All Chapters of Seducing Vampire Daddy Dane: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
77 Chapters
11. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)"I'll take care of her now. No need for the nurse," I told Cami, lifting Jo into my arms to carry her back to my room.Once we were alone, Jo's pent-up emotions erupted. Overwhelmed by the night's events, she yelled and screamed. I was also shaken, upset that things had escalated beyond my control despite my promises to protect her.Noticing the blood trickling down her body from the bites, I pulled her into my lap, determined to tend to her wounds. Starting with the bite on her wrist, I began to lick the injuries. An instinct to heal her overtaking all other senses. She resisted at first, her body rigid."Just let me do it," I urged her. She reluctantly allowed me to lick her wrist. I continued until I was sure it was no longer bleeding. It would finish healing from my blood flowing in her system. My frustration was real. My eyes were black, and the red veins pulsated rapidly, indicating my internal distress. Noticing Jo's reaction to my state, I halted my actions and apo
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12. (JO POV)
(JO POV)The trauma of what transpired in the dining room lingered with me, a haunting memory I couldn't shake off. Virginia, the girl from the newbie dorm, her cries of pain as she was bitten repeatedly up and down her thigh, echoed in my mind. Despite Dane's efforts to shield me from the worst of it, I had seen and heard too much. The raw anguish of those moments was indelibly etched into my consciousness.Dane did everything within his power to protect me amid the chaos and predatory frenzy that engulfed the room. Yet, despite his best efforts, I wasn't completely spared; three others managed to bite me—two of them barely breaking the skin, but one bit me with a force that surpassed anything I had felt from Dane... that is, until he decided to bite into my wrist, apologizing beforehand, insisting it was the only way to stop this.It was evident that his treatment of me differed from how other vampires treated their humans. I was lucky, acutely aware of the contrast in our situatio
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13. (JO POV)
(JO POV) The discipline continued, and five more pops landed firmly. By now, I was a total mess, the sobs overwhelming any attempt at composure. When I could no longer form the words, Dane began counting for me, his voice steady amid my distress.The ordeal left me emotionally and physically spent, the fire on my skin matched only by the restlessness within. His actions, though harsh, were underscored by a sense of duty, a lesson he felt compelled to impart. As his fingers slipped beneath the fabric, grazing the sensitive skin that was now tender from his discipline, an intense and unfamiliar sensation coursed through me. The unexpected contact, meant to soothe, instead sparked a complex cascade of feelings...surprise, confusion, and an acute awareness of the intimacy of his touch.After a moment of that bewildering contact, he withdrew his fingers and delivered another hard pop, abruptly shifting the atmosphere back to discipline. The sudden return to the reality of the situation
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14. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)As she slept in my arms throughout the night, I was deeply attuned to her every breath and subtle movement. It was a rare moment of tranquility in the otherwise turbulent life within the academy's walls and otherwise. I could sense the peacefulness of her rest, a precious respite so few of our kind and the humans among us were afforded.Whenever the shadows of a nightmare began to creep into her subconscious, I gently nudged them away, replacing them with lighter, more serene thoughts. While I could have influenced the direction of her dreams, I refrained, choosing instead to let her mind wander to whatever brought her comfort and joy. It was surprising yet profoundly touching to find my own face frequently appearing among the various scenes that seemed to comfort her: fishing in her younger years, reading in a hammock, and a cute, tattered teddy bear on a bed.As dawn approached and the blinds snapped closed, signaling the start of another day shielded from the sun's ray
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15. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)I tried to feed Jo, but Dominic's actions initially hijacked her attention, locking her focus on the distressing scene unfolding. Bite after bite, she followed my lead even though her eyes remained fixed on the slave side of the room.Adjusting our position to block her view of Dominic, I continued to feed her, whispering reassurances. "Shhh... remember the deal we made? Yeah? Now eat more and don't worry about what's happening anywhere but here. Shhh, kitten...shhh, don't worry about him."Remarkably, she managed to eat most of the plate I had prepared, much to my surprise. Despite the distractions around us, her ability to focus on the task at hand spoke volumes of her strength and our growing connection.Everything progressed smoothly until she reached her limit and said, "I can't eat anymore."Drawing her close to me, I embraced her, feeling her whisper against me, "You're not burping me." My response was soft, meant only for her ears, "I'm just hugging you," aware that
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16. (JO POV)
(JO POV)Sitting in the dining hall, the scene before me was unsettling. The vampire Dane clearly had issues with was treating his slave harshly, and the sounds of her distress filled the air. My butt still burned from Dane's discipline. The impact felt more intense, making me wonder if it was because we were in front of others or if he'd really popped me that much harder. Despite my irritation with him, I had to concede he was right about insisting I wear the underwear. Without it, I would have been utterly exposed."Can we go back to the room yet?" I whispered to Dane. He leaned back deliberately, maintaining a distance between us, and responded, "In a few minutes, kitten." I cringed as Dominic's slave cried out again, and I thought I saw Dane's eyes soften just a bit."Do you want to sit in my lap, kitten?" he offered. I lunged toward him, and he caught me, positioning me so I faced the room but was securely in his lap. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind, and I began to pout.
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17. (JO POV)
(JO POV)The dream was startlingly intense and vivid. Although I was blind to my surroundings, my senses were heightened, attuned to his presence. I felt him around me and within me, his love infiltrating every pore and saturating every emotion. The sensation of his fangs grazing my neck was so tangible that it blurred the lines between dream and reality.He honored his promise in this dreamscape, which I had failed to earn while awake. Yet here, in the boundless realm of my subconscious, there were no conditions, no failures.Only fulfillment.This dream isolated us from the chaos that framed our waking hours. The harrowing dynamics, the threats, and the fears that permeated our reality faded into nothingness. It was just him and me, an oasis of connection. Untouched by the complexities of our situation. We were intertwined in a way that defied the risks, a perfect union free from the consequences that loomed over us outside this dreamscape.He guided me to a climax that was both s
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18. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)Getting Jo ready for her first class was an exercise in precision and care. I braided her hair, meticulously ensuring each strand fell perfectly into place. She needed to look flawless, the epitome of perfection. Beneath my meticulous preparations, I harbored a quiet optimism that she would embrace her role more gracefully today.I couldn't help but amuse myself by her reluctance to tell me anything about her dream. She didn't know it and hadn't mentioned it, but I was already privy to its contents.I'm the one who created the content. The realization that I had the power to shape her dreams and was acutely aware of them was something she hadn't pieced together yet. In time, she would understand that there were few secrets she could keep from me, least of all those firmly in the fabric of her subconscious.Stepping into her first class with her was an experience that bordered on the ethereal. I quietly observed, a silent guardian in the background, watching her assimilate
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19. (JO POV)
(JO POV)Upon our return to his room, Dane playfully tossed me onto the bed. Flying through the air, covering what felt like an impossible distance before landing perfectly in the center of the bed, was terrifying and exhilarating. As the initial shock faded, replaced by a rush of excitement, I couldn't help but bounce on the mattress. "How did you do that?" I asked.With a smile, Dane showcased his vampiric speed again, pulling the table up to the bed and laying out all the food instantly. He even plucked a rose from the bushes outside his window so swiftly that I barely registered the movement, only feeling the gust of wind it created as he handed it to me. "Wow," I breathed out, genuinely impressed."I'm really old, Jo," he explained, his smile still in place. "I've had literal centuries of practice and mastery over just about every vampire trick you can think of."Curious, I took a fry and asked, "Then why don't you do that more often?" as I munched on the food."Don't talk with f
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20. (DANE POV)
(DANE POV)The entire ordeal was tearing me apart inside. Every fiber of my being screamed to go to her, to wrap her in my arms and assure her that everything would be fine. Yet, I lay rooted, constrained by the necessity of the lesson at hand. While her rebellious spirit was one of the traits that drew me to her, it now posed a risk to our future within these walls. Her defiance and her unfiltered expressions of anger could jeopardize our chances of leaving this place behind. If any trait needed curbing to ensure our success and safety, it was her tendency to speak without restraint.As Jo's tears began, my resolve began to erode. I told myself that this harsh lesson was necessary, that it was for her own good in a world that wouldn't coddle her. But as the minutes ticked by, each second heavy with her quiet sobs, the consequence of my actions pressed down on me.For an hour, I listened to the sound of her crying, each sob a crack in my facade. I knew I had to maintain a pretense o
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