All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
154 Chapters
Lily's POVI watched as Clara gasped and fell to her knees as King Adonis stepped in followed by Lord Darkwood. Leila's father.“Good morning Alpha King.” I greeted and bowed a little. “Lord Darkwood.” I greeted them too.“Leave us.” King Adonis bellowed, causing Clara to hurry out of my room.“Lily Evergreen, why are you so much of a thorn in our flesh?” King Adonis asked.“Sorry Alpha King but I really don't have an answer to that,” I replied not looking him in the eye.He had this menacing glare on him, his aura was dark and he had this dark-looking ring on his forefinger.“Do you know what you have caused between my son, Marcus, and I?” He asked.“I do not know the alpha king,” I replied truthfully. Lord Darkwood was already walking around my room in search of what I had no idea of.“Who visited your room last night?” Lord Darkwood asked from behind my bed.“No one, except Marcus and his aide, Winston,” I replied.“Liar. I can feel the lingering presence of strong magic on this
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Marcus’s POV As the bright morning light flickered into the cave, I turned and got out of the makeshift bed that was available for me to lie on.“Good morning Master Marcus.” An elderly lady greeted me as I stood up to leave the room.“Good morning. Do you want anything?” I asked as I stopped to give her my attention.“No Master Marcus, but I instead have something to give to you.” She replied.“What is that?” I asked with an expressionless face.“Wisdom. The road ahead is about to get rocky and if you are not careful, you could get drowned in it. But if you tread cautiously, you will emerge victoriously.” As she spoke, a soft glow appeared on her hands and she began to approach me.“Wait!” I halted her. “This wisdom that you speak of, how will I know when to use it?” I asked. I hated the use of magic as a werewolf, except it was inborn or a gift and I knew what she was about to do would require magic. I had to know if it was worth it in the end.“I know what truly troubles you, Mast
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Marcus’s POVI waited for them to begin talking but instead, they began conjuring up things and words, which landed in a place I could not recognize.“Where are we? Where is Lily?” I asked as I was almost thrown into a state of frenzy.“Calm down Marcus. She is still in her room.” Lord Darkwood responded.“I need proof of it,” I demanded.“Just as I thought.” Lord Darkwood replied.He raised a small piece of clothing and the scent on it belonged to Lily. “Once the scent on this clothing dissipates, then you know that she is dead, but the scent still remains, no matter how little, then know that she is still alive.” He threw it to me and I caught it.“So what is the deal?” I asked.“Now here is where I will come in.” Leila began. “You were bound to me at birth yet you chose to frolic with a slave.”“What are you talking about?” I asked with a grave frown quickly spreading across my face.“Let me help. You were destined to get married to Leila once both of you came of age, in exchange th
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Lily’s POVAfter I had called Marcus, I saw him walk towards the bed, but my eyes and strength began to fail me. As he came, he was gradually becoming human again, but then the next thing I saw was darkness. Total Darkness.Light streamed into the room in its full glory and I blinked my eyes to be sure I was still on earth.I actually was, thanks to the figure that lay beside me.I tried to sit up but his arms laid over me firmly. I tried again but he would not budge. Was he awake? Or he was just a weirdo by default? I attempted turning to the side, but he still was not moving.“Lay still.” His voice sounded hoarse and tired.“Do you all sleep like logs of wood over here?” I asked slightly irritated by the weight of his body pressed on mine. “I can hear you.” He said and I rolled my eyes.I spoke so you could hear.“I need to have my bath,” I said calmly.Marcus moved and gave way for me to sit up. I got up and left him on the bed. I hurried and walked into the bathroom. Hopefully,
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Marcus’s POV After Lily left to go take her bath, I lingered around for a while before deciding to allow her have some privacy. I stood up and took the ropes that were on the floor with me. As I was about to leave, I noticed that the small potion bottle was still seated on her table, so I went and picked it up. I left the room before she emerged from the bathroom. As I got to my chambers, I met Winston seated on my chair and waiting for me. “You are back Master Marcus,” Winston said, helping himself out of my chair. “I see you are doing so comfortably without me,” I said as I walked and placed the potion bottle on the table. “Nothing of the sort. I was just waiting for you and I was kind of….. you know,” Winston replied, his words slurring towards the end. I smiled. It was a good day. I had the most peaceful sleep in a long time and Lily was sound and alive. I made the right decision in the end. But who let her live? Was it Lord Darkwood or that old Lady? I needed to see Gr
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Marcus's POV “Marcus,” My father broke the silence. I turned to look at him. “Yes King Adonis,” I replied coldly. “You understand the consequences of what you are about to do right?” He asked. “Yes, father. And as a general rule, the verdict will be passed in my favor if I fulfill two out of three requirements.” I replied confidently. “And are you willing to comply with the third requirement?” Mother spoke up. “What do you think, Queen Laurent?” I asked her. Lily's POV Releasing myself from Grayson's hug, he rubbed his hand all over me to be sure I was truly alright. “Why did you do it?” Grayson asked as soon as he was convinced I was alright. “Father, I don’t think you should ask her that first,” Clara spoke. “It is fine Clara,” I said, turning to her briefly. “Grayson, I am sorry I took the flowers and used them for something you would not approve of. But I needed to do so to make peace with myself and avenge my dead family. I know I was not successful, I am not promising
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Lily's POV I sighed seeing them disappear into the backyard, where I got those chrysanthemum flowers. “We had such a feast that I feel full of satisfaction,” I said to no one in particular. “I am surprised just as you are, maybe we should have more royalty visit us often,” Clara replied and we shared a light banter. All the while, I noticed Winston stealing shy glances at Clara, so I smiled and excused myself to give them some moment alone. “I'll clear the dishes,” I said and picked up the empty plates. I walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes I had just cleared, thinking of the possibility of telling Marcus I was not going to be his mate. I was his slave and would prefer things to be that way. As I was washing, I got distracted by my thoughts and a plate slid off my hand and shattered into pieces. “Ouch!” I yelled in pain as the broken pieces pierced through my hands. I went to pick up the broken pieces despite the cut. As I went down, I felt a strong wind of deja Vu hit m
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Lily's POV As we walked away from the garden, I was gladdened at the turn of events. I needed to speak to him and he only made it easier. But as we walked, neither of us said anything. We endured an awkward silence in our journey from the garden back into the house and straight to Marcus's room. As we entered, he closed and locked the room to avoid any intrusion or distraction. “I,’’ Both of us said at the same time in a bid to break the silence. Marcus cleared his throat and took a seat, while I stood opposite him. “You can have a seat and say what you have to say.” He said with an unreadable expression. He speaks as though he has nothing to say too. I ignored his offer for a seat and stood close to the door where he left me. “Hmm. I know that I have no choice but to serve you as your slave and fulfill your desires,” I paused because of the mischievous grin that appeared on his face, but it disappeared almost immediately. So I continued, “And by revelation, I, umm, I.. I kno
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Marcus's POV I had not intended for things to go this far, as I only wanted to have a taste of her for the last time before letting her go and also leaving her with a taste of me to keep her in remembrance of me.But as she began responding to me with the same intense energy, desire, and need, I lost all sense of decorum.I rocked my groin against her to ensure she was ready enough for me when I needed her to. Her whimpering only boosted my confidence in what was pleasuring her.I squeezed her tiny breasts firmly and she called my name. At that moment, I lost sense of anything and took her to the bed.The sight of her pleasured and her neck bare stirred my wolf up. But I fought hard against it and controlled it.I threw up her skirt and positioned myself on top of her. She kept pulling at me and squirming under my touch.I wanted to tease her more and make the process more pleasurable, so I stood up and took her up with me, causing her to be on top of me instead.Using my hands, I ru
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Lily's POVBending over the wash sink in my bathroom, I gagged my mouth with water and stood upright.“What the hell just happened?” I asked my reflection in the mirror.One moment I was squirming under Marcus's touch and the next, I was on top of him and trying to pull down the zipper of his trousers, and the other moment, I felt the indescribable urge to throw up on Marcus's face.Immediately I was hit with the urge, and I fled without looking back. And when I arrived at my room, I hurried to the bathroom and threw up and when I tried to leave, another wave hit me and I threw up all over again.And that led to my being here in the bathroom at the moment. I remembered I had yet to lock my door, so I walked out of the bathroom and went to lock it.“What could be wrong with me?” I mumbled to myself.I wondered if I had caught the flu as a result of all that had occurred the past few days. That could be the only reasonable explanation for the nausea I was experiencing.I quickly went in
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