All Chapters of The Cruel Alpha's Unwanted Bride: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
66 Chapters
*~~Chapter Fifty-One~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}Gareth and Ryan spoke to the woman. Her story was quite a horror show. She was married, the same as the last victim who told me this is what her husband had done to her throat. The same thing happened to this woman. She said she couldn’t remember what her husband looked like, but the night before she couldn’t see. Her story was bizarre. Logan asked me to do some work so the most I know is that her relationship was competitive. She was taken away from her family by love, she got pregnant a week after that. Nine months later... she ended up in this situation.She said she saw the red flags but she couldn’t leave after making such a fuss about being in love. She’s a mess. Bruises on her skin, scratches under her eyes, and her fingernails were peeled off. I don’t even know how the baby came out okay.I ran my hands over my arms as I filed another patient’s bloodwork. Checking if it was clean. Just doing all I can to keep myself busy. I wonder if she’s okay. Who is doi
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Two~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I woke up to soft tapping against my face, logan was back into the clothes he had worn this morning. His scrubs are gone. How long was I out?“How are you feeling?”“Much better. I just.... I think seeing that woman, and thinking about the case has got me feeling off.” I told him, getting off the chair.“I can see why. Although I’ve seen cases like this alot. Ryan says to call him when you’re feeling better.”“You see cases like this?”He nodded, giving me my already packed bag. “When I first started this as a medic alpha, there was an old lady who hated teenage boys. Ryan was started out too and that was his first big case. If anyone can figure out who’s doing this, I know it’s him. We have our differences but I trust him with my life. We’re honest with each other.”“Like boyfriends,” I say without thinking. Logan actually chuckled, and my heartbeat was suddenly louder.“Not like that. Like brothers. My brothers are alright but I’m not as close to them as I shoul
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Three~~*
/THE PAST/{~~Logan Grey~~}We’re getting married in a few months. I should be ecstatic, but instead, I’m full of worry, gripped by a fear that something is wrong. My instincts about these things are rarely ever wrong, so something isn’t right. I looked at Ava as she smiled at something on her phone. She looked so bright whenever she smiled like she was the sunshine itself. But there was something about her happiness at this moment that didn’t feel like the usual.She kept taking photos of her ring and laughing. I felt uneasy. My phone vibrated, and I shot a glance at it. I checked it, taking my eyes off her with unease. It was my brother, Ronan. He was coming into town to get his son tested. He was showing signs of a basic flu, but my panicky brother thinks it could be something more. He wanted to check if I’d still see my nephew. I reconfirmed and brought my gaze back to Ava, but she was gone.I got up immediately, feeling something clawing at my chest. What the fuck? Where is she?
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Four~~*
{~~Logan Grey~~}I blinked from where I was standing in my room, my shirt halfway on my body. Wait a fucking minute, I never opened that fucking box. The memory just seemed to fly in randomly just now. I finished putting on my shirt and ran towards the closet. She packed all of her things, some of mine but she didn’t touch the travel bag. I never kept anything in it, so she assumed it was empty. The box was still there, fucking hell. At least I would get to know a little bit about what she was hiding, other than the fact that she was seeing another alpha.I think I lash out these days because I’m still angry at Ava. How she tossed years away just like that. It was so easy for her. I couldn’t get the box to open, there was no keyhole either. Which was odd. I threw it at the wall but it only created a dent.I groaned in frustration. Just great. I kept a box that I could not even open, just great. The door to my bedroom opened forcefully, and Avery’s panicked face was the first thing I s
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Five~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}The problem with getting food from logan’s mother is that she will take the time to show me her displeasure. I think the whole family blocked out that dinner, and the next time I’m invited, I’m coming up with an excuse just not to be there. I refuse to be in that position again. I smiled awkwardly at her, she didn’t have to bring the food over but what else was I expecting?She leveled me with a disgusted stare. “What are you doing here?”“I live here.”“You live here? Why the hell do you live here?”She has either got to be one of the dumbest people on the planet- and I once knew a girl who thought water didn’t contain hydrogen- or she’s being rude. I hope it’s the latter.“We’re married, where else am I supposed to live?”“Unbelievable. How much do I have to give you to leave my son alone?”I sighed. “Can I just have the food? Logan is starving.”Her eyes got darker. “how much? Name your price. What’s in this for you? A car? A good recommendation?”“Can I please
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Six~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}Another day, no problems. That is what I like. I just don't want to be bothered. Work started off easily, a rarity that I fully intended to take advantage of. The morning was quiet; we didn't have any new patients that urgently needed the medic alpha's attention, which meant I could afford to rest easy, at least for a while. Seizing the opportunity, I decided to delve into some research. My focus for the day was the enigmatic lycanthropy decay syndrome, a condition that has baffled medical professionals and researchers alike. This disease, shrouded in mystery and complexity, had always intrigued me.I spent hours online, meticulously combing through scientific papers and studies on the subject. My goal was to gather as much information as possible so that, when the time came, I could present valuable insights to Logan's team once he officially started it. This condition wasn't something I had the luxury of exploring during my university years. Back then, my time
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Seven~~*
{~~Logan Grey~~} I may be in a state where I don't even know if I'm working, or just existing. It's a strange limbo, where the lines between duty and mere survival blur, leaving me in a perpetual haze. The catalyst for this descent into emotional fog was the discovery of those letters—tangible evidence that Ava has been cheating on me before she left me. Each letter felt like a dagger, but I could only decipher one since the others were written in a language I didn't understand. Yet, even the single letter I could read was enough to shatter my heart all over again. I love that girl so much. Why the fuck would she do that to me? Was I really not giving her what she wanted? Was the relationship only good to me? Questions swirled in my mind, unrelenting and painful. Why do I even want her to come back? Really? It's a question that gnaws at my sanity. Why? Why am I not thinking of vengeance? Letting her come back and then brutally rejecting her. I blame her parents too. For helping her
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Eight~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~} I stretched my bones, feeling the satisfying crackle of joints releasing tension. Ugh, what time is it? I'm tired. The hours had blurred together as I worked non-stop, barely taking a moment to breathe. My day was a relentless cycle of tasks, leaving my office only when absolutely necessary, constantly on the move. The thought of another long shift loomed over me as I packed up all my stuff from the office. I changed out of my scrubs, savoring the brief respite from their clinical sterility, and grabbed my bag, ready to finally head home. Just as I was about to leave, another nurse informed me that the medic alpha had left early. This was unusual, but I didn't let it stay in my mind for long. There was nothing I could do about it, and I was too exhausted to care. Maybe I'll ask him about it once I got home. But for now I couldn't be bothered. I was walking down the hall, mentally ticking off the final tasks of the day, when I spotted Shawn. He smiled at me, a
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*~~Chapter Fifty-Nine~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}“Logan, are you okay?”He chuckled, and I watched as he got up from the chair. And an almost empty bottle of whiskey between his fingers. The house was different. I couldn't find photos of my sister anywhere. Like one minute she had been all over the place and now she's not. Worry nibbled at my gut. I pressed my back against the door, closing it. “Where were you?”“I… um, I was invited to have dinner with Shawn.”His eyes were empty, but his face had a smile. “I see. So you and your sister share the same traits. You both like being in a relationship with me, but sleeping with someone else.”“Logan, that isn't fair. I didn't say that I was sleeping with him. We just shared a meal-” He chuckled once more, tipping the bottle to his lips and gulping down the last of the liquids. I placed my bag on the floor, and walked up to him. “You're wasted. I didn't sleep with Shawn. And-” I wanted to add that he said this wasn't a permanent relationship. But still, I wasn't
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*~~Chapter Sixty~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I sat in the bathtub, thinking about my life and how I'd gotten to this point. Thinking about what Logan and I had just done, and the angry way it happened. The thoughts swirled around my mind like the water around me, uninvited and relentless. Perhaps there were things I could do differently to change it, but I forced those thoughts away. Tonight was not the time for regrets or self-recrimination. Tonight was for me, for finding a moment of peace amidst the chaos. I focused on the bath, letting the warmth and tranquility wash over me. It had started with the decision to treat myself, to carve out a slice of time just for me. After I cleaned up the living room, bare ass naked, I decided I needed to sleep. I got to the room, and just threw on a nightgown. I was standing there when I told myself I deserved some time of peace. A bath seemed like the way to achieve that. besides, sleeping without showering after sex would be madness.I had chosen my favorite nightgo
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