All Chapters of My Alpha Ex-Husband Regrets: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Chapter 31: Girl Talk
Trista’s POV “What do you mean?” I asked. What rumors? What awful, terrible rumors? “Just stuff,” she shrugged dismissively. “What sort of stuff?” I prodded. “Well, as you know, Lycans are an ancient race. They’ve always been a little…mysterious. You know, they keep to themselves and all that.” “Get to the rumors, Hazel,” I said flatly. “I’ve just heard things. Like – that they’re brutal. Powerful. Merciless. People, werewolves, are afraid of them. Just things like that.” I was silent. Brutal? Merciless? I had a hard time thinking about Johnson in any connection to THOSE words. He was the complete opposite. Kind. Loyal. Generous. Seeing my silence, Hazel continued. “Obviously Johnson’s not like that,” she said. “You told me he takes care of you. And the children. He sounds lovely, he really does.” Her words were coming out rushed. It was making me feel uneasy. “He’s clearly VERY differen
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Chapter 32: The Meeting
Trista’s POV We drove through the busy streets of Starhaven. I knew Starhaven was big, but I had no idea it was THIS massive.Traffic was bumper to bumper in the downtown core, since it was the middle of rush hour. Everywhere I looked, skyscrapers loomed overhead. Pedestrians scuttled across the streets, briefcases and coffees in hand. I’d been to some really large cities in Europe, so a large city was nothing new. I was just surprised that THIS is where Liam’s head office was.This was a far cry from the pack’s simple town in the forest. And a far cry from Summerset.Hazel slammed on the brakes, causing my body to lurch forward.“What are you doing?” She threw her hands up in the air. “Are you color blind! That’s a green light, you jerk!”I gave her the side-eye. Hazel was generally a pretty calm person, but something about driving in the city turned her into a swearing, angry, maniac. I checked my seatbelt to make sure it was secure. “Are you sure you can find the building?
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Chapter 33: Dress Right
Trista’s POVLiam’s assistant, Jules, was leading me down a long corridor. He was walking really fast and I struggled to keep up. Liam had passed me off to him. “So the launch party is first. Just a small affair. Only about 300 or so guests. Then it’s the photo shoot with Miss Sinclair,” Jules said. He glanced back at me while we walked. “Miss Sinclair is a real doll. You’ll love her. Really. This way.” He veered left into another long corridor. “Now, as I’m sure you know, our company, Dress Right, is the father company to all our other apparel companies. In fact, we’re now the largest group of apparel companies on the East Coast.”“Oh, I actually didn’t know that,” I said.Apparel? I didn’t know Liam had gone into the apparel business.“Yes, yes,” he nodded quickly. “This way.” We turned right this time and were met with yet another long corridor. “We have a wide range of business lines. Everything, really, from casual wear to popular designer brands. We cover luxury goods, too, of
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Chapter 34: Stevia Sinclair
Trista’s POV“Crisis! Total crisis mode here.” A female voice broke through my thoughts. The door swung open and there she was…Stevia Sinclair!She was even more beautiful in person. I stood to greet her. She eyed me.“It’s such a pleasure to meet you,” I gushed. “I’m…”She cut me off. Her voice was pleasant but curt. I was a bit taken aback.“May I ask… are you a celebrity?” she asked, her eyebrow raised.“Um. No.”“Is this your dressing room?” She walked towards the mirror. She put her hand on her hip and clicked her nails on the counter.“Well, no. It’s not mine.”“Are you all finished?”Was I? I supposed so. Basically, anyway. We’d been at it for hours. What was left? Just some accessories. Maybe some earrings? So yeah, I was pretty much done. “Almost,” I replied.“Good. Because my stylist totally flaked on me. Tell her,” she pointed at Brenna, “to do my makeup right away. I assume she’s the stylist?” Stevia was looking at me.“Um…yes…”“Perfect. I have an important meeting with
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Chapter 35: Pre-Launch
I rubbed my hands on my dress. My palms were sweaty. My heart was beating a mile a minute. We were waiting in a backstage area. But right beyond those doors, a ton of people were waiting in, what Liam was calling, ‘The Launch Room.’The staff eyed Liam and Stevia excitedly. The big boss and the big star! Next to them, I was a nobody. Don’t get me wrong. People were polite enough. It’s just that I didn’t hold the same allure as a CEO and a celebrity.And I knew it.Liam and Stevia giggled like old friends. I held my elbows and giggled too whenever they looked my way. You see, they were acting like I was part of the conversation, but I wasn’t. Not really.Especially since the conversation was about me.Stevia warmed up to me the moment Liam introduced me.“Well I had no idea the designer is your ex-wife!” she’d exclaimed. “Come. Come, Trista. Come sit,” she had said in the dressing room, standing up so I could take her seat. But Liam had said it was time to go to the launch party.What
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Chapter 36: Another Big Announcement
“Where’s Stevia?” I asked as I returned to the waiting room.“Oh, she’s already gone in,” Liam replied. “You know what it’s like with the media. They wanted her ahead of time.”No. I didn’t know what it was like with the media. This was all new to me.I heard a lot of noise, then, from outside the room. Applause, the click of cameras, people shouting: “Stevia! This way! Look over here!”And I realized…This was no small launch.Liam had glossed over it, claiming it was ‘simple and intimate’. But I should have known better.The HS Group had a lot of financial power, so there were likely a ton of business bigwigs out there. Then add in Stevia Sinclair, who’s a real media draw. And of course, the elusive Liam Stonewood, president of HS. Apparently Liam rarely appeared in public, at least, that’s what I’d been told.Mix them all together and voila! You have a conference room packed with over a thousand people.“Over a thousand?” I blinked, frozen in spot. Liam had just told me the head co
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Chapter 37: Senior Art Director
Trista’s POV Everyone waited with baited breath. A big announcement? What could that be? Liam flashed a smile at me then he addressed the crowd. “You’re all in for a real treat,” he said with a sincere smile. “Trista is an extremely talented jewelry designer, and we couldn’t be more excited to have her on board with HS.” I smiled back at him. Those were kind words. “But I have something very important to share with you all. Trista is my ex-wife.” He paused. The crowd gasped. My mind spun. Why was he telling everyone this? This was SO embarrassing! This was our personal life! How dare he! But before I could finish my thoughts, he continued. “In fact, Trista was my first wife. As such, I am transferring 20% of the shares of HS to her.” Again, he paused. Cameras flashed, blinding me. I felt like everything was moving in slow motion. He looked at me as he said the next part. “I am appointed Trista as the Senior Art Director of HS, eff
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Chapter 38: The Drive Home
Trista’s POVMy heart raced. I ran through the HS building. I couldn’t get home quickly enough. I zig-zagged through the corridors, desperate to reach the door that would lead me outside.Liam chased after me.“Trista, wait!” he hollered. “I’m really sorry! I shouldn’t have blindsided you like that. Just…slow down…let’s talk about this!”People in the hallway stopped and stared. I looked like a crazy person running through the halls, with Liam hot on my trail spewing out apologies. But I didn’t care. I finally found the front door and burst out into the bright sunlight.I stopped for a moment to get my bearings.Liam appeared, placing his hand on my arm. I shook it off.“Leave me alone,” I said firmly. “I’m going home.”“Can we at least talk about this?” he asked, his head cocked to the side.“No,” I said bluntly.“Okay,” he nodded, realizing that I was firm on this. “Then at least let me drive you home. It’s rush hour. You’ll never get a taxi.”“I’ll bus,” I snapped back. The last th
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Chapter 39: Their past
I blinked.Remember her?She was the one who took my spot as Luna.He saw my face as we turned out of the city onto a less busy highway road. “Right,” heSaid. “Of course you remember her. Well, anyway, she came to me, when you and I were still together. She said she was homeless and needed protection. The Alpha of the Blue Moon Crescent Pack was abusing her. She’d run away but now he was trying to hunt her down, to kill her. I took pity on her.”I nodded. I knew some of Lucy’s backstory, but not all of it.“I asked Beta Jack to find somewhere for her to live. Then she rang me up and said we had to meet. She had important information, business information, from her old pack. She said it could help me. So…I met up with her. We had a drink and then…well…I don’t remember anything after that.”“You don't remember anything? You mean you don't remember what you and she... did?” I asked, appalled.“I honestly don’t know,” he sighed.I stared at his eyes, not missing a single detail, trying t
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Chapter 40: What Happened to My Baby?
Trista’s POVHe misunderstood. I had followed news of Liam for a short while after our divorce. Of course I had! I was curious. But when I saw how well he was doing, and how happy he was, I’d stopped following him.“You were all over the news,” I explained. “I wasn’t looking for news about you. But there you were, every time I logged on. I deleted all the apps shortly after your wedding. I honestly didn’t care to see what you were doing,” I denied. The corners of his mouth curled into a smile. “Okay, Trista, whatever you say.” He said it in a tone that said he didn’t believe me at all. “Is it true? Were you really pregnant?” he asked.I sighed and looked out the window. The trees whirled by, the massive trunks tossing speckles of shade onto the ground. It really was beautiful, this forest.He continued. “Johnson said you were fired when you were pregnant. That was right after you left our pack.”Left? He was making it sound like I had chosen to leave.“You mean exiled,” I snapped. He
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