All Chapters of Seducing Vampire Daddy Dane: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
77 Chapters
(DEIRK POV) I couldn't shake the feeling that Camilla had a hand in orchestrating this entire situation just for me. The tailored suit I donned, a gift from Dane years ago, was supposed to instill confidence, but instead, it served as a reminder of the facades we often hide behind. Reflecting on the past month spent with Jo, I realized there was never a moment of desire beyond brotherly protection. My heart didn't race from our closeness, not in the way one might expect. Yes, I admired and cared for her, but the absence of any deeper romantic or sexual inclination towards her was a truth I could no longer ignore. Despite my affection for the company of women, my heart veered in a different direction. Perhaps my upbringing, surrounded by women with a stark absence of male companionship, influenced my inclinations more than I cared to admit. Dane wrapped me in a hug, his confidence in me unshaken. "Little lord, you've got this," he encouraged. His casual use of the nickname didn't
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(DEIRK POV) "We've got this under control, thank you," I stated firmly, trying to keep the situation from escalating with Magness's involvement."Nonsense. I'm already here," Magness countered smoothly. I might as well lend a hand."I scrutinized him carefully, always wary of his intentions. Freed from his direct influence, I observed him through a lens of wary independence, yet the scars of past manipulations lingered. My detachment from Magness was a bittersweet liberation, the freedom tainted by the deep-seated wounds of our dark history I was forced to often revisit. Dane remained entangled in Magness's web, a connection I resented for keeping me tethered to a past I yearned to forget. My loyalty to Dane was unwavering, but it tethered me to the creature responsible for my deepest traumas.Effortlessly, Magness dealt with a couple of the resisting wards, their feet barely touching the ground as he escorted them to the dining hall. With his unparalleled charm, Jax persuaded anoth
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(DEIRK POV) I caught Cami's eye, signaling for a moment of her attention. When she approached, I suggested, under the guise of the overcrowded room, that Percy and I step aside to solidify our newfound bond in a quieter setting. "You know he will try to follow. It would be best if you had Dane," she cautioned quietly.I responded, "Can't, Jo's awake already."Cami's frustration was evident. "This is why I wanted you all in the west wing. I can't let you take him off grounds, not right now. If he tries to escape..."Percy began to interject, but Cami firmly silenced him with a hard slap. I felt a protective instinct kick in, and I wrapped my arm around Percy, which drew a knowing smile from Cami.She leaned in, whispering, "I was worried you were just claiming him to keep him from Mag, but I can see that's not the case. Three days, Deirk. Three days, and you keep control of him. If he runs away, I will have your head. Do you hear me? And in those three days, I need you to convince D
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(PERCY POV)I never imagined my life taking such a drastic turn. Hunger gnawed at me relentlessly. It had been days since I last ate, pushing me to the brink. Stealing from the gas station wasn't exactly my proudest moment, but desperation had a funny way of narrowing down choices.It was either that or resorting to grazing on the grass like livestock.I had been selling myself again, trading my blood for cash in a bid to satiate my hunger. But I knew the vampires wouldn't appreciate a donor fed on vegetation. So, I stole those noodles, hoping to restore some semblance of nutritional value to my blood, to remain enticing to my nocturnal customers.Yet, in a twist of fate, my theft didn't lead me back to the shadows of the street but into the presence of vampire royalty. The irony wasn't lost on me. Standing before the vampire king's son, I couldn't help but reflect on the bizarre events that led me here.Turning to Deirk, I asked, "Wait, if the king is your marker and your brother is
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(DEIRK POV) Holy shit, Percy was a blood dealer. Not here for that, but he was one. Selling blood to vampires could get you a life sentence if they caught you. To put it simply, if a vampire was resorting to buying blood from the street, there was a reason. I suspected Camilla had figured it out, too. That's probably why Percy had been holed up in the newbie dorm for the past six weeks. They were likely testing his blood to ensure he wasn't carrying anything that could be passed on to us. Vampire-transmitted diseases were a grim reality, not well-known outside our circles for obvious reasons. Trying to maintain my composure after his confession was a challenge. This was the aspect of the vampire world I despised the most. Humans, driven by desperation, made choices like Percy's only to end up punished far beyond what their so-called crimes merited. Percy could have easily become a plaything for someone like Magness...tortured and drained nearly to death...all because he was driven
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(PERCY POV)I was utterly bewildered by what had just transpired. It was the most intimate and powerful experience I'd ever had with a vampire. Before, every encounter was rough, violent, and aggressively impersonal. They'd often force me into doing other things right after feeding, seldom bothering to heal the bites.That's why I was so covered in scars. But this time was different. No vampire had ever tried to cuddle with me after. Yet, here I was, nestled in a vampire's arms, and he seemed so content, almost radiating joy.Overwhelmed, I asked, "Why was it so different this time? All the other times, it was always so rough and aggressive. What just happened... it wasn't like that."His face was buried in my hair, his lips pressed against the back of my neck, and I could feel his grin. In a hushed tone, he whispered, "Because none of them cared about you like I do, Cariño.""Cariño, what does that mean?" I asked.When he didn't respond, I rolled over to face him, eager to look into
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57. (JO POV)
(JO POV)Being trapped in my body, able to see and hear everything but unable to move, was a torturous improvement over the complete darkness that had enveloped me before. The realization that Dane had been changing my diapers and feeding me with a bottle while I was incapacitated was mortifying. Part of me wished to remain oblivious rather than face such indignities.When Deirk introduced his new human, a striking blonde guy who strongly resembles Dane, I was thrilled. I couldn't contain my excitement about having another human around, especially since I had been isolated from any human companionship since this all started.Dane returned from the market with food that catered to our new housemate's tastes, which apparently didn't align with my usual food choices. Sitting in Deirk's lap while he perched on a bar stool, we watched Dane cook. According to what he said, he was preparing chicken and eggplant parmesan, the new guy's favorite. I was eager to eat it, particularly since my
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(DEIRK POV)My original plan was merely to bathe Percy and ease him into what wards are expected to endure. However, as the bath progressed, I found myself apologizing repeatedly. I felt a profound sense of remorse for the position both he and Jo found themselves in, caught in a demanding situation they barely understood. Thankfully, they ended up with us, where I hoped their experiences would be far less harsh than they might have been elsewhere.As things unexpectedly moved forward with Percy, he climaxed swiftly, and I was secretly relieved. Midway through, I realized that not only could Jo see us from where she was, but she was also paying close attention. Not wanting to disrupt the moment, I continued. I knew that if it made her uncomfortable, she would have expressed it.I didn't need to feed much but was curious to experience what many spoke of. The intense moment when feeding coincides with a human's climax, supposedly enhancing the flavors and sensations of their blood. The
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(PERCY POV)Waking up with Deirk holding me tightly was comforting and a reminder of the previous night. It felt like he was clinging to me like I was the only thing keeping him together, and perhaps I was at that moment. The usual tension in my chest each morning had loosened slightly, maybe because I didn't feel alone in this strange new world for the first time in a long while.Deirk's presence, a comforting constant through the night's delirium, had somehow held the shadows at bay.The nightmares had tormented me again last night, vivid and terrifying. Between the haunting replays of situations I unfortunately found myself in, I was in a dark, endless void, with eerie whispers and shadows that seemed to be closing in on me. But then, they shifted. I was back at the orphanage, surrounded by the first kindergarten class Miss Morgana had allowed me to lead after I proved to her I could. Strangely, this shift made me feel even sadder than the nightmare. I missed those kids terribly.
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(DEIRK POV) Navigating the market was a familiar routine for us, but today felt different with Jo and Percy in tow. I'd always cared for females, so naturally, I didn't have a single item to suit Percy, especially given his larger build. None of my clothes would fit him.As we prepared to leave, I caught Percy eyeing Jo as she playfully snapped her collar on before leaning up and kissing Dane. His expression was somewhere between curious and totally horrified. The dynamics at play here were admittedly hard to understand.Jo, ever enthusiastic about the smaller joys, had found herself some teddy bear pajamas she adored. Percy watched, clearly surprised by her childlike delight. As for Percy, he made choices that reflected his maturity. He opted for sensible jeans and shirts, selecting a few slacks and button-downs that hinted at a preference for a more classic, understated style. His selections were practical yet smart, suitable for various occasions, and far from the whimsical choic
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