All Chapters of Seducing Vampire Daddy Dane: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
77 Chapters
21. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)Her next observation caught me off guard, sparking a burst of laughter that resonated through the silent expanse of our connection. "Well, it's far more empty in here than I thought it would be," she remarked, a playful jab at the vast, uncluttered landscape of my mind. Laughing together, we returned to the present, our eyes meeting in mutual amusement. I pierced my finger once more and extended it to her. "I didn't know you could do this," she said, a smile lighting up her face."Years of practice, kitten," I replied. "Now, like I said, take it slow, okay?"Once more, we retreated into the sanctuary of my mind, her curiosity undimmed. "Is it always just white?" she inquired, her gaze sweeping across the endless expanse."No, it's not always white. I'm just not showing you anything yet. I was hoping to see some of yours first," I admitted, the idea of exploring her memories, fears, and joys an intimate prospect."You can see in my mind, too?" Her surprise was evident, matc
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22. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)A chill enveloped me, as if the mere mention summoned the darkness of that night. Summoned him. "No," I said, more sternly than intended. "You will never see that one."Her face fell into a pout, but this was one area where my resolve was ironclad. "Jo," I started, struggling to keep my voice even, "my transformation into what I am was... violent. Revisiting that memory requires a strength I can't muster at the moment." The truth was, some scars ran too deep, their edges frayed with a violence that threatened to unravel at the slightest touch. "And besides, it awakens certain... impulses that are better left dormant."The warning in my voice was clear, a boundary drawn from years of wrestling with the beast that transformation had birthed within me.As our argument unfolded within the bounds of our shared dreamscape, I realized the intensity of our connection. My finger remained in her mouth, drawing upon the essence of my being long after the wound had sealed. The realiza
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23. (DANE POV)
DANE POVJo's curiosity about the next day sparked an idea. "Well, you have two classes tomorrow, and since it's Friday, we'll have the entire weekend to ourselves. I thought we could visit the market and get you some new clothes," I proposed. The thought of spending time away from school with her filled me with a pleasant anticipation. Her reaction sent me over the moon. "The market? Away from the school? I can leave the school?" she asked.I chuckled at her astonishment. "Yes, with me now that we're official. But only if you promise to behave.""I promise, I promise, I promise." she chirped, bouncing excitedly. I sensed a perfect time to help her control her temper and, most importantly, that mouth. "Okay, if you do well in your classes, we will go to the market first thing Saturday morning," I said with a wink. We settled into bed. "Now, go to sleep, kitten," I whispered, feeling her relax further in my arms.The next day's class, focusing on feeding and aftercare, was compulsor
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24. (JO POV)
JO POVThe week flew past, a whirlwind of learning and adapting to the academy's pace. To my surprise, with Dane there constantly encouraging me and pushing me to do better, I wasn't just keeping up. I was excelling. The curious glances and nods of approval from teachers and fellow students were a testament to my hard work and dedication. I had never received this much acknowledgment for doing the right things instead of the wrong.Throughout the week, our most persistent argument revolved around those dreaded collars. The notion of being collared struck a chord in me, igniting a refusal that resonated through my being few other things in this created. Dane attempted to secure the collar around my neck each morning and after naps. Anytime he let me take it off, he had to know how hard it would be to get it back on. Our struggles peaked when, in a moment of extreme frustration, he clasped it so swiftly I had no chance to resist. The act led to a punishment after I tore it off in defi
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25. (JO POV)
(JO POV) As the limo pulled up to the academy, its arrival marked a distinct shift in the atmosphere. It was no ordinary vehicle but an opulent, brand-new stretch limo. The extravagance of the moment was not lost on me, reminding me of the world I was now entangled with. Deirk escorted us to the vehicle with a warmth uncharacteristic of the stoic persona I had come to associate him with. He wrapped me in a brief hug that felt surprisingly intimate. "Thank you," he murmured, "for allowing me to feed. I really needed it." The sincerity in his eyes was unmistakable. Dane couldn't resist a light-hearted jab. "Alright, don't go getting all sweet on my girl," he teased, his words carrying a playful edge that misrepresented the possessive undertone I clearly sensed. Though made in jest, his comment resonated with a sense of territorial claim that, oddly enough, didn't feel as suffocating as I might have expected. The sight of the limo elicited a laugh from Dane. He turned to Deirk in
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26. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)As we arrived, Magness awaited us, his youthful appearance and demeanor strikingly different from Jo's expectations. "Wow, I thought he would be... older. Well, turned older? I don't know. I didn't picture him so young," Jo remarked."Yeah, he was turned when he was barely 15," I replied, watching Magness closely. He was laying it on thick, his actions meticulously crafted to appear welcoming and kind. The smile plastered on his face, and his arm wrapped around Katerine as they waited for us at the courtyard gate was so fake it should have glowed. With his overly smooth, clearly rehearsed charm, Magness made every effort to enchant Jo with his graciousness. "Ah, my dearest Jo, my first princess, welcome to my home. Your sleeping chamber has been arranged with the utmost care, just for you. And do anticipate a dining experience tailored to delight your senses," Magness cooed, his tone saturated with an excessive sweetness that seemed to drip from each word like honey.Sick,
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27. (JO POV)
(JO POV) As Magness prepared to take Dane away, his demeanor shifted to an eerie sweetness that set my nerves on edge. "Jo, my dear, I trust you'll find everything to your liking here," Magness said, his voice unnervingly sweet as he gestured towards the opulent room that was clearly meant to distract me from something. Dane's reaction was immediate. The usually confident and imposing figure beside me seemed to shrink, his usual assertiveness replaced by a visible unease. "Jo, it's okay," he assured me, his voice clearly strained now. Just enjoy the room, alright? I'll be back really soon." The panic in his eyes caused a rush of protectiveness to flood my thoughts as I + watched Magness drag him away by his hair. Determined to not sit idly by, I hatched a plan. "Katherine, could I trouble you for a glass of ice water, please?" I asked. "Of course, Miss Jo. I'll fetch it for you right away," Katherine replied, obliging as she stepped out, giving me the opening I needed. Th
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28. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV) I stood, mechanically pulling my tattered clothes over a body marred by countless slowly healing bite marks. "Shh, kitten, I'm okay. No need to worry. I heal really fast," I reassured Jo, even as I fought to hide the deeper wounds that no amount of vampire speed could quickly repair. With every step, I struggled to move without betraying the pain I felt inside. Thankfully, Jo had missed the part that caused all the internal injuries, where my punishment for resisting him all night came by way of a sharp 17th-century blade he favored for moments like this. I'd noticed the bloody knife lying on the floor as I got dressed and kicked it under the bed so she wouldn't see it. "Let's go back to your room, okay?" I proposed as I pulled her up from the bed. "Stop calling it my room," she remarked. "Okay, let's return to the pink... princess room?" I asked, happy to see a speck of her spirit peeking through. She just nodded in response. Katherine was still waiting out
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29. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV) Determined to distract her from the recent trauma, I whisked her away on a tour of the castle's hidden delights. The things the castle offered that humans would find exciting and fun, something Magness didn't seem to understand when showing her around. Not that I was complaining, it gave me the chance to do so. First, I took her to the bowling alley hidden beneath the east wing I had added to the castle in the 1960s because it reminded me of a game we often played during my human life called Molkky. Magness despised the area, mainly because it brought me happiness, I'm sure. It was clear no one had been down here since the last time I was here. "Strike!" Jo exclaimed, her laughter healing my battered soul. The simple joy of watching her immerse herself in the game and with the fierce idea that she could still somehow beat me wasn't just endearing. It was exactly what I needed at that moment. These were the moments after Magnesses brutality I hadn't had before. It wa
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30. (JO POV)
(JO POV) On the last day of our retreat at the castle, Magness's return abruptly disrupted the fragile peace we had fostered. His presence alone reignited a caution within me, a guarded stance I couldn't shake off even if I wanted to. During dinner, the atmosphere was charged with underlying tensions and unsaid grievances. "We should dine together, Katherine, Jo. A proper meal for you both while he and I will partake in my wide array of donors," Magness announced. Dane, catching my quick glance, leaned in slightly. "It's going to be okay. It'll be a male donor again, I promise," he whispered, attempting to address the silent worry he saw in me. Yet, his words did little to ease my anxiety. The thought of him with someone else, even in such a context, unsettled me deeply. As we settled into the ornate dining room for what Magness insisted was a 'celebratory' dinner, the atmosphere was filled with an unspoken tension. Ever the picture of grandeur, Magness spared no expense in showc
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