All Chapters of The Cruel Alpha's Unwanted Bride: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
*~~Chapter Forty-One~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}The obvious choice is to not go with Logan. But the right way he held me felt like a threat. One he did not want to say out loud. I inhaled, I was genuinely terrified of him right at this moment. It took a lot of convincing before my parents agreed to let me leave with him. Who could blame them? This is … this is fucked up in so many ways. I don't even know where to start. It had not been my intention to laugh, or to admit that my parents weren't the best. Not like anyone focused on that. They seemed genuinely apologetic. But to hear that Ava has been using my own trauma as a way to gander sympathy was funny. Was Logan that dumb? He couldn't see past a simple lie?I stayed quiet in the car. A sexual punishment is humiliating. Him throwing a glass at me lets me know he's not above hitting me when it comes to defending Ava. He called me a liar when everyone was telling him the truth that we all knew. Still, I was called a liar. I felt unnerved by it but I was hor
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*~~Chapter Forty-Two~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}The teddy bears were adorable, and the one I’d picked out relaxed me. As I’d said, Logan bought me a few other things too. I’m pretty sure he’ll go back to not caring about me tomorrow morning, but he seemed sincerely sorry that he’d thrown something at me. I’m guessing he draws the line at physical abuse, but blackmail and sexually starving someone is okay in his books. As well as verbal abuse.Focus on the teddy. This polar bear is going to be my new friend. My own person since I have no one. I do have Aisha but if she ever visited me here she’d end up in prison for attempting to murder the pack’s medic alpha.I could speak to Ryan but I don’t think I ever want to discuss any of things unless I’m talking to a fucking therapist. My eyes shot a glance towards the window, and my jaw dropped. They still have it. The Fushi Festival. Fushi is still the pack mascot. It’s like a giant sushi roll. Our pack originally belonged to a clan of wolves from East Asia. But they
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*~~Chapter Forty-Three~~*
{~~Logan Grey~~}Sherman Woods, committed suicide in the fall of- fuck, she was telling the truth. The article says that the person responsible for making up such a lie shall not be named. The pack protected Ava from being slandered. So many people commented under the article that they should not protect whoever did this. Sherman’s parents refused to make a comment. They only post about their son each year on his birthday with the caption ‘We couldn’t protect you’.My stomach was queasy, I felt sick. How could I not know about this? I never did any research on her. I love her. I know I do, but I loved a version of her and not the real one. She not only left me, but she’d been lying to me for years.Avery was playing every game she could get her hands on, while I stewed in the background doing my research. She seems so honest. She was right about me not knowing her name until recently. Ava used to just call her Shadow. But if you type Ava sterling on the search engine you find nothing
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*~~Chapter Forty-Four~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I awoke feeling free and happy, I quickly shut those emotions down. It’s the next morning, who knows what horrors are waiting for me. If after telling Logan that his girlfriend played a role in someone’s suicide, and he’s still in love with her then I have no chance. His wound is still fresh, he needs some time. So right now, I have to just play it cool. I have so many Ava horror stories so the second he changes his mind I can tell him as much as I want.I saw my room littered with gifts and teddy bears. I won some of these like the stuffed bunny that is occupying one corner of my room. It’s like a cushion, how did it fit in the car? And I’m surprised that Logan didn’t burn them. He actually brought me to my room. He was nice last night, he reminded me too much of the version he’d been when we first met.I should thank him. I’ll shower, and make breakfast. I stepped into the bathroom and started my routine. I made sure to take my time with it. The sun wasn’t out y
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*~~Chapter Forty-Five~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}A Marriage Binding Contract.That is what this is. He even added rules, and he has decided he’ll wear a ring too. Change his social media profile. He’s willing to play this out... in hopes of drawing her out so they could talk. Logan still wants her, but he wants true honesty, he doesn’t want to be lied to. He is under the impression that my sister is capable of changing.He is more naive than I am. I read through the whole contract, he even added rules and conditions. Consequences if one of us breaks the rules. Can I say I was humiliated by this? Rules, as though I’m a child that needs to be stirred right. I was in my office at work, staring at the contract in pure shock as I tried to make sense of it.Not all of it was bad, but I’ll summarize the basics of the rules. And how much he plans to pay my parents every three months to ensure that for the two years we’re together, they never have to worry about money. Two years, you might ask. Yes, the contract states
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*~~Chapter Forty-Six~~*
{~~Logan Sterling~~}“- the point of the fundraiser is not to raise money for Heart Inc. We bring in a yearly quota that keeps us as the top hospital franchise in the world at the moment. No, it’s to raise money to spread awareness for certain illnesses affecting the several shifters.” the CMO droned on. This was a meeting for the board of directors. The only reason I’m here is because as medic alpha my opinion is very important and valuable to all of them.If not, they’d have excluded me like they did to the rest of the staff who will find out about the event through an emailed invitation.“The importance of spreading awareness and spreading the word, helps us set up smaller factions in places where people can’t have hospitals. Most wolf packs suffer from illnesses, that they think are common for our species. Having no clue that they’re being tricked. That there are cures, and symptoms to look out for. And in the process of not knowing the cause of their illness, they start to derive
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*~~Chapter Forty-Seven~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I helped my last patient of the day back into bed, his stitches had ripped twice to the point that the CMO had to scold the doctor and call for logan. But I told him he didn’t need to disturb the medic alpha. I did the stitches myself, and they haven’t ripped since. The patient is stubborn, grumpy, and every bit sour to be around. But when I work, I don’t care for their personalities.My job is to save their lives. Not to like them. I pulled the sheets over his body and made sure he was comfortable. I was about to turn around and leave when his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. Yanking me forcefully onto his body. I pushed back, and a snapping sound had me screaming as I fell to the ground. My wrist had twisted in the process.He looked at me and laughed. “That must have hurt.”“You son of a bitch. Why would you do that?!” Another nurse burst into the room, she gasped as she stared at where I was on the floor. Holding on to my bruised numb hand.“This nurse trie
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*~~Chapter Forty-Eight~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I know myself more than anyone else. So when something in my body, my consciousness goes off, i can feel it. Bad dreams are omens, warning signs for me.This is another nightmare. I could tell. The storm, the strewn-up trees, they were the signs I'm about to have a terrible dream. The howling wind screamed through the forest, whipping the branches into a frenzy and sending leaves swirling around me like a cyclone. The sky above was an angry, churning mass of dark clouds, illuminated sporadically by flashes of lightning that cast eerie, fleeting shadows on the ground. Each thunderclap was a deafening roar, shaking the very earth beneath my feet.The forest was alive with the sound of the storm, but it was a hostile, menacing life. The trees, gnarled and twisted, loomed over me like the skeletal fingers of some ancient giant, their bark rough and blackened as if scorched by some forgotten fire. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, a pu
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*~~Chapter Forty-Nine~~*
{Third Person Point Of View}In another state, far away from Avery and the nightmares that plagued her. There was another girl pacing about deep in thought and confusion. In the house she had grown to call home, and a room she spent every night in. Sometimes she didn’t leave the room at all.The room was shrouded in darkness as she stepped cautiously forward, her breath shallow and quick, each exhalation a quiet puff in the still air. Her eyes strained against the blackness, every corner and shadow blending into a uniform void. She paused, holding her breath, listening intently for any sound that might indicate another presence. There was nothing. The silence was thick, almost tangible, and it brought a small measure of relief. No footsteps, no whispers, no signs of life besides her own. The absence of noise eased the tight knot of anxiety that had been building in her chest. She always did feel safe when she stayed by herself.Her surroundings, however, did little to soothe her. To h
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*~~Chapter Fifty~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I threw my bag over my shoulders, ready to head off to work. I let the nightmare fade into the back of my mind, I just can’t let myself be haunted. I hopped down the stairs, my stomach tightened at the prospect of eating so I’m going to skip food today. If I get enough water, I should be fine until lunch. Hopefully, at that time, I’ll feel hungry enough to eat something later. I had just gotten to the bottom when I heard Logan’s voice.“Another one? We’ll be there soon- she’s not going into labor, how is that even possible? The obstetrician said her contractions are- that just doesn’t make any sense. She didn’t show any negative signs, did she? A slit to the throat? Yes, I’m heading out now. They need to stabilize her and try to get her to go into labor.”He hung up just as I revealed myself. Logan looked tense.“Oh good, you’re ready. We’ll take my sports car.”His what? Some days I forget that his family is vastly wealthy thanks to the way he lives. His house is
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