All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
154 Chapters
Lily's POV“Stay away from me!” I yelled at him.“No bitch. I give the orders and you follow.” He replied and with that, he lurched at me, gripping my arms and throwing me on the bed.“Let me go, you pig.” I struggled and screamed with all I had, which earned me a slap from him. I recoiled in pain.“Now that is how to treat a useless slave.” He sneered and set himself on top of me. His eyes gleamed with lust and desire.Just as he flipped over my skirt, he stopped and listened. We heard grunts and low voices from outside my door.At that moment, when his guard was down, I drew a dagger hidden in his boot, and using all the strength I had, I flipped him over and pressed the blade to his throat.“You move, I'll let my hands slip,” I said firmly.And that's when the door was flung open and there stood Marcus. “What is going on here?” He asked with a frown.Realizing my position was incriminating, I let the dagger fall out of my hand and I took a few steps backward.“You little bitch!” Smi
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Lily’s POVI walked a while with Clara before we arrived at the garden again. Clara’s excitement over showing me her father was admirable. Shawn and I were like this a lot of times too.“We should see him soon.” She smiled. I smiled back. “Have you been out here in the garden before now?” She asked.“Yes, I have. I recently walked the grounds.” I replied holding my basket in hand.“Then you must have seen my father.” She squealed excitedly.“I guess I have,” I responded. She laughed and walked a bit faster. I could see my younger self in her, but I had to make a promise to myself.I had to stay strong so I could leave this place in one piece and make a comeback. I had to avenge my parent's death, I also had to avenge the death of every member of the Silver Shade pack.“We are here,” Clara announced as she hurried off towards a lone path. Her black curly ponytail bounced to her movements.I embarked on another stroll around the now somewhat familiar garden. We passed that nice spot with
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Marcus's POVAs I went back into my chambers, rage consumed my mind at the sight of what I had seen.Smithson's intentions were clearly not good but what I do not understand is why.Smithson had clearly loathed her and destroyed her pack. He had several slaves and servants pleading for his attention, so why would he want to touch what was already mine?I was vexed and needed some unwinding. I couldn't go to the beer house at the moment because it could lead to a confrontation with Smithson.I could kill him this time. I decided to go out for a stroll. Looking out my window, I noticed it was almost dinnertime. But I went out anyway.I stepped out of my chambers and made my way down towards the hallway. Arriving at the balcony overlooking the banquet hall, I saw Lily.She was dressed in work clothes, she had an apron on, and she held a little basket with some cucumbers and berries. Her nails were dirty and her face was worn out.“What the hell do you think you are doing?” I asked her c
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Marcus’s POVI wanted to give her a good response, but I stopped myself. “This is my mansion, so I can do whatever I like and you have no other choice than to obey me,” I replied with an icy tone.“Great! I am seated, what next?” She asked, her voice dripping with disdain.“You eat,” I instructed.I had tried to eat without her, but her stomach kept making little sounds that could not escape my wolf made sure of it.She sat down quietly as though she was not hungry and with composure began serving herself some food. After dishing out what she wanted, she picked up her spoon and stared at me for a few seconds as though considering her options before finally eating.I sighed in relief. She had barely eaten in days since she had arrived in Mistwood Creek. I made a silent promise to myself to abolish quite several rules binding the slaves to their masters.“You should prepare yourself in the morning.” I began and she slowed down her eating. “Clothes would be waiting for you in yo
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Marcus’s POV “Master Marcus, we are going to be late if we do not leave now,” Winston said as he walked up to me.Since I had gone to her room, I had expected her to hasten up, but she decided to take her time. It was already bad enough that she was joining us, but it would be worse if we got delayed because of her.“Go up to her,” I told Winston.I feared that if I went back in there, we may not even come out at all. I had fought so hard to suppress the desire to claim her lips in mine when I was in her room and seeing her in her undergarments only made it worse. “She is already here, Master Marcus,” Winston said into my ears.I turned in the direction of the stairs and saw her standing at the top of the stairs. She looked almost unrecognizable, except for her fragile frame that gave her away.The brown hair brought out the hue of her brown eyes and seeing her with short hair made her look more attractive.“Let us go,” I said as I immediately took my eyes away from her. Th
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Marcus’s POVWe galloped around the four corners of Crimson Valley and made my markings around the borders so anyone coming into Crimson Valley would know they were trading my grounds.Once we were done, I came down from the horse and taking a stance, I howled loudly it almost sounded like a roar.This solidified my claims on Crimson Valley. I climbed back on the horse and strode back to where my men stood.“Should we check on her now or we should head back to Mistwood Creek,” Winston asked.I brought her here so she could visit her home and check if her brother made it out. Part of me wanted to leave her behind, but my innermost desire wanted her with me.“We would stop by the village,” I said to all my men. They nodded and we steered our horses in the direction of the village.If she wanted to come back with me, then she would be waiting for me, but if not, then I would turn my back like she never existed.I kicked my horse and it quickened its pace. I went farther ahead of my men
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Lily's POV As soon as we arrived at Mistwood Creek, I hurried away from Marcus and his men with my bag.I had gathered my mother's potion book and took with me some herbs that were in bottles. I was going to begin my revenge and there was no stopping me now.I had to do this before going to find Shawn. I knew he was alive.I removed our family painting and hung it where I could see it clearly. It would serve as my motivation.All through our ride back, I had feared Marcus would ask his men to search my bag, but they did not. I could not help but wonder at what fool he was.I took my father's perfume bottle and kept it close to my bed. I took the dried herbs and potion books and hid them among my clothes in the closet.As I stepped out of the closet, I met Amelia standing in my room with a smile on.Not again.“I'm sure you have heard of the upcoming banquet,” Amelia asked, walking slowly across the room.“Yes, I have,” I replied, monitoring her movement.“Good, because I brought inst
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Lily's POV The day of the banquet had finally arrived. The halls were set, drinks were brought and music and performers were already present and doing what was meant for them.It was a big event that demanded a lot of attention from everyone because even Marcus was nowhere to be seen. Or was he avoiding me?Early in the morning, I heard a knock on my door. I hurried out of bed to check who it was. I unlocked the door and Clara stepped in.“I heard you would be serving with us tonight so I hastened over here. I hope you do not mind?” She asked, wearing her usual bright smile.“That was so thoughtful of you Clara,” I replied, truly grateful for her thoughtfulness.“Who would you be serving?” She asked as she settled into my bed.“Lord Darkwood’s table,” I replied unenthusiastically. “Are you the one serving Marcus?” I asked curiously.“I wish. I will be serving Queen Laurent.” She replied.That would make reaching the royal table easier. No one would suspect a thing. I had to make sure
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Lily’s POV I hovered over the wine jars for longer than I expected. I tried pouring the potion into the wine jar, but I could not bring myself to mix the potion in.Tears began to stream down my face. I became numb and weak to my knees.Why could I not just do what I have set in my heart to do? Why can I not just kill them off? Why?My tears kept falling and I could not bear to be caught like this, but it was too late.“What are you doing here?” I turned to see the winemaker standing at the door with some guards.I tried to hide the potion bottle but it slipped out of my hands and fell inside the wine pot. I gasped and turned my attention to the pot without answering his question.“No.. no.. this can't be happening. Please no. I didn't mean to.” I sobbed and my tears flowed.“Young lady, what are you talking about?” The winemaker asked more seriously and began to approach me.“Please, I just wanted to die and not cause trouble.” I pleaded.My tears were genuine but my pleas were fals
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Marcus’s POV Coming down from my chambers, I was shocked to see Lily in the company of Leila Darkwood.I cursed lightly under my breath. Winston would have ensured she was given to anyone but the Darkwoods.I had to make sure she was released from them. She could serve anybody but them. I tried to ignore their presence, but not until Leila called out.“Marcus.”I stopped and looked in her direction. “Leila Darkwood, welcome to Mistwood Creek,” I said in response to her.I watched as Leila walked towards me, leaving Lily behind. I looked over at her before I noticed her walking away.“How have you been Marcus?” Leila asked, walking up to me in slow steps.Leila Darkwood was a beautiful lady with nice curves and an attractive appearance. Although most times, she is dressed as though she is Maleficent. And her heart is as dark as her father's heart.“I have been well Leila. You should be at the banquet hall.” I replied with an air of indifference.“What the hell Marcus? I wanted to talk
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