All Chapters of My Alpha Ex-Husband Regrets: Chapter 51 - Chapter 54
54 Chapters
Chapter 51: Surprise Visitor (1)
“Emmmm, your friend is… cute.”Johnson glanced out the window at the back of Hazel's leaving. I took a quick peek at him and joked to him, “You are the type of man my friends like. I can create some opportunities for you two. ”“No, no, no. I'm just curious about what your friends from childhood are like. You rarely make friends in France. I'd better continue reading stories to the children.” Johnson nervously explained and closed the curtains tightly, which made me laugh.After Hazel’d left, I sat on the couch and listened to Johnson finish his story. He was enthralling as a story teller. He used different voices for the characters and everything. The house felt cozy and warm. Comfortable. I realized it wasn’t just the children that had missed Johnson.After dinner, Gladice cleaned up the dishes, then I excused her for the night.“Well, I really should get the kids ready for bed,” I said to Johnson, trying to subtly cue him that it was time for him to go, too.“Sure. I’ll just wait h
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Chapter 52: Life Is Good
Trista’s POV The following week was the most relaxing one I’d had since I returned to Summerset. Having Johnson in the house felt so natural. Gladice was not very comfortable at first, letting Johnson be alone with Belle and Billy. But after a day, she told me that she had never met a young man like Johnson who had never had children of his own but took great care of the kids. I smiled. Indeed, I could not imagine without Johnson how I would have managed to raise a pair of twins alone in a foreign country for five years. Johnson came home one day, bursting through the door. “I have fabulous news,” he said. “I found Billy and Belle a school for kindergarten.” I was planning on enrolling them in the local public school, so I cocked my head, curious about this ‘school’ of Johnson’s. “It’s called the Scornbrooke Academy. Actually Hazel recommended it to me.” he explained, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
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Chapter 53: The Photo Shoot
Trista’s POVThe day of the big photo shoot finally arrived. I walked into the HS building, my stomach in knots. I was actually nervous about running into Liam. He’d given me my space, which I was grateful for, but I knew we couldn’t avoid each other forever.I got to the dressing room and was surprised to see that Stevia was already there.“Darling!” she said, rushing towards me. She air-kissed me on both cheeks. “Lovely to see you again. You look fabulous! Have you lost weight? You’ve lost weight. You can’t fool me!”I blushed. I hadn’t lost any weight. She was just being kind. But I appreciated it. I wasn’t sure how she would be towards me after the whole media launch debacle. I was thrilled to see there were no hard feelings. In fact, it felt like we were old friends. She linked her arm in mine and led me over to the mirror.Brenda was waiting for me at the table. “No need for a full makeover this time,” she winked. I thought back to the afternoon I’d spent with her and the ma
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Chapter 54: Blood Red
Trista’s POV Johnson was NOT happy. I could see it on his face. I scrambled out of Liam’s arms and back onto my feet, even though my ankle was throbbing.“I thought you were shooting a product endorsement. But it looks to me like you’re filming some sort of romantic drama,” Johnson quipped sarcastically.“It’s not what it looks like,” Liam said defensively.“No? Because it looks like you were cradling Trista in your arms. If that’s not the case, then enlighten me.” Johnson glared at Liam. The tension in the air was palpable. Everyone could feel it.“She’s hurt. She tripped on a wire and cut her ankle. I was helping her. That’s all.”The tension in the air was palpable. Everyone could feel it. “Hurt?” Johnson’s eyes grew wide. He rushed over to me and knelt down to examine my ankle.“It’s nothing, Johnson, really,” I said dismissively. Everyone in the room was staring at us. I was embarrassed.“There’s…blood…” he said. Then he stood. His face was strange. Pale and twisted. Hid
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