All Chapters of Dirty affairs with my mom husband : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
49 Chapters
Mom is married
I lost my dad to the cold hands of death two years after I was born and that only made me not meet my dad .I grew up with my mom being my backbone , my sole provider of everything that I needed and asked for in my entire life .All my life I had grown up to see that woman as my idol , she was my fucking , my god in human form , never had I felt that way for anyone the way that I felt for her .Growing up , she made sure that she never got married to any man and focused all her attention on me and made sure that I lacked nothing and I had literally everything that I needed .Taking care of me was never the problem as I had a lot of money since dad was a millionaire and he had given everything that he had to me and that made it really good for mom and I to be comfortable .The love I had for mom was second to none , all this years , I had watched her mourn my dad and still wallow in the pain of the past , but that wasn’t what I wanted for her , I wanted her to be happy and ge
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He saw my naked body
I watched my mom and her husband behave all lovely dovey from where I sat .I could tell that they were both madly in love with each other .Since mom got married to her husband , we decided to move out of our apartment to that of my step dad .I would really say that I really underestimated the capability of my step dad .This wasn’t a fucking house , it was a fucking mansion .I couldn’t contain my excitement when I saw it , it was literally the best that I had ever thought of in my entire life. I loved it . My step dad, who I learned his name was Shaun, mom and her husband didn't go on any honeymoon , they said they weren’t going since they had a lot of work loads on ground and so they just gave themselves a week to have some time to themselves .I didn’t actually want to move in with my mom because I wanted to give her that privacy and time that they needed , but mom I started that I live with them . I didn’t bother to argue with her because In the next fe
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You are so hot daddy
It’s been two weeks since that incident with my step father took place at my room .I had made sure that since then , I did literally everything that I could to avoid him , there was no way that I was going to sit right there and watch that happen to me again .After what happened that day , I had to think about it all through , getting worked up over it , but suspringly he acted like Nothing of such ever Happened.I should really be happy that the both of us never had the chance to speak about what had happened that day and I wish that we never do because I just can’t imagine how weird it would be to find out that my step dad saw my naked body not even my best friend could find out about it .The most shocking of it all was the fact that , since that day the incident happened , I have been getting different stupid thoughts that I hoped I didn’t let into my head , but somehow , they are stuck in my head and I just can’t let them go .If my step dad , couid see my naked body , then I s
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He doesn't want me to leave
Two weeks passed and all that I wanted to do was go To college .I just couldn’t stay one more moment in this house .I felt like I was losing my senses .I couldn’t accept the fact that this was me .The thoughts going through my head we're making me go insane and making me question if I was normal.No matter what it was , I just couldn’t accept it .After the incident that happened that night at the kitchen , I have done everything humanly possible to avoid my step dad .I knew that I wasn’t in the right state of mind , but one thing I knew was that I said those words out of my mouth and when he touched me , I never stopped him .The way he touched me , I had never felt that way before , not even when my boyfriend did .There was just something about it that I just couldn’t explain .I knew that it was wrong , having dirty thoughts about my stepfather who was my mom's husband was more chilling but I just can’t accept it no matter how much I tried .Shuan touched my breast tha
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I am having him all to myself
My mom walked out of the room and banged the door behind me .I didn’t know what to feel , but at that moment , I felt so betrayed .I knew that all her life she had loved me and made sure that I got everything that I wanted and I should try and understand .But I can’t help this dirty attraction that I am having towards her husband and all that I can do at this moment is to go away and forget all about this man but no , he manipulated my mom to make me live here .That bastard , how dare he .I gritted my teeth in anger and the ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts .I grabbed my phone from the table and seeing the caller I tried to force a smile .“‘ Chris am fine, after all you never cared to call all this while , I see no reasons why you want toShow me that you care right now because all that I can say is that I do not want your silly stupid lies .I didn’t wait for Chris to say another word , I ended the call in his ears .Right now the only person that I wanted to t
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Fucking my step dad
Shuan held me agsinst the wall fucking me so hard .I could literally feel my legs vibrating from the ground .I didn’t know how to rest at this moment .I couldn’t believe that this was what my mom was enjoying and that was the only reason why my mom was hell bent on having him all to herself .I just didn’t know what to do , with his heavy thrust going in and out of my pussy , I knew that it was the best sex that I would ever have in my life so I had to Jean in for more .Shuan grabbed me and carried me up , holding my legs in his arms and he began to thrust his hard dick in and out of me .I didn’t know how to react to that , I was in the best place of my life and having the next feeling , I could feel it .I held on to his arms and squirted all over him .I thought that he was going to stop seeing that but instead he increased his pace the more and started trusting harder .Shuan , pls stop” I cried out, unable to hold my emotions anymore . I didn’t want my mom to co
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I love kissing my best friend, do I love girls?
Elsa stared at me like I had gone nuts .I knew exactly why she reacted that way to what I had just said. If I had thought that one day I was going to be speaking this foolishly nothing would have made me believe that .I knew it was something that we had planned all along and I couldn't believe that I was the one who was finally breaking out of the plan .I had never seen Elsa look disappointed at me before .I knew that she loved me and she was my best friend , but I just couldn’t come to tell her that. It was because I was longing for my step dad dick that made me make that decision of going to school from home .That would be the last thing that I would ever tell anyone .I don’t care if I keep this secret to my grave , I'd rather die with it than let it out , that was never going to happen .It was my secret and I am going to keep it .“ I can’t believe that you are backing out of this now , you know how much we wanted to be away from our family and have time to do whatever
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My step dad is making me go nuts
Elsa and I walked to the dining room and when my mom saw her she hugged her .Mom hasn't seen Elsa since all the wedding stuff and I wouldn't blame her though , if it were to be , I don’t think that my daughter's best friend is the person that I was going to notice at that moment , that was definitely not it , it wasn’t happening .I didn’t know why mom hadn't come to say hi to us all this whine even though she knew that my best friend had been in my room all along .“ you know what , I think I have missed you for the longest time and I didn’t even notice. I am so sorry Elsa , I had so much going through my head , but I promise you that something like this isn’t going to happen ever again .“ Thank you aunt , it’s no big deal , I understand that you had so much going through your head at that moment and that was the only reason why I didn’t want to disturb you , I just want to say a big congratulations to you aunt , you deserved this and thank you for giving my best friend a dad “
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Are you fucking your step dad?
I stood outside the garage , I didn’t know why I lashed at my mom that way and right now I was feeling so guilty , but I just couldn’t help it.I was definitely going to tell her how sorry I was but it wasn’t just now , I couldn’t tell her now , she would be so mad at me at this point and I just want her to be calm before I approach her because I do not want to get on her bad side that would be like I am testing her patience .I didn’t know how long I stood there , but I know that I have been there for the longest that I could remember .What the fuck was wrong with me , I just can’t help it .My step dad was doing this to me and I can’t even say a word to stop him but instead , I just sat there with my legs wide open and doing that stuff like it’s any of my business .I didn’t need anyone to tell me how sick I was , I was so sick and I knew that .The one thing I hated right now was myself .I couldn’t believe that I am the one taping this , how could I be opening my legs for my mo
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I am his bitch
My step dad's voice brought us out of our argument .I felt so pained listening to all that Elsa had just said to me .Not even in my wildest dream did I ever think that Elsa was going to be the one to say something like that to me even though it was true .No matter how easy it was , I just couldn’t accept it .“It was my fucking friend and I thoufht she like me , she was my best friend and yet she could say this to me , call me a pathetic liar ““Isn’t that what you are ?” My inner voice thanked me .I knew that the last thing that I wanted at this moment was to let any of this get to me .I wasn’t going to be a fool or let something like that happen again .Right now I didn’t care if she thought that I was a bitch or not , that didn’t matter to me in any way , the only thing that mattered to me right now was my step dad joystick and that is exactly what I am going to have , I just don’t care how long or what it takes , I am having for sure .“ your mom asked me to drop yo
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