All Chapters of Seducing Vampire Daddy Dane: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
77 Chapters
41. (JO POV)
(JO POV) Two weeks had passed since we'd been confined to Deirk's room, and our initially cautious interactions had evolved into something much more intimate. Our days were now filled with constant conversation, laughter, and unexpected comfort in each other's presence, and our once-timid touches had grown into habitual cuddling. "Remember how I told you my stepmother used to scold me for forgetting my Spanish?" I teased Deirk, recalling when my stepmother insisted I speak Spanish at home. "Looks like you've become my new maestra." Deirk smiled and corrected my pronunciation: "It's 'maestro,' but I'm happy to take on the role. Your Spanish is coming back beautifully, by the way." To fend off the monotony, I finally gave in to Deirk's suggestion to play the array of children's board and card games he'd amassed. Watching a centuries-old vampire delight in something as simple as 'Go Fish' was heartwarming. "I never took you for a board game enthusiast," I remarked, amused by his chil
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42. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV) By the time I returned to the academy, the lockdown had been lifted, a testament to the lengths I had gone to ensure the safety of everyone within its walls. The measures I took, though necessary, were ones I would rather forget, a series of choices that would forever haunt the corners of my memory. Finding them in the dining room, with Jo happily eating breakfast sitting in his lap, the relief of seeing them safe momentarily outweighed the feelings of what I'd done. "I missed you, kitten," I whispered. Jo's initial joy at seeing me quickly soured, regressing as she sought comfort in Deirk's presence over mine. It was a reaction I hadn't anticipated, cutting deeper than any physical wound. I made several attempts to coax her from Deirk's lap to reconnect with her, but she resisted every effort. Her refusals were clear enough to draw the eyes of others in the dining hall. Ultimately, we retreated to my room, Deirk carrying Jo because she refused to walk. She finally
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43. (JO POV)
(JO POV)The wave of relief at seeing Dane again was overwhelming, a rush of happiness that momentarily eclipsed everything else. Yet, beneath that joy, a simmering anger lingered over his absence and the silence between us. Instead of unleashing that anger upon him, I remembered something Dane had been trying to instill in me since my arrival. If I had nothing nice to say, it was better to say nothing at all. And truthfully, nice words were scarce in my heart at that moment.Sensing my agitation, Dane didn't waste time. He orchestrated a swift exit from the school for me, a decision driven by his perception of my distress. We found refuge in Deirk's townhouse, a place close to the school I didn't even know existed.By the following day, my anger had dulled enough to allow for conversation without the fear of a total emotional eruption. Yet, watching Dane feed from Deirk, hesitant to approach me for fear of causing harm, stirred a complex mix of emotions. Witnessing the struggle and
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44. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)Jealousy, an emotion I had never associated with Deirk, was now clawing at my insides, a bitter taste I couldn't shake off. "The hallway's still safe from sunlight, right?" I asked, needing a moment alone to wrestle with these unfamiliar feelings."Yeah, man, just steer clear of any doors near the bathroom," Deirk advised, his voice steady and unaware of the storm brewing in me.I retreated to the bathroom, using the solitude to splash water on my face and regroup. The reflection that stared back showed signs of recovery, a visible improvement now that I had fed. But physical recovery was one thing; emotional unrest was another beast altogether. I repeated to myself that Jo's affection for Deirk was born out of necessity, not desire.She loved me. Deirk was like a brother to her, nothing more. Acknowledging this did little to quell the jealousy that seethed within. It felt wrong to harbor such feelings towards my brother, who had stepped up in my absence to care for Jo. "I
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45. (JO POV)
(JO POV)The pressure in the room, and thus my anxiety, escalated rapidly as Dane vented his frustrations. "Well... How close you two are makes total fuckin' sense now," he yelled, his movements a blur of speed and agitation. His voice had shifted into that thick New York accent.Attempting to help, I stood to hug him, only for him to brush past me and say, "Not right now." His dismissal felt like a physical blow, sending my emotions into a freefall.Deirk intervened. "Dane... I think you need to feed more. Going a month without has taken its toll, and one feed isn't enough to stabilize you."Dane halted, turning to face Deirk with a steely gaze. "I'm trying to take it slow, considering she's likely to try to feed us both now. And we all know how that might end." His frustration culminated in a sudden blurred punch to the wall.The intensity of Dane's anger, his physical expressions of it, transported me back to darker times under my stepfather's roof. I began to shake uncontrollably,
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46. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)I put my hand on Deirk's shoulder, guiding Jo closer until she was nestled securely against my chest. "Close your eyes," I instructed, preparing to share the shadows of my recent past with them.Needing to show Deirk just how far Magness had already fallen back into the hole, the memory began with Magness and me in the bedroom. We watched as I observed Magness as he fed from the femoral artery of a blond guy, eerily similar in appearance to me.I caught Deirk's reaction of disgust and explained, "Towards the end, this became almost an hourly occurrence. I think Magness was trying to torment me, trying to invoke jealousy by lavishing attention on someone who resembled me.""Where do these guys come from?" Jo questioned. "Some willingly I believe, but most are from auction blocks," I replied.The scene shifted to a dimly lit room, the site of an interrogation. A girl, the infiltrator from the school, was tied to a chair opposite a battered and bloody man. Despite the man's d
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47. (JO POV)
(JO POV) Retreating to the bathroom, a sanctuary Deirk had introduced me to, I sought comfort in the sunlight. It was a small solace, feeling the warmth against my skin, a brief escape from the turmoil unfurling within the townhouse. The simple joy of basking in the sunlight, something so mundane yet profoundly missed, enveloped me in a moment of peace.When Dane knocked, signaling his presence, I reluctantly closed off my connection to the sunlight, sealing the window.He immediately surrounded me in a desperate hug. I noticed him smelling my forehead. "Oh my, he told you to smell me, didn't he?" I couldn't help but laugh a little."Yeah, he was pretty adamant about it. Made me promise I would," Dane admitted."I noticed him doing it, but he never told me why," I recalled Deirk's peculiar actions and occasional deep breaths when close."It's the sun, kitten. We can smell it on you," Dane explained."That's amazing. Can you smell it in your... sun garden too?" The curiosity was gen
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48. (JO POV)
(JO POV) Drifting in a void of darkness, I was caught between consciousness and something else entirely. It was as if I were floating in an endless, dark sea, occasionally brushed by echoes of the familiar. Voices, distant yet distinct, pierced the silence around me, their words reaching me through the fog that clouded my mind.I experienced fleeting glimpses of the room around me in this strange limbo. How, I couldn't fathom, my eyes remained firmly shut. There was a peculiar comfort that came each time I felt Dane's lips firmly against my neck. This sensation grounded me and tethered me to a reality I was struggling to grasp. I longed to voice how much his presence soothed me, but my body refused to cooperate, leaving me trapped within myself.Magness's firm and authoritative voice cut through the haze. "Relax. We have medical equipment for that. She's doing fine."Dane's response was filled with a stubborn adherence to the old ways. "I know, but feeling her pulse myself... it's r
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49. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV) Watching her motionless on the bed, a wave of shame washed over me. I berated myself for letting the situation spiral to such a dire point. Her hand remained in mine, a connection to the bond I was so afraid of breaking now. I held on, desperate for any sign of her awareness and needs, any slight response to my presence. Deirk broke my cycle of remorse the second he walked back in. "Well, she has color again," he remarked. His observation, though meant to be reassuring, only reminded me of how pale I'd let her become under my care. The irony that I had always prided myself on being able to protect those I cared about, and I ultimately ended up endangering her, was not lost on me. The mishap had been a close call, too close. Failing to notice the disconnect when my wound healed, leaving us no longer linked in that crucial moment, nearly cost her life. It was a lapse that forced me to summon Magness for help. A decision made in utter desperation. "Yeah, and there
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50. (JO POV)
As Dane's whisper filtered through the darkness, confessing his reluctance yet the necessity to give me more of Magness's blood to hasten my recovery, I yearned to communicate my consent. Trapped in this void, anything to quicken my return to reality was a lifeline I desperately wanted. Anything. Even that assholes blood. "I know this isn't ideal, but it's necessary," Dane's voice was a soft echo in the void, "Mag's blood... it'll help speed up your return to us." Though meant to comfort, it carried a resignation I could sense even in my disoriented state. The sensation of a needle piercing my arm jolted me. Dane's excitement at my physical response to the discomfort was the most hopeful sound I'd heard in an eternity. "You're starting to come back to us. This should help you open your eyes soon," he encouraged. I clung to Dane's words, imagining the moment I could see again, be part of the world I was so abruptly torn from. As Dane checked my pulse, his lips on my neck fe
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