All Chapters of Seducing Vampire Daddy Dane: Chapter 71 - Chapter 77
77 Chapters
(PERCY POV)I pouted when we ended it so quickly. While I was curious about why Mag was such an asshole, that wasn't the biggest thing on my mind. What I really wanted to know about was the man I was falling in love with. He was so old and had lived so many lifetimes compared to me. I wanted to explore them all. I pouted again. Deirk noticed immediately and pulled me into his lap. "What's wrong, Carnio?" I whispered, "I wanted to see more of you." Jo interrupted, "No, I need a minute, not right now." Deirk shifted me off his lap, looked at me, and winked. I couldn't figure out why he winked. Then he stood and pulled Jo into his lap. I wanted to get jealous, but I was starting to understand why he was the way he was with her. She was an adult, but something happened to her when she was younger. Something bad. Something she wasn't old enough or strong enough to deal with yet. I could sense it, having grown up with so many foster kids who lived in group homes before the orphanag
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72. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV) Mag walked in and flipped onto the bed like he owned the place. Everyone tensed up. "Well, I figured you four were doing the sun thing. How sad I was when I realized I'd been waiting in the bathroom all day for no reason," he said mockingly. Deirk glared at him. "You're not welcome here." Mag laughed, a sound that grated on my nerves. "Well, I pay for it, so I figure I can come when I want." "No," I said firmly. "Leave. I pay for this, so you have no claim. This is breaking the contract. " Mag shrugged. "No, it isn't. I'm just sitting here. Unless I touch him," he pointed to Deirk, "then I'm not breaking anything... well, I wouldn't say that, but I'm not breaking the contract at least." I stood, ready to enforce the boundaries, but Mag stood with me and said, "Sit down, son. I'm not going to cause trouble unless you do." Jo whispered, "What do you want, Mag?" He looked at her and smiled evilly. "You don't want the answer to that." Jo stood up, her defiance show
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73. (DANE POV) 
(DANE POV) Jo and Percy were bawling, tears streaming down their faces. Deirk was totally still on his knees beside them. Thankfully, they naturally put Jo between them. Mag flipped me onto my stomach and ripped my clothes off in a split second. The bites started almost immediately. Thankfully, he usually did it so fast that Jo or Percy probably couldn't see it happening. It was another one of those twisted pleasures he relished, bending time to inflict as much pain on me as possible. I cried out, and Percy surged forward. I watched as Jo grabbed his arm, stopping him. Mag stood in front of them, slowly unbuckling his pants. "Look at you, so pathetic. You think you can protect them, Dane? They're just as weak as you are." I hated him so damn much. He was torturing my family right in front of me. I didn't care what he did to me, but seeing the look on their faces killed me. Knowing the conflicting emotions that would come from this for Jo tore me apart. Deirk would neve
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74. (JO POV)
Mag making us have sex to stop him from messing with Dane anymore was the lowest blow he could manage. I wanted him dead even more than I had before. While it was happening, all I could think about was how much I actually seemed to enjoy it, and how much I wanted to kill Mag. The enjoyment was probably due to Mag's blood and his twisted thoughts. Maybe he was using me vicariously because he couldn't use Deirk to imagine that, so he used me instead.After it was over, we huddled together on the shattered remains of the bed, all lost, all crying, all panicking. We clung to each other, shaking with sobs and fear. Deirk stood up, grabbing clothes from a random drawer. I noticed what they were... long sleeves and loose pajama bottoms.He tried to do Dane first, but Dane waved him off and said, "Take care of them. I'll be okay."He knelt beside me first, trying to help me into the thick long-sleeved shirt. His hands trembled as he pulled it over my head, his eyes haunted. He was the onl
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(DEIRK POV) I was panicking. I couldn't think. My heart felt like it was caving in. "No way in hell will I willingly let Mag anywhere near Percy!" I shouted, my voice cracking. I felt like the room was closing in on me, the horror of what Percy suggested biting at my sanity. "Are you out of your mind?" I paced the room, every step fueled by my desperation to protect him. "We can't do this. I can't let this happen. Not to him." Jo cut through my panic. "Are you kidding me? You can't just walk out. Not right now!" Her words hit like a slap. I spun to face her, ready to argue, but she stood firm, her eyes blazing. Percy refused to go with me, standing his ground. His resolve only increased my fear. How could he even consider this? Dane's voice was weak but insistent. "Deirk, please... calm down. Let my eye heal, and I'll take care of this. I'll take care of everything." His words barely penetrated the fog of my panic, but I forced myself to listen. I had to pull it together.
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76. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV) The pain in my face was excruciating, like hot needles stabbing into my eye socket and temple. Every movement sent white-hot waves of agony through my head, and it took all my willpower not to let it show. I had to be strong for the others. Seeing the worry and fear in their eyes, I knew I couldn't let them see how much I was truly suffering. They needed reassurance, a rock to hold onto in this storm of terror and pain. Each breath felt like it was tearing through my chest, and my groin throbbed with a deep, aching wound that still bled internally. My vision blurred, and I had to fight to stay conscious for Jo, Deirk, and Percy. But the consequence of everything...the torture, the trauma, the responsibility...was crushing me. I couldn't let go, not yet, not while they still needed me. Finally, the exhaustion took over, and I let myself slip into unconsciousness. The pain was overwhelming, but knowing Jo was still safe in my arms and seeing Deirk's vigilant perch,
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77. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV) (DANE POV)The pain in my face had subsided, and I could feel my eye rapidly healing. We didn't have much time. "Deirk," I said, standing up and testing my vision. I'm going to the school right before sunrise. Mag won't be able to mess with you here during daylight. Just push them into a sunny room if he comes around, okay?"Deirk looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Be careful.""I will," I promised... "Stay together, keep each other safe. I'll be back as soon as I can."The walk to the school was tense. Every shadow seemed to hide a threat, but I couldn't afford to hesitate. We needed Cami's help.When I reached the school, I headed straight to Cami's office. As I approached, an ominous feeling settled in my gut. I pushed the door open and froze. Mag was there, sitting at her desk with a smug look, stroking himself as he watched old security footage. Behind the couch, Cami lay in a pile of blood and clothes. She was dead."Well, well, I didn't think it would be this
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