All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
154 Chapters
Marcus’s POV I stood rooted to the spot at the sight of what I saw. Dead bodies lay scattered on the floor, their lifeless forms battered and unrecognizable. I felt my stomach clench in disgust at the appalling view that lay before me. I took in their different appearances and as I noticed some flickers of silver in some people's hair, I knew who they were.Silvershade pack.I lifted my gaze to see my father afloat in the air with ease. His black rune was sparkling and his face was glowing as he absorbed magic from the lifeless bodies that lay around him. His once familiar features were twisted with madness, his hands outstretched as if being upheld by some mystical force.I took a step forward, my mind reeling with disbelief and horror, but before I could intervene, a thick black smoke materialized out of nowhere, gradually merging into the form of Lord Darkwood. His presence loomed over me like a shadow, his eyes gleaming with malice as he blocked my path with a chilling smile.
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Lily's POV Stirring awake as the first ray of sunlight filtered through the small window, my head throbbed with a dull ache. I groaned and sat up on the cold floor where I slept. Leaning against the cool stone wall, I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, trying to ease the pounding in my head.In that brief moment, memories of the previous night flooded my mind. After leaving Marcus's room. I roamed the west wing looking for Amelia, the scar-faced head maid. I had gone around in search of where she might be as the head maid, but I did not find her.And everywhere I turned, I was met with disdainful glances and whispered insults by the servants and slaves who saw me.“She is dressed like a whore.” I heard one say.“How can she be so shameful? She is proudly walking around with a fake wig and wearing Master Marcus's favorite shirt.”I heard their murmurs as I passed by, but their words meant nothing to me. Even if they called me a whore with fake hair color, mocking the shirt I wore
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Lily's POV I quietly and slowly climbed over the mattress and straddled Marcus in between my legs.How could he be soundly asleep despite all my movements?I hovered over him and raised the knife over him. This was it. I was going to exert vengeance on behalf of my father, mother, and my entire pack. As I raised the knife and was about to plunge it into his chest, tears filled up my eyes and my hands got suspended in the air.I could not bring myself to do it.For a while, the tears flowed down my cheeks. Then suddenly, Marcus moved. His right hand gripped my waist, while his left hand pulled my wrist with fierce intensity.I gasped as he pulled me towards him, his lips crashing against mine with so much force that it made my head spin. The pain of his fierce kiss seared through me, leaving my lips throbbing with pain.My tears flowed the more. He stopped Kissing me and pulled away. "You're too weak," he spat, his disdain palpable. "Attempt only what you can do." He added.Shame was
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Marcus’s POVLeaving her presence did no good because I still found myself lurking behind the trees.I watched her with a sense of unease gnawing at my insides. She sat by the graves and sobbed. I had expected she would wail like her life depended on it.Maybe she was exhausted from screaming at me from earlier on. “Hmm. Silly girl thinks I wanted to kill her.” I muttered under my breath.If I wanted to, she would have been dead a long time ago.But no use wasting my time on someone who is not a threat to even a child born by a human.I noticed her getting up after a long while. She walked towards some wild lavender and plucked them. She placed them on the graves I am now sure belong to her parents.Watching her began to stir me up in ways I could not understand. I felt my chest tighten with grief, my fists clenched in anger and my heart went out to her but my mind refused to allow my emotions to control my actions.I have to get out of here. With a mixture of emotions, I tore my g
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Marcus’s POVI immediately stumbled out of the mansion and arrived outside of mistwood creek. What the hell was wrong with her? Was she okay? Why did she not listen to me and get back on time?I got to the dark forest where I left her and thankfully, she was still there. It was hard to move around in the dark forest, especially as the moon was not yet out. However, I was able to use my fifth sense to navigate my way.“What were you still doing here?” I asked her when I got to her.“What do you think?” She responded fiercely.I wished I could read her expression as she spoke, but the night was long and dark. I stood silent for a while before her response came in low but audible enough. “I fell asleep on my parent‘s grave.”“You what?!” I exclaimed.She really was useless and care less for her life.“I thought I had told you not to be late?” I asked her, my tone was cold and icy.“How did you know I was still here?” She asked back.That is right. How did I know? I heard her cry for help.
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Marcus’s POV Seeing Shadowvale hold her in his arms stirred up a series of emotions in me. I eyed him.Was it jealousy? “Quite a beauty huh?” Shadowvale said, staring at her face.I ignored his remark. “What do you want? Or is looking at her face enough to let us go?” I asked coldly.Shadowvale turned slowly and looked at me. After a while, he began to laugh. “Easy there wolf. I am not going to eat her up.”“So?” I asked. I just wanted him to name his price so I could leave his presence. I did not like the sight of him holding her and I could neither ask for her from him. I could not allow her to seem valued, or else she would become his price. “Who is this pretty lady here?” He asked after catching his breath.“Does it matter?” I asked back, slightly irritated by his question.He laughed again. “Yes, Marcus. She does matter and seeing from your expression, I can feel there is something about her you do not want to let go.”“Stop sprouting what you do not know and name your goddamn
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Lily's POVI found myself lost in the middle of nowhere and I wondered where I was. I was surrounded by a space filled with nothing except space.“Hello,” I called out. “Anyone there?”I heard my voice respond to me in ripple effects. I took a slow spin around myself but I saw nothing and no one.Suddenly the ground began to shake and I heard a series of hungry howls. Then materializing from nowhere looking wolves ran towards me in full force.I began sweating profusely but I was too shocked to make a move. I knew I should run, but my feet were unmoving.It felt like I was experiencing Smithson's attack again.Just as the wolves were about to devour me, I screamed and the black wolf that visited my dreams appeared and howled once, a long beautiful sound. The brown wolves disappeared in seconds but I was crouched below, head in between knees and crying slowly.The black wolf licked away my tears and left me towards a bright light.My dark brown eyes flickered open and I tried to adjust
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Marcus’s POVWhat the hell did she think she was doing?I struggled to calm my ecstatic breathing as I left Lily’s room. I had to make sure she was comfortable enough, especially after what she had been through.I had no idea I was to decide where she would stay. I had always hated having slaves around me, so I never bothered learning the rules binding them to their masters.I walked into my chambers in no time. I had no other choice than to lodge her in my wing.Of course, there were a host of choices. I just wanted her closer to me.I sat on my table and undid a few buttons on my shirt. I sighed inaudibly as my mind went back to the kiss from earlier on.“What in heaven's name was happening to me?” I murmured to myself. I was supposed to be staying away from her and not getting closer to her. But the more I tried to stay away, the closer I became to her.The door creaked open and Winston came in. “Master Marcus.” He called. “You are already back.” He bowed slightly.I nodded. “What
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Marcus's POVI walked into the room already annoyed at the proposition made by Lord Darkwood, I hoped Winston was not here to deliver another annoying report.“What the hell does he want?” I asked, wearing no expression.“Well, he made a few stops here and there. Just snooping around as usual.” Winston replied.“Did you get him off my property?” I asked in a low but angry voice.“He was about to, but said he needed to visit an old friend around here,” Winston replied.Whatever he wanted to do had no business with me, as long as he was not looking for trouble and was not trying to covet what was already mine.“You will get the horses ready,” I instructed. “Get our hunt pack ready too. We have a town to secure and mark our ownership.”“Okay, Master Marcus,” Winston replied and made to leave, but I called him back. “Winston.”“Yes, Master.” He replied and stopped at the doorway.I paused for a while, not sure whether to give the last instruction that tugged at my mind. Was it really nece
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Lily’s POVOn Amelia's leaving in a vexed mood, I smiled and walked closer to the window to take in the beautiful view of Marcus's garden.I did not think someone as cold and unfeeling as Marcus would own a garden, but there it stood, filled with lavenders, corianders, sunflowers, pines, and lots of beautiful flowers.My mother grew the most beautiful garden I had ever set my eyes on. Her garden had herbs, flowers, and spices. She was an excellent florist and usually made alluring scents out of them.Her ointments were precious and sweet smelling. I could never have had enough of them.Letting my desires get the best of me, I put on a pair of comfortable shoes and walked out of the room.I looked across the banquet hall to where Marcus's room stood. I sighed and made my way down the curvy steps.I arrived at the garden and began playing with the flowers. I walked from flower to flower perceiving its beautiful fragrances.For a moment, I felt closer to my mother than I had been since t
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