All Chapters of My Alpha Ex-Husband Regrets: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
Chapter 41: Work with him?
Then I got out of the car and walked across the parking lot.He sat in the car and waited.But I didn’t look back. Not this time.Billy and Belle ran to me when I got home. I collected them into my arms and smothered them with kisses.Then I told them to run outside and play.Hazel handed me a cup of tea.“So?” she said, her eyebrows raised.“He embarrassed me,” I sighed, collapsing onto the couch. “He told the media about our personal life. I’m so…so angry. I can’t forgive him for this.”“I understand,” she nodded. “It was quite the production. And it wasn’t fair to you to be put on the spot like that.”We finished our tea and then Hazel went home. I checked my phone and there were five more texts from Johnson. He was really worried.“Trista!” he said as soon as I called. “It’s so good to hear your voice. I’ve been worried sick!”“I know,” I said. His voice was comforting. It helped me relax.“Are you okay? You fainted! I saw it all on the live broadcast.”I assured him I was fine. I
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Chapter 42: The Red Rage
Johnson’s POVI hung up the phone, with a silly smile plastered on my face. I couldn’t help it! I was on cloud nine.I’d been worried sick ever since the broadcast. Liam had apologized to her on live television! Offered her shares, a big position within the company! And then she’d fainted and they’d disappeared.Visions of them together had permeated my mind. What were they doing? Making up? Kissing? Fondling each other? Or worse…I’d texted her like crazy! Too much, I realize now. But it’d taken her so long to get to me, I’d convinced myself that Trista and Liam were getting back together.But now?“There’s nothing between me and Liam.” That’s what she’d said. And I trust her.Liam didn’t understand her. Not like I did. I knew her, I knew her heart. She has a strong heart, full of love and compassion. She has this unique charm. She can win over anyone with that shy smile of hers.But she doesn’t know her own strength. How many women could have accomplished what she had? When she arri
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Chapter 43: Getting My Ducks in a Row
Trista’s POVI dialed the number of the lawyer. I needed some legal advice.Liam had rescheduled the promotional photo shoot with Stevia for the following week. I took this opportunity to withdraw from Liam. To get space between us. And to get my ducks in a row.“Carter and Associates,” a bright voice said.“Um, yes. I’m looking for some legal help,” I told the receptionist. She patched me through to a lovely lawyer. I explained that I was trying to open an office in Starhaven and I had a contract I needed her to look over. She asked me to send it to her office, and assured me she could help.With the help of a real estate agent, I found a beautiful little office space in Starhaven. I was bustling with pride. This is where I was going to work on and launch my own line. The contract with HS had already been written up, and there was nothing that prevented me from starting my own line. That’s what the lawyer confirmed for me. So if I accepted Liam’s offer, I could still work on my own
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Chapter 44: Afternoon Without Men
Trista’s POV“What?” I asked, pushing Hazel to the side. She was still staring at Gladice, frowning.“It’s nothing,” she said, her voice in a whisper. “I just didn’t know that you’d already hired someone.”“You don’t like her?” I asked.We both looked casually at Gladice. By now, she’d moved on from the basket. She was looking through my fridge.“I don’t know her,” Hazel shrugged. “I guess I just thought…well….your old omega maid really misses you. She heard you were back. She said she’d love to work for you again.”Gladice took out a bottle of something (salad dressing) and sniffed it. She shook her head and put it back. Then she grabbed three apples and crammed them into the basket.“Oh,” I said. I missed Emi too. She had been lovely. So kind and attentive. And I’d always felt like her little pups, well, like they’d been my extended family.“Knives?” Gladice asked.I pointed to the drawer.“What does she need knives for?” Hazel whispered.“I dunno. They’re going on a picnic. To cu
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Chapter 45: His Condition
Trista’s POVOn Monday morning, I stepped into the main hall at HS. Everyone was staring at me, slyly, with side-eyes, but they were staring nonetheless. They whispered after I passed by. Looked like all the juicy gossip from the launch event had spread through the office, like wildfire.I held my head high, though. I’d done nothing wrong. They could talk all they wanted.I arrived at Liam’s office and went straight to his receptionist. I didn’t have an office there, so I had to ask to see him.“Is he expecting you?” she asked.“No,” I answered. After talking with Hazel yesterday afternoon, and then again with Johnson last night, I’d made the firm decision to accept Liam’s offer. I hadn’t scheduled a meeting or anything to let him know, though. I’d decided to just drop in on him and give him the news face to face.“I’ll let him know you’re here, Miss…”“Trista.”At the mention of my name, her face registered recognition. “Yes, of course.” She told me to take a seat. I waited patiently
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Chapter 46: The Word Regret
I opened my mouth to protest, but he waved his hand in the air.“Trista, this is non-negotiable. I need timely feedback. Timely responses from you. I tried calling you countless times over the past week, to discuss BUSINESS matters. But I couldn’t get a hold of you. A personal secretary will prevent a situation like that from happening again.”I snapped my mouth shut. He was right. I had ignored him. He’d called several more times yesterday afternoon, but I’d shut off my phone to drink with Hazel.In all truth, it had been a tad bit unprofessional of me. “You can relax, Trista,” he said. I noticed that I was actually very tense. “These conditions are all reasonable. I look forward to working with you.”I smiled. So there it was. We COULD maintain a professional, working relationship. We could…“I also look forward to winning you back.”Wait. What?! I glared at him.“I’m not going to lie,” he said. “I have every intention of winning you back. But I realize now that it ca
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Chapter 47: Vindication
Trista’s POVMy hands were shaking. I was letting my emotions take over. I didn’t want to let him see me like this, so I steadied my breathing.I stared at Liam. He was quiet. What is thinking, I wondered. After a little bit, he said, in a very quiet voice:“I didn’t know.”“Didn’t know what?” I asked.“You never told me any of this. I had no idea you felt that way. I thought…” he lowered his head. “I thought you liked being a full-time housewife. You never said otherwise.” He fixed his eyes on mine. “I’m sorry, Trista. I really am. For everything.”His eyes were sincere. This time, his apology really hit some. I felt like I’d finally gotten through to him, like FINALLY, after all this time, he understood. I’d given three years of my life to him, to our pack. During that time, I’d put my own dreams on the back burner. I’d put everyone else first.I’d almost given up being a mother!I studied his face. He looked ashamed. This was the apology I’d been waiting for.I’d been afraid of com
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Chapter 48: I, Regret
Liam’s POV Monday mornings were always a shit show. A million things always piled up over the weekend. 56 unread emails. A stack of papers for review on my desk. Meetings all afternoon.I sighed and took a big swig of my coffee.But then my secretary called to tell me there was someone to see me. “A Miss Trista Moonlar?” Trista! Relief washed over me. I’d been trying to call her all weekend but she was avoiding my calls. I’d been so worried that she wasn’t going to accept my offer. That she was going to pack up and move back to Milan. In fact, I’d had a bit of a panic attack sometime yesterday afternoon. I called her five times in a row. Not my finest moment, I know. But I was freaking out! She was here now though? In the office? First thing on a Monday morning? Perfect. Unless she’d come to tell me in person that she wasn’t accepting my offer. I shook my head. No. She would have just texted that. It had t
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Chapter 49: My New Personal Assistant
Trista’s POVHa! I’d held my own against that smug Carlos. I was really proud of myself. Other than his little hissy fit about the shares, the meeting had gone really well. I walked out of the meeting feeling like I was on cloud nine.But even though I felt a high level of satisfaction, something nagged at me.Lucy. Carlos had mentioned Lucy.How well did he know her? It seemed like maybe they were friendly?It also seemed like Liam and Lucy’s breakup had been bitter…I decided to focus on the positive, and to celebrate with a vanilla latte from the cute little coffee shop across the street. With my coffee in hand, I plunked down at a seat outside and dialed Johnson.It was a habit of mine, I realized. Whenever anything good happened in my life, he was the first person I wanted to share it with. I couldn’t wait to tell him all about the meeting, and the way I’d defended myself against that arrogant executive.But the call didn’t connect.Huh. That was strange. I’d have to try again la
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Chapter 50: Surprise Visitor
Trista’s POVHazel and I rushed home. She drove like a bat of out hell, but I didn’t even object once.Was it true? Had Liam found out where I lived? Had he seen the children?We pulled into the driveway and ran up to the house. But before we were even inside, we heard a male voice inside the house. He was talking to my children!I shot Hazel a nervous look as I reached for the doorknob.If Liam found out these were his children, what would he do? I’d done everything I could to hide the truth from him. My heart pounded in my chest.I looked at Hazel with a pleading look. After all, Liam was Hazel's Alpha, and the pack's rule was that you could not betray the Alpha's order. But I knew Hazel would not betray me. I didn't want to put her in a difficult position.I gestured to Hazel and waved my hand to let her go first. But Hazel shook her head and tapped her chest. She winked at me and made a gesture as zipped her mouth. We grew up together and know each other best. I know I can al
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