, their faces contorted in pain, their bodies wracked with spasms, and no flicker of something akin to pity crossed my eyes. I went to them, my eyes darker than ever as I threatened to do worse. I appeared at their front with swords all over my arm, not minding if they ended up dying. If they won't be useful, I see no reason for their existence.Sensing the chilling aura, I watched them change their minds."I will do as you say. I will do everything y
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Chapter 22
Xander's povI felt the magic pulsing through him, a surge of power that almost overwhelmed me. I concentrated, focusing all my energy on the spell. I turned to a man who was not just fighting for his pack but for his very existence at that point.The ground began to tremble, and the trees swayed as if caught in a storm. The magic around the Shadow Falls grew in intensity, the shadows swirling with increasing ferocity. I felt a surge of pain in my chest, the magic taking its toll. I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on.Kingdom's eyes narrowed a flicker of surprise in their depths. "You're... You're actually resisting," he hissed in pain, his voice dripping with disdain. "But it will not be enough. I am the master of the shadows. You cannot defeat me.""You are just a rogue," I replied to him.I pressed on, pushing the limits of his magic. The light around me intensified, pushing back against the encroaching darkness. The shadows around Kingdom writhed as if they were being pul
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Chapter 23
Chapter 23Kingdom's povPanic clawed at my throat, a cold knot of dread twisting in my stomach.“You’re awake,” a voice rumbled like that of gravel rolling.I whirled around, my heart hammering against my ribs. What could I have gotten myself into? I thought, my heart bonding ferociously.I tried my best to see if I could disappear because I didn't trust what I was going to see next but then realized I had no choice. It was my reality.Agreeing with that fact, I looked up only to see my newest and greatest enemy.Alpha Xander!His face was etched with a chilling smile that got me frozen.He stood beside a towering oak, his eyes glinting with amusement.“What…what happened?” I asked croaking, my voice dry and hoarse.Alpha Xander chuckled, a low, guttural sound. "You drank a little too much, my friend. A little too much of the good stuff.""What did you do to me?" I asked, trying to remember my life before that very moment but nothing was coming in as I was in a state of confusion.
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24Kingdom's pov"You think you can tame this wildness? You fools!" I cursed.I pounded my fists against the iron walls, the sound echoing back at me like the mocking laughter of my captors. I wanted to break free regardless but would it be that easy? I knew the pack would not keep me imprisoned forever. I was a valuable asset, a weapon they needed, and eventually, they would release me.But until then, I needed to make sure their lives remained miserable. I would be a thorn in their ass, a constant reminder of their failure to tame me. I would turn this dungeon into my personal stage, using every tool at my disposal to wreak havoc on their peace of mind that's if they had it at that moment.I howled, a mournful, chilling wail that sliced through the silence of the den, echoing off the stone walls, a persistent reminder of my presence. I snarled a continuous low growl that rattled the bars of my cage and sent shivers down the spines of the guards that stood there. I wanted to
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25"Who the hell is he?"****Romero's povThe air in the room hung thick with tension. I stood before Kingdom, my shadow falling long and imposing on the rogue who was lying on the red floor.The floor, as it was, was stained with black spots. I knew it was as a result of dried blood. My eyes, sharp and determined, locked onto kingdom, searching for the slivers of fear, the cracks in his washed facade. Kingdom returned the gaze, his expression stoic, a mask that hid the storm brewing within.He seemed to have recovered from what happened earlier. "Leila," I began, my voice a low rumble, "tell me where she is."Kingdom scoffed a dry, humorless sound. "You think I know? You think I'm a saint, a knight in shining armor who'd share secrets with the likes of you?""you're a criminal," I retorted, my tone unwavering. "Your kind is always playing for higher stakes, always bound by loyalty to a higher power. Who's the one pulling the strings, kingdom? Tell me." I yelled.Kingdom's
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Chapter 26
Chapter 26Romero povWalking around the room, I found something that looked like a desk, so I moved closer. On the desk was a single, faded photograph. The face was one I couldn't make out. Pointing my light at it, I saw a picture of a middle-aged man. In it was written "Dada", a man with piercing blue eyes and a smile that held an unsettling chill. Why does he look like Amelia? I thought. I knew every single face in the pack as I had them mastered all of security purposes. I knew Amelia. She was Leila's step-sister. Could this be her brother too? I thought but on looking at the picture, the man there looked too old to be Beta Carlson's son and Amelia's brother.Beside it was a diary, its leather cover, already cracked and faded. its pages were filled with thoughts that seemed to be scribbled in a hurried hand.I looked through it as I tried to read it but it seemed as though it could only be read by the writer.I managed to look through the pages but then found a better-looking pi
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Chapter 27
Chapter 27Romero's povThere was a higher rogue, a puppet master, pulling strings from the shadows. I had seen it in the rogue's eyes, the flicker of an understanding that he didn't possess.The truth was a heavy weight on my chest, a secret that threatened to suffocate me. I knew he had to tell Xander, my Alpha, but the fear held me back. Alpha Xander, driven by vengeance and grief, was a volatile force, a raging storm unleashed. I wasn't sure if he could handle my alpha's fury, his disappointment, his disbelief if he ever found out.I tried to prepare myself, to gather the courage, but the words always seemed to falter on my tongue each time I spoke. The weight of the pack's expectations, the fear of my alpha's wrath, the burden of the truth – it all pressed me down, a suffocating blanket of anxiety.I tried to distract myself as I threw myself into my duties, my patrols, and my training, but the scent of fear lingered, like a phantom, reminding me of the truth I couldn't escape.
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Chapter 28
Chapter 28Romero's PovAmidst the towering shelves and hushed whispers of the grand library, I decided to embark on a solitary quest for knowledge at another deserted library. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, I delved into the labyrinthine corridors, my keen eyes scanning the spines of countless volumes. I sought not a specific book but a glimmer of the unknown, something that would ignite my imagination and unravel the threads of forgotten mysteries.As the hours dwindled, my search grew more intense. I ventured into secluded alcoves, tracing my fingers along the dusty bindings. My mind raced, connecting fragments of information, piecing together a puzzle that seemed to evade my grasp. The air grew heavy with the weight of ancient secrets, and a faint sense of unease crept into my consciousness.There were so many tables with books all over. Immediately, I walked around, scattering them as they were all abandoned and wouldn't be used in the coming years. Suddenly, a sharp twinge
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Chapter 29
Chapter 29Romero povI hated it but I had no choice right now. The alpha got the signal of my plead for help.He knows how I hated being at the hospital so he had ordered the nurses to treat me in my room which happened to be the best place for me right now.My eyes were heavy with pain medication and exhaustion as I focused on the she-wolf tending to my wounds. Her name was Sharon, a gentle soul with a steady hand and a calming presence. Her fur, the color of polished mahogany, brushed against me as she changed my bandage, her touch surprisingly firm.I winced, a low groan escaping my lips. Sharon's face was etched with concern. "Easy, Romero. You’re healing well. Just give it time." she consoled as she leaned closer. Time. That was the problem. Time was a luxury I didn't have. It's been so long since Leila went missing. Something had to be done else this pack wouldn't be at peace."Sharon," I rasped, my voice hoarse. "Did you find out who attacked me?"Sharon's face tightened. "Th
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Chapter 30
Chapter 30Romero pov"No that's not my intention Delta Romero.""Then get off me 'cause I've got a lot to work on." Sharon took a step back, her eyes wide with surprise. "Romero, I don't know what you think you are talking about.""I know. I don't care at all" I said, my gaze unwavering. "There are enemies in this pack, don't make me think you are one of them."As the words left my lips, a dark silence descended inside the room." Sharon's expression shifted from surprise to a cold fury. She stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. "you dare accuse me, Romero? Do you dare doubt my loyalty? I am well respected Delta not just because of my talent, but my loyalty.""I dare to protect myself," I replied, my voice unwavering. "And I dare to protect the pack."My words hung in the air. It felt like a challenge, a threat. I knew I was playing a dangerous game by trying to push the boundaries of the alliance. But I had no choice. I had to trust my instincts, even if it meant risking everything I
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