All Chapters of The Cruel Alpha's Unwanted Bride: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 Chapters
*~~Chapter Twenty-One~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I thought yesterday was hell, but the next day was even worse. This day dragged on even longer when a patient was brought in with a slit throat and some bruises. Did I also mention she was pregnant? The scene in the emergency room was chaotic, with nurses and doctors moving frantically, trying to stabilize her. The air was thick with urgency, every second critical. The CMO was calling for Logan, but he was nowhere to be found. We were rushing, we needed the medic alpha. I went in search of him, my mind racing with frustration and worry.This woman had my heart in shambles. She was begging us to save her baby, she couldn't even express how she got hurt or tell us to save her life. And the fucking medic alpha is missing. I was pissed. I don't mean the small kind of anger where you can cool off by breathing. No I was FUCKING enraged!!! Where is he? I thought he promised he'd do better after yesterday? A mother and child are relying on him to live!I found Logan on t
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*~~Chapter Twenty-Two~~*
{~~Logan Grey~~}I fucked up. There's no other way to put it. I messed up, and I'm not scared to admit it. In my selfishness, in my sadness, I forgot what my job was. And now, I have to face the consequences.After ensuring the newborn child was kept under good watch, I was called into the CMO's office. I had never done anything to disappoint the people I work with, and this did not feel good. As one of the best medic alphas, it was a blow to my pride to be called out like this. Ryan was right about one thing: I let my love for Ava blind me. I'm disappointed at myself for my actions today. I didn't think it would hurt me that much, I thought that I could move past it. Ignore it and focus on trying to win her over within the year. Then I made the mistake of going back to get social media. She posted a flirty video, she was just in a towel. Her caption read: My first night as a married woman. I never knew love could feel this good.Tell me that wouldn't hurt any ex. I think it was the
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*~~Chapter Twenty-Three~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}The day went by smoothly after Logan snapped out of his funk. It was like a switch had been flipped, and suddenly we were all graced with the better version of himself. He gave out orders with authority, handled patients promptly and efficiently, and his presence alone seemed to uplift the entire atmosphere of the hospital. It was a relief to see him back to his old self, the Logan we all knew and admired.Once our shifts were done, I was approached by some nurses. They invited me out for drinks, a tempting offer after the stressful day we had all endured. Normally, I would have declined, preferring to unwind in the comfort of my own home. But tonight, I felt like going out and just having fun. Still, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling of guilt, knowing that Logan was struggling with his own demons.I texted him to let him know my plans, hoping for some semblance of understanding or support. His response was cold and dismissive, saying he couldn't care less what
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*~~Chapter Twenty Four~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}Ryan I talked for hours until the nurses came to inform me that they were ready to go. I was the only one with a car so I’d driven them here. I get a little tipsy from alcohol, and I’m a respected driver. I don’t go under the influence. So I said goodbye to Ryan and spoke to the bartender about keeping my car in the parking lot.He said he’d tell the night guards, and I started to call a cab. One of the nurses started singing.“All aloneeee.” I giggled as the others joined her in singing some song about being left alone in a barn. I’m not a singer so I didn’t join in. The cab was eight minutes away. Ryan stepped out of the bar while we waited.“You’re not singing with your group?”“No. I’m not really a singer.”“Ohh, you don’t have any musical talents?” he inquired. His hands dug into the pockets of his jeans, and the smile he’d had on all night returned.“I played the piano all throughout middle school and elementary. I had to drop it in high school because it wa
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*~~Chapter Twenty Five~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}Logan wasn’t going to give up and let me sleep. And I’m tired. So tired. I just wanna sleep and forget everything. I held my breath, holding the duvet and tugging my body all around with it so he wouldn’t be able to get me down.But apparently, logan wasn’t going to take me trying to cocoon my body away from his touch.I was flipped onto my back and pinned to the floor with such force that the wind was knocked out of me. Logan loomed over me, his expression a mix of annoyance and confusion. The duvet, now crumpled and discarded, had been yanked off in the struggle. His arms clamped around my hips, effectively trapping me beneath him.“Get out of my room,” he sneered, his eyes blazing with frustration. But I scoffed at his demand, refusing to be intimidated. This was my room, or so I thought in my intoxicated haze. I held my body together, huffing defiantly at him.“You’re not going to bully me out of my own bedroom, i will not allow it. Fuck off.” I growled back a
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*~~Chapter Twenty Six~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I woke several minutes later, my body feeling like it had been put through the wringer.This is why I don’t drink. When I'm drunk, I don't really feel it, but the moment I come to, my head will ache like a fucking bitch. Ouch! I feel like I might pop a vessel. I slipped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom just as bile rushed up. I made it to the bathroom in time, clutching the toilet bowl as my stomach emptied its contents violently.The retching left me weak and trembling. I can't go to work with a hangover; I am not that careless. After what felt like an eternity, the nausea subsided, and I stood up shakily, leaning heavily on the sink. I turned on the tap and rinsed my mouth, the taste of vomit lingering unpleasantly. I grabbed my toothbrush, hoping the minty freshness would help me feel somewhat human again.I glanced in the mirror and groaned. My hair was a tangled mess, and my face was pale and drawn. The shirt I was wearing wasn’t mine, and I was pantyles
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*~~Chapter Twenty-Seven~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~} I stretched lazily, feeling the stiffness in my muscles as I waited for Logan to step out for his morning run. My body was weary; I had gone back to sleep after... well, let's just forget about it. On a more positive note, I decided to use this quiet time to cook dinner while I reflected on the previous night. Curiosity gnawed at me—I wanted to know what had happened, and more specifically, what the sex with me had been like. Logan returned an hour later, his face flushed and his breath still a bit labored from the run. I told him I had prepared dinner, and in true Logan fashion, he grunted his acknowledgment before taking his sweet time in the shower. As the sound of running water filled the house, I busied myself setting the table, my mind racing with questions and nerves. When he finally emerged, he was shirtless, the defined muscles of his chest glistening slightly from the residual dampness. His wet hair clung to his forehead, and his low-hanging pants expo
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*~~Chapter Twenty-Eight~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}I tried to eat as slowly as I could, but Logan picked up on this. He told me to finish up before he did or I'd regret it. I was forced to rush. I ate and went upstairs to clean up. Logan instructed that I wear something flimsy, and the only thing I had of the sorts was a dress from my high school days that doesn't fit well. It's extra tight, and if I crouch it goes up my thighs. I don't feel comfortable in this. We went into the living room, and he examined me. “Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. You don't look the best but you're not bad. Turn for me.”I felt like I was a common whore to him. I turned slowly, letting him take in my body in the small black dress. It was alot longer when I was sixteen. Not anymore though. My twenty four year old body has filled it out more prominently. “Bend, show me your ass.”I tipped my upper body forward, the dress rode up revealing my underwear and presenting my behind to Logan. His hand reached out, running over my ass. Then to
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*~~Chapter Twenty-Nine~~*
{~~Logan’s Point Of View~~} The vibrator worked on her for five minutes before she fought it off, and rolled away from the table. I turned off the phone, amused and aroused by her disturbance. I've never been a kinky man, but I like to see Avery suffer. Really suffer. I want her… to feel pain. I want to bring her pleasure, then make her hate herself for it. Or better cut it off before she can reach that orgasmic bliss. Hahaha, I have turned into something else. I watched her crawl. Grabbing onto her ankle before she could get far away. “No, fuck no that's crazy. I won't do it.” I dragged her back, spreading her legs and placing her ass in my lap. “I can't count on you to do a goddamn thing.” I say but there's no anger just amusement. “Logan, please don't do this.” “I'm not doing anything.” I pulled out two black ties from the box I'd brought. I tied her knees to wrist. Making a pretty bow. This position kept her pussy exposed. Her ass too. She did clean everything so I
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*~~Chaptet Thirty~~*
{~~Avery Sterling~~}There are a lot things that I could have considered as warning signs when it came down to Logan. His need to humiliate me was not one of them. I figured I wouldn't fall for his trick. That I could be strong, better, and if I could resist his insults then I could prove myself to him. But I failed to understand that my body and my mind speak two different languages. My mind says we can withhold against any onslaught of pleasure he tries to put us through. And my body says self preservation and respect is for people who are not me. I am so ashamed.Logan was chuckling like a supervillain from the worst movie ever. He sounded so evil, so unlike the man I'd known– watched– in high school. I wasn't dealing with that version of him. Who was such a sweetheart. He's just cruel. My eyes and cheeks are wet with tears. I can't believe I came. Two fingers tapped my cheek, and I was forced to open my eyes. “Awwwn, look at those tears.” He looks so pleased. So proud that h
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