All Chapters of The Cruel Alpha's Unwanted Bride: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
*~~Chapter Eleven~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}We were seated, and Logan ordered for us both. Since I have no idea what the restaurant serves, all the names on the menus are.... weird. With no ingredient instructions. I have some allergies but not very prominent ones so I should be fine. I turned my head, surveying the people around us. In this area, there weren’t more than twelve tables.Logan has gotten us white wine, and an appetizer to keep our mouths busy while the main course was being prepared. It was nice. I could see someone that I recognized. My spine immediately tensed up. I know that face a little bit too much. A guy who’d gone out with me for a day just so he could get with my sister- yes, she went out with him while Logan was pining for her. She didn’t give a fuck. I think she liked it better when the men dated me, and then her.Like they were making the conclusive comparison that she was far better than me. Of course, it never made me feel alright. I was uncomfortable the moment I saw his face.
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*~~Chapter Twelve~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I stood before the mirror, my reflection distorted by tears that streamed relentlessly down my cheeks. The sight of my own despair only intensified the ache within me. Each tear was a testament to my overwhelming sense of inadequacy, a reminder of a familiar pain that seemed to echo through the corridors of my past. Fuck, nobody likes an ugly crier. But have I ever been beautiful at anything?"Worthless," I whispered to my reflection, my voice trembling with raw emotion. "So fucking worthless."The weight of those words reverberated through my soul, dredging up memories of high school—of longing, rejection, and the relentless pursuit of validation. Darren had been my misguided beacon of hope once, a flickering light in the darkness of my unrequited desires. I wanted to get a break from mooning over Logan. I hadn't wanted him as much as I wanted Logan, but I had convinced myself that perhaps Darren was attainable. I was wrong."He just didn't want me," I admitted t
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*~~Chapter Thirteen~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}The shower I took was a blur to me, I was already feeling like I wasn’t enough, and I couldn’t give him the hundred percent of myself. I leaned my head up against the shower wall, letting my brain calm down. I want Logan to see the girl I’ve become. But just like Darren, I feel like whether Ava is here or not people will always compare us. It doesn’t matter what I say, or do, these people knew Ava. They loved Ava, I’m going to need to let time change Logan’s mind.I finally turned off the shower and stepped out. I contemplated toweling off but didn’t have the emotional strength to make my body do anything other than to walk. So I walked, leaving a trail of wet spots as I made my way to Logan’s room. He was on his bed, tapping something on his phone.He wore black boxers, and nothing else. I stood by the door, hoping he would change his mind when he saw the state I was in. He turned his head upwards, finally glancing at me. His eyes locked with my own. The stormy g
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*~~Chapter Fourteen~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}It started to rain. At some point, I can’t really tell you when. Or what time it was when the rain started to pour. But the sun had finally risen fully. From the cliff edge, the view would have been delightful, but I paid no attention to the heavy drizzle. The water pelted my face, getting my hair mixed in with the mud. I blinked only once before shutting my eyes.That was about two hours ago, then footsteps could be heard approaching my area. I didn’t bother moving, changing my position, or even giving evidence that I was alive. It was the scent that got into my nose that alerted me to finally shift my body.I rolled onto my knees and lifted my lashes. I glanced at the figure as he approached. Logan. What is he doing here in the middle of the rain?He could get sick.“Do I have to tell you not to lay out in the fucking rain? Especially without your watch. How would I have reached you? Imagine if you were seriously hurt.”I tilted my head to the right side. His wo
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*~~Chapter Fifteen~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}Yuiko was grateful to see me, but she could barely talk. Having used up all her energy to scream in the storm. I brought my bag forward, carefully working the piece of wood off her body. I cut my palm in the process but at least the log is now resting beside her as opposed to it previously being on her. I quickly wrapped my hand and worked on checking her body.Broken ribs, and hip. Shit, I can’t treat this. She’ll need the medic alpha. Which means I have to carry her out of this place back to her house. Oh dear goddess, save me. I got to my feet a second time, but I wobbled. The dizziness returned in full force. I pulled out the emergency pills from the side of the first aid bag.“Here, take two.” she swallowed quickly. The pills would offer her some reprieve from the bone, and it would prevent her body from further injuries. I pressed a button on the side of my watch, sending an emergency beacon to Logan because there was no way I could get us out of here during
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*~~Chapter Sixteen~~*
{~~Logan Grey~~}Some would accuse me of being incredibly mean to Avery, but I'd say I'm being fair. The girl needs to stay in her lane. She can't keep throwing out orders, forgetting her place in my work and personal life. She seemed to have shrunk since she saved her friend. I was so annoyed by her gloomy mood I decided I'd spend the night out. She pleaded then. Saying she'd be better, that she'd smile more but I did not give a fuck anymore. I just wanted space from her. I went to my friend's place. Ryan is like a brother to me, better than my own brothers some times. I loved him like he was family. He's the only one I can talk to about this. Even though he never liked Ava. He kept telling me she was a shitty person, but I gave him an ultimatum. Either he learns to accept the woman I love, or we stop being friends. Thankfully, he chose wisely. And we're still best friends. I explained my situation to him, even though I know what he's going to say. I saw it in his eyes. The pun
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*~~Chapter Seventeen~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I was focused on just getting things done. I was on the couch, trying to make notes on my work for tomorrow. Although my hand hurts like a bitch, I knew Logan would be upset with me if I didn't get out of this funk. I know I have a fever. My body hurts, it feels hot when I touch my own skin but I feel cold. I'm hungry but I can't force myself to move. I have to focus. Logan wants me to make a list of the right diseases that young werewolves get affected by. So I've been working on that. It took me a while, but eventually I got things straightened out. My eyes were begging to be slammed shut. They just wanted a break from the work, but I wanted to push past that. When the doorbell rang, I was hoping it was Logan. I'd never met this man in my life. Ryan, I mean. He was tall, dark skinned, black locks, and sharp silver eyes that under a different light can blend into his whites like there were no separation. He was kind, and I think that upset Logan. I tried to
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*~~Chapter Eighteen~~*
{~~Logan Sterling~~}The night didn't end as I had expected it to. This was supposed to be a good day for me, but Ryan had ruined those plans by showing up at my house and acting nice towards Avery. My own best friend. What is his deal? One minute, he was hating on Ava the next he likes Avery. He should fucking marry her if she's so fucking great. He doesn't even know her. I trust Ava's word. I trust that if she hated Avery, she had a good reason. Ava is nice, she's such a sweet fucking girl and every hater needs to sit their ass down.She's fucking perfect. I must have done something. I must have treated her wrongly for her to not want me anymore. That night, I stayed up to drink. I was so fucking pissed off, and hurt. I checked my phone, not even sure what I was looking for. My fingers moved almost on autopilot, and I found myself drawn to Ava's social media account.There were several photos there, each one a stab to the gut. One of her and the boyfriend she left me for. Once aga
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*~~Chapter Nineteen~~*
{~~Logan Grey~~}I got dressed slowly, nursing my hangover and making sure I didn't fuck up and mistakenly wear something weird. My head throbbed with every movement, and the light streaming through the window felt like daggers piercing my skull. I stumbled into the kitchen and made myself some coffee, the strong, bitter taste helping to cut through the haze of the hangover. As the warm liquid slid down my throat, I hoped it would wipe away the remnants of the previous night.I was in the process of letting the bitter taste wipe away the nasty hangover when Avery entered. She looked so much better than she had been yesterday. Her eyes were bright, and she was smiling. There was a certain lightness in her step that I hadn’t seen in a while. She wore long black pants, and a tight white shirt that seemed to show off a curve of her hips. She was pretty… almost. Not as pretty as woman who stabbed me in the heart, but I guess she's not bag. And her heeled shoes were even better. They added
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*~~Chapter Twenty~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}Today was not our day, it definitely didn't start with positive signs. Logan wasn't doing so well, and it made me tiptoe around him. The tension in the house was palpable, like a heavy fog that clouded every interaction and made every word a potential minefield. I didn't want to get myself hurt emotionally by either doing something crazy stupid that upsets him, or something none stupid that still upsets him. Logan's temper had become unpredictable, a storm that could break at any moment, and I found myself constantly on edge, trying to navigate the turbulent waters of his emotions. I should have gone to work without him, but the hurt in his eyes wouldn't let me. Hearing that my sister had remarried did not shock me that much, but it seemed to have gotten to Logan. He was heartbroken all over again, his wounds reopened and bleeding fresh pain. It was as if the news had ripped away any progress he had made in moving on, leaving him raw and vulnerable. I just don't
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