All Chapters of My Alpha Ex-Husband Regrets: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Chapter 21: The Man With the Gun
Trista’s POV“Look out!” I hollered to the man in the suit. The man in the suit had no idea he was being followed! I had to warn him. My voice echoed through the parkade.The man in the suit turned around, his eyes quizzical.The man with the gun quickly fired a few shots at the man in the suit. But the man in the suit was already alert and he dodged the attack.The man with the gun turned to me. He narrowed his eyes with anger in it. Then he pointed his gun and shot me.My visual impairment didn't allow me to move as swiftly as I would have liked. Even though I had my glasses on, all I could do was watch the bullet fly towards me.Pain ripped through my arm.“Oh my god!” the man in the suit yelled, running towards me. I crumpled to the ground, holding my arm. The man with the gun took off.“Just, just stay calm,” the man in the suit said, taking out his cell phone. “I’m going to get you help.”There was so much kindness in his eyes.Yes, it was Johnson.Before I knew it, he was liftin
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Chapter 22: In Shock
Trista’s POV My heart lurched. Billy was thrown from the back of the horse. The trainer lunged under Billy and broke his fall. The horse reared up, kicking its front legs in the air. It neighed loudly. I ran to them. Johnson got there first. He dismounted and then lifted Belle from the horse. Belle wailed. She was terrified. Johnson wrapped his arms around her. Billy was on top of the trainer on the ground. I lifted him off the trainer. “Momma?” Billy asked, his face pale and his eyes wide. “I’m….I’m so sorry,” the trainer stuttered, getting up to his feet. He cradled his left arm. “I don’t know what happened. Something spooked her.” “Is Billy okay?” Johnson asked. The horse continued to kick, its nostrils flaring. “Yes,” I said. I checked him over. He wasn’t hurt, just shocked. The trainer, however, didn’t escape the ordeal so easily. His arm was bent in an unnatural way. “Your arm,” I said to him
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Chapter 23: Dagny’s Story
Trista’s POV A Lycan?If my face was shocked before, well….“Well, I suppose I better fill you in,” she said, smiling sweetly. “Would you like more tea? It’s a bit of a long story.”I shook my head. My thoughts were reeling. She was…she was a lycan? But..but how?“I come from an old Lycan family,” she started. “We were based in the United States, on the West Coast. It was a very, very powerful family, too powerful, actually. We had a lot of enemies, other werewolves that wanted to kill us to stop our power. So, my parents, Johnson’s grandparents, came to Europe to go into hiding. They figured it was the safest thing to do.”I nodded. I had heard about lycans going into hiding. Lycan always had a lot of enemies; werewolves are jealous of their power so they hunt them down. Dagny continued.They first settled in Paris, but it was too big and busy. They longed for the peace and quiet they’d had for so long. So they moved out this way, to the South of France. I lived a ver
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Chapter 24: You Should Go Home
Trista’s POV Suddenly, my mind flashed back to the day I met Johnson. The parking garage.The man, with the gun.“You said people were hunting Johnson’s father,” I said. “I think…maybe someone was hunting Johnson, too.” I told her about the day in the garage. Her face turned serious, and a darkness washed over her features. “Do you think…maybe…There might be the connection between these people?”She pressed her lips together. “Because it probably is,” I continued. “Who are these people? What did they want with Steward?” She looked down at her hands. “Were they…were they trying to kill him?” I asked.Then she looked up at me, with a fake smile on her face. “Thank you for the information, Trista,” she said. “I will speak to Steward about it. I’m sure it was nothing. He’ll sort it out.”I snapped my mouth shut. She clearly didn’t want to talk about it. I was offending her -prying into her personal life. Her normal expression returned. “No need for apologies,” she said. We
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Chapter 25: The Offer
Trista’s POV Go home? How could I possibly do that? Did she mean back to my pack? Back to Summerset? I was rejected. Exiled. I didn’t have a home there anymore. I carried Billy back to my bedroom, Dagny’s words swarming through my mind. The herbs had made Billy sleepy, and he was dead weight. He was heavy in my arms and I realized that he wasn’t my tiny little baby anymore. He was a young boy now. I laid him down on my bed. He stirred, then curled up into a ball. He looked so much like Liam. The same eyes, the same hair, the same build. Looking at him there, on the bed, he didn’t look like an average five-year-old boy. He looked older. Stronger. More robust. “It must be the Alpha blood in him,” I sighed to myself. My mind turned to Johnson. He had been so calm and collected during the accident. He knew just what to do but the concern on his face – well – that had been the concerned look of a parent. “Johnson
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Chapter 26: The Offer (1)
Trista’s POV Liam? Ugh. He was the last person I wanted to talk about. “He made us, well you, a pretty good offer, Trista.” I didn’t want a damned thing from Liam, let alone some sort of business offer. But I trusted Johnson so I listened. “Liam’s been in touch with Stevia Sinclair.” My eyes lit up. Stevia Sinclair? She was the hottest movie star right now. She was a massive influencer with a multi-million social media following. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, knew who she was. Johnson chuckled at my expression. “Looks like Liam managed to secure a deal with Miss Sinclair. She’s agreed to endorse your latest jewelry line. With a few conditions, of course.” I couldn’t respond. How? What? Was this really happening? “It gets better,” Johnson said. “Liam has offered to fund the creation of an independent brand, in YOUR name.” It was a dream come true! My own brand? Endorsed by the most famous movie star on the p
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Chapter 27: A Difficult Decision
Trista’s POV His question hung in the air. I thought about it. It was an attractive offer. My own line? Endorsed by Stevia Sinclair? It was everything I’d ever dreamed of! But I hesitated. Because there were strings attached. Giant strings, ready to strangle me. Liam. I didn’t want to see him again. Ever. Dagny’s words rang through my head. ‘Billy’s wolf might be unstable. He’s been raised without his pack. Maybe you should go home, Trista.’ Now, if Liam had made me this offer yesterday, I would have flat out refused. Yeah right! Work for that jerk? But this wasn’t yesterday. And a lot had changed since then. Billy had spooked a horse and taken a bad fall. Dagny had voiced her concerns. Was Billy at risk? Of having an unstable wolf? I didn’t know. I had to admit there was some truth in Dagny’s words. When I’d first left, I hadn’t thought about the ramifications of raising my children away from their pack. I’d
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Chapter 28: Summerset
Trista’s POV I chose Summerset. I knew the town well and it was close to the forest town where the Blue Moon Crescent Pack was.Many young wolves came to Summerset. Young people from the pack, to start their own businesses. It helped strengthen our pack. Starting their own business gave them better, richer lives. I had encouraged our young wolves to do this when I’d been Luna.Many of them had. My children would be surrounded by wolves in Summerset. It was the closest I could come to being ‘near’ a pack, without actually being part of one. Blue Moon Crescent was doing really well. That’s what I’d heard. Of course, I had made Blue Moon Crescent its first buckets of wealth. But Liam had turned that money into more. He’d done really well financially. His reputation spread far and wide. Even in Europe I’d heard whispers about the ‘mysterious billionaire who lived in a small, forest town.’ He’d integrated his business into the human world very successfully. Our pack was doing very we
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Chapter 29: Hazel
Trista’s POV Hazel!MY Hazel!Reunited at last!Moon Goddess, it felt good! We embraced. Then we both started talking at the same time, gushing and chattering.We were talking over each other and neither of us could understand a word the other was saying. I laughed. “We clearly have a lot to catch up on. How about you come back to my place and we’ll have tea? The kids can play in the yard. Please?” I took her hands in mine.She squeezed my hands. “Trista, I already let you go once. I’m NEVER letting you go again!”Back at my house, I made tea. But before it had finished steeping, Hazel looked at me with a mischievous look. I knew that look. I ditched the tea and grabbed a bottle of wine. We sat out back and clinked our glasses together.“To us,” Hazel said, sinking back into her chair.“To us,” I smiled.We hadn’t seen each other in five years, but we slipped right back into our friendship, talking easily and comfortably as though no time had passed. I regaled her stories abo
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Chapter 30: Rumors
Trista’s POV At that exact moment, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. ‘Speak of the devil,’ I muttered under my breath. It was Johnson. I had barely answered though when the twins swarmed me. “Is it Johnson? Is it?” They asked, hopping from foot to foot with excitement. I nodded and went to say hello, but Billy snatched the phone out of my hand! “Johnson!” he said. “We boughted a hammock! A real one!’ Then Belle grabbed the phone from Billy. “It’s ME! Belle!” she squealed into the phone. “Can you hear me cuz we flew all the way across the ocean!” Hazel raised her eyebrows. “Johnson, is it? Is that his name?” “Oh yes, he’s a friend. And my boss, actually…” “Well, judging by their excitement,” she pointed at the kids who were taking turns with the phone, “he sounds like a lot more than a friend.” “It’s not like that,” I denied. “Look at them!” Hazel
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