All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
154 Chapters
Marcus’s POV As I stepped into the room, I could not conceal the rage that surged through me on seeing Lily unconscious.“What's going on here?” I snarled. My fangs had already emerged and I was hungry for some pound of flesh.The first person I got a grip on was Scar-face Amelia. “Do you mind telling me what the hell happened here or shall I help you speak up?”“It is not I Master Marcus, it is Lady Leila,” Amelia replied.“Of course, I knew Leila was involved. But what are you?” I asked menacingly.“I am sorry Master Marcus, it will not repeat itself again.” She pleaded.“It definitely would not,” I said calmly. But in an instant, my claws had emerged from my hands and I used them to tear her face, boring in the marks and scars that would never heal in her entire lifetime.Once I was done with her, I flung her out of the room and then turned to the guards stationed by the door. “I never want to see her ugly face ever again.”“Yes, Master Marcus.” They replied and dragged the screami
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Marcus's POV Finding a quiet spot in the forest, close to the outskirts I transformed into my wolf. I was bigger than other wolves, just as my father was, just as his father before him.We were known for our fierceness and extraordinary strength and speed. Only those who had not become impure by harnessing foreign magic in them still maintained the exact strength of a Twilight Ridge werewolf.That was me.I was a black werewolf with lots of fur, my claws were large and sharp and my fangs never missed their target. I yearned for Lily, but I could never have a mate. There was a weakness that came with it, just as it was at the moment with Lily.The worst part was that my wolf's chosen mate was now a slave. I would become a laughing stock. Not that I cared, but it would have an impact on the loyalty and respect of the people.I set my paws and took a stance ready to sprint, with a loud howl, I took to my heels under the dark sky.At first, I just wanted to run to ease off the tension th
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Lily's POVI fluttered my eyes open and took in the sight of my surroundings. There were cream-colored light curtains. A plushy duvet cover, pristine walls and floor. It was a beautifully decorated room. Marcus's room. I sat up and leaned on the bed rest.How did I get here? I thought I was dying already. Why did I have to survive? Who was the face behind that black wolf?Father had said if he kept coming he was my mate, why did he not reveal himself already to me?Why does he allow me to suffer in the world but keep saving me in my dreams? It made no sense and I would rather not even have him exist than hide behind a beastly apparel.I remembered the field with two kids. I laughed inwardly at the thought. Mother and father had always loved children, so if that was their reason for sending me back, then I would have to apologize to them again because I would not be able to fulfill their request.I would never get married, I would never bear a child, I would never build a family. I ha
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Marcus’s POVAt the full break of sunlight, I woke up feeling a little too tired, but I had to see Lily no matter what.I forced myself up from the bed, then rose to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I was done having my bath, I stared back at my reflection in the mirror for a couple of minutes. I admired the black runes that ran down my arms.Every Twilight Ridge werewolf had a rune, some ran along their legs while some like myself, ran along our arms.“It is just really annoying to think such a beautiful part of our bodies was created just for our mates and kids.” I had told this to Winston some time ago.Most of our Servants were humans, or very lowly werewolves who still crossbred with humans. Winston was human.I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and got into the closet to get dressed.As I stepped out of the closet, I saw the little potion bottle on the table. I picked it up and swirled the content inside it.She had an intent to kill and it was either to kill them or to kill
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Lily's POVI was yet to understand what exactly Marcus's aim for coming to my room was, but there would be only one way to find out.I had finished having my bath and was feeling refreshed, but his presence made me feel uncomfortable despite the freshness of my skin.I picked a plate and decided to go for some eggs with bacon and cheese. I had not had eggs for a while and the sight of it gladdened me.Despite the tension hovering over Marcus and me, I decided to focus on enjoying the meal before me. It might be my last after all.As I ate in silence, I noticed Marcus had yet to take another bite beyond the first one he had earlier on.If he was human, I would have been concerned, but once a beast loses his appetite, it causes celebration.I unconsciously smiled at my thoughts and continued to indulge in my meal happily."Why are you eating like you've been starving?" Marcus's sudden question shattered the silence, causing me to freeze mid-bite. His gaze bore into mine, searching for a
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Marcus's POV As I left Lily's room, the only thing left in me was anger. I was angry at myself, angry at my wolf, angry at Smithson, angry at my parents, angry at everyone.Angry at Lily.All I had wanted to know was why Lily would put herself in danger for something that was not worth it.She did not deserve to die because of revenge. But things didn't go as planned.Lily was long given to the hate she has harbored towards my entire pack for what Smithson did.As soon as she said she wasn't even my mate, my wolf growled loudly. She really did not know she was my mate.All this while, I had felt she knew and was acting ignorant about it just as I was, but the look of denial and shock that blared in her eyes told no lies.I needed to release the pent-up energy and emotions that had built inside of me and the only person who came to mind was Smithson.He caused everything and should bear the consequences of his actions. I arrived at the training room with a low growl.“Look who we have
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Lily's POVAfter Marcus left, I reeled in shock at what had just been revealed. Marcus could not have been the black wolf that came into my dreams, he could not have been my mate.Father had told me when I met my mate, I would know that he was the one. But I didn't feel anything towards Marcus but hate.I sat in the cell, I was thrown into and gazed out at the now night sky. I had to stand on the makeshift bed given to me to sleep in, to get a closer look at the beauty of the night.“Get down from there you little witch ?” One of the guards on duty bellowed.“I am sorry, but I only want to see the nice and attractive view of the night sky and the beautiful array of stars perfectly aligned with their constell..”“Get down now!” He yelled interrupting my sentences and I fell back on the makeshift bed.“Is she your slave that you order around in such a manner?” I heard Marcus's low yet agitated voice echo on the walls of the cells.“Master Marcus.” They called out to him, then bowed slig
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Marcus’s POVAs I went out of the cell room, my heart was tightened with so much pain and hurt. I had only wanted to know what happened. How could I ever get her to see beyond the hate, and the anger and if possible let it all go?I hated seeing her wallow in so much pain and hurt. If it was revenge she wanted, I would give it to her, anything she wanted I would do it for her. I just wanted her to be happy and free.I walked aimlessly along the hallway in the northern wing. I remember as a child I loved to stay here all the time. I would always sneak in to use my father's library play in his gardens or watch as the artists painted things, my father and my mother in some cases, painted me too.But after my tenth birthday, all that ended as more responsibilities were laid on me by my father. Mother strived for me to learn and harness magic, but I was content with my wolf abilities.As Leila’s father arrived from his travels and began witch hunting, father and mother endorsed him in exch
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Marcus’s POV“Marcus, what the hell do you think you are doing?” Mother yelled. “You cannot just walk in and challenge your parents like that?” She screamed.“Parents?” I scoffed. “I have now accepted the truth I denied for so long. I lost my parents at ten, Queen Laurent.” I announced coldly and turned towards Lord Darkwoodd.I turned in time to catch him wearing a sinister grin. “Satisfied? I am sorry for making a few changes to the script but let one thing be clear, Crimson Valley would never be yours.”“And King Adonis,” I called, turning to face my father. “I will be taking my slave with me.”“Marcus, have you gone nuts?” Father thundered.“Maybe I have,” I replied and with that, I vanished from the council hall.I walked back into the cell room to find Lily still crouched on the ground where I had left her a while ago.“Get up,” I ordered but I got no response. I walked into the cell room and went towards her and she felt like she was inside an icy cave. My heart began to race
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Lily's POVI woke up with a throbbing headache, but I managed to pull myself up and sit in bed. Everything had happened so fast the night before that they all felt surreal to me.After Marcus had left the cell room, I was in so much pain. I felt so heartbroken at all that had transpired between Marcus and I.Why did he have to be my chosen mate? It all felt so painful, that my tears began to glow. I became scared and tried to dry up the tears but the more I tried to dry it off, the more it fell till I was weak and void of any more tears to shed.I had suddenly become very cold and chilly. All I wanted at that moment was to leave the cell room to somewhere warmer.Then I heard the keys jangle again, spurring me awake from my sleep. I was too weak to look up, but I could sense it was Marcus. I don't know how but when he joined me on the ground, my assumption was confirmed.Next thing, I felt my body being lifted. I liked the warmth of the body, so I snuggled in unconsciously. That was t
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