All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
154 Chapters
Lily’s POV I retraced my steps and found a corner to hide and hear them speak.“I do not like Amelia, but I prefer her class for Master Marcus.”“That is true. Her strength, power, influence, and authority coupled with her cold and aggressive demeanor, suits Master Marcus’s personality the most.”“I am most happy that now, Lily, or whatever her name is called will be put right where she belongs.”Where do I belong? I was not a slave. I was my father’s daughter and pride. It was to defend my dignity and sanity, that my pack was massacred. How dare they say words they know nothing of?“She has been acting too proud, getting served by us, getting her room cleaned by us, always putting on an act to get Master Marcus's attention, but now all her efforts would be in vain.”The servants kept talking till I heard Clara’s voice, sounding like the voice of an angel among an assembly of demons. I peeped out of my hiding place. “What do you think you are doing?” Clara asked as she approached t
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Lily’s POV “I fear you might be with a child, Lily,” Clara announced. I stared at her in disbelief. Did she know what the hell she was saying? I scoffed. “Stop joking around Clara,” I replied. I suddenly felt cold, so I rubbed my shoulders. “I wish I was Lily. For your sake, I wish I was.” Lily said, looking at me pitifully. My mind began to swirl with so many thoughts. I tried to recall when was the last time, and I realized it was indeed three weeks before we got attacked and I was captured. That same night, Marcus had forced himself on me. I should have seen Aunt Flo two weeks later. But I have been in Mistwood Creek for almost a month. “I still do not believe it.” I sniffed in a tear that was about to drop. “Lily, I know this may be hard to take in, but you need to make terms with it. ” For the first time, I felt Clara was only making noise or talking senselessly at that moment. Did she understand what that meant? That I would be stuck here forever with Marcus?
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Lily’s POV“What did you say?” I asked after a few minutes of not being able to react or say anything.“I'm sorry Lily. You are with two children in your womb.” Grayson replied.I felt numb for a few more minutes, I could not say anything or do anything about it. This was real, I was with a child.No, I was with children.“Please, let no one find out about this,” I said, looking back at Grayson's sullen face and at Clara's tear-stricken face.“I promise I won't tell anyone,” Clara replied through tears.I turned back to Grayson and he nodded in the affirmative. I stood up and made for the door. I staggered and almost fell back, but Grayson held me.“Stay strong child, rest a little and get some strength.” He said as he held me up.“I have to see Marcus,” I mumbled.“But you just said not to tell anyone!” Clara yelled.“Hush now Clara, she might want to inform the father.” Grayson rebuked her.“No,” I shook my head and held their hands. “I don't want to tell him,” I said weakly.“Then
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Marcus’s POV Arriving at my chambers from the council hall, I found Leila sitting casually on my bed.My eyes darkened. “Leave us,” I said to Winston who was trailing behind me.“Yes, Master Marcus.” He replied and scurried away.“What are you doing here?” I asked, eyeing her menacingly.“Can I not also visit my husband to be in his chambers?” She asked back.“Stop answering my question with another question!” I barked. “Why did you come here?” I asked her again.She rolled her eyes. “Well, since we are engaged to be married now, and I do not care how long that will take, but now that we are, I would like us to clarify some issues.” She replied.This lady was getting on my nerves with each passing second. Her aura smelt like filthy evil and she possessed and displayed such evil.“What clarification are you talking about?” I asked feigning ignorance at where she was headed. They all had one target which was Crimson Valley and their target had a key.Lily. “We need to discuss the issu
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Marcus's POV I arrived in my chambers in one piece, but my mood had turned sour. Did Lily just reject me? On what basis did she reject me? Why would she even do that?I got angry and overturned the mini table in my room. Was she trying to stay away from me? She was my slave and there was nothing she could do about it.I growled slowly and immediately went out the window for a run. I did not want to be around people. I needed to calm my nerves.I ran till I found a tree in the Forest, within the borders of Mistwood Creek. I climbed the tree and rested there till morning.At the break of day, my eyes opened slowly and I realized I was still on the tree but there was someone else there. “What are you doing here?” I asked the old lady.“I see you have been rejected by your mate, Master Marcus, but that should not deter you or make you give up.” She replied.I scoffed. “I am yet to know who the hell you are?” I asked angrily.My sleeve was long and it was bright, so how was she able to
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Leila's POV“What the hell was wrong with Marcus?!” I screamed at the ugly-faced Amelia who was following me back to the Queen's chambers.“I'm sorry Leila, soon he will have no choice but to stick with you no matter what,” Amelia replied.I did not like keeping ugly faces beside me, but Amelia had proven herself useful time and time again. So for now I'll ensure her useless ramblings.“What time was that little whore supposed to meet the queen?” I asked her.“About this time Leila.” She replied.“Good. She would not know what hit her till it did.I laughed sinisterly and took a turn till we arrived at the southern wing which belonged to Queen Laurent.As we arrived at the queen's chambers, I took a very short pause and sighed not knowing I had spent longer than two minutes glaring at the queen.That seat will be mine soon.“Aren't we supposed to be going inside now?” Amelia asked, interrupting my thoughts.“We?” I asked with a sneer plastered at the corner of my lips then returned a
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Lily's POV I tried to act like I was in control of myself with his sudden change of attitude. It was good anyway because it made it easier to pass my message across without guilt. “Please let me go,” I said solemnly. I watched as his face instantly went pale and all his facial muscles tensed up. His black eyes constricted and the room became extremely cold. “What do you mean by let you go?” He asked, his tone very icy. I could not bring myself to say the words the way I had earlier intended, but I would say them nonetheless. “You will be getting married soon and I am very useless and fragile. I feel there is no need to keep me around any longer.” I urged. He was no longer wearing his usual warm smile that made him more handsome, at least to me. All that was left was a cold and contemptuous smirk on His face. “I will never let you go, Lily.” He said calmly. “Why?” I asked. “Please Master Marcus, I am not needed here and more so, I do not have anything going on here.”
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Lily's POV“I mean, he is getting married to Leila, so it could only mean he loves her right?” I asked.I knew there was something wrong going on with Marcus and Leila, but why would he agree to marry her if he did not feel something for her?It is only these babies in my womb that I feel sorry for. They don't know what they will face when they are born. I thought “And that is a good thing right?” She asked, her stares were suffocating.“Yes, it is,” I said quickly.My response felt more like a consolation for me than it was an admission for her.“Good. Now I hope you are well familiar with jasmine tea.” She asked.“No, I have only read about it,” I replied truthfully.“I thought as much. This was specially imported from overseas.” She said as Amelia brought two cups and poured in the tea. She lifted one cup for the Queen and left the other one for me.“Consider this, a gift for hurting you back then.” The queen said and raising her cup, she passed me a toast and took a sip of it.I
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Lily's POV“Lily, no matter what happens, I need you to know that I will always watch your back and I will always be there for you anytime, anywhere,” Clara said.I hugged her again and cried a little more before it was time for her to leave.“When do you intend on doing what you have proposed to do?” She asked, concern had long plastered across her face.“Tomorrow morning,” I replied as determination replaced the fear and tears that had gripped my heart. “Oh Lily, I will see how best to help you with this.” She said and rubbed my shoulders gently. “Thank you so much, Clara,” I replied and we hugged again before she stepped out and left me alone.I stood up and placed a few clothing and fabrics into a small bag, then assembled the food items into another bag in preparation for what lay ahead.Once I was done, I went straight into bed and slept soundly. No black wolf, no voices. Just a long and dreamless sleep.At the first flicker of light, I stirred awake and hurried out of bed.I
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Lily's POV As I was about to leave, Marcus held my wrists tightly. “Where the hell do you think you are going?”“I need some peaceful time alone,” I replied. My voice was void of emotion.“Do you really think I would let you be on your own?” He asked coldly.I turned to face him. “Why can you not just let me be?!” I yelled. “I just want some time with myself, is that too hard to ask for?”As tears streamed down my cheeks, the effect of the poison hit again and I almost lost my footing, but Marcus caught me.“I'm sorry Lily, but the moment you wanted to run away from me, I can not trust you to be alone and come back to me.” He replied and helped me up.“Fine. Follow me if you wish.” I said weakly. I was glad that the effects of the poison were not too obvious being that I had just finished crying and was weak.I stumbled to our cabin and went first to Shawn's room. The last time I was here it was empty, but I decided to check it out nonetheless.“Who stayed here?” Marcus asked.“My br
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