All Chapters of Sacrificed My Kidney for a Cheat: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
21 Chapters
VARYA’S POV"That Varya agreed to give one of her kidneys to Leah doesn’t entitle her to demand anything from you, Theo. She just happened to be the unfortunate one with a matching organ.” I heard my fiancee's mother say. In the shadows, I stood shocked and bewildered, I couldn't believe the words I just heard. They sliced through me like a dagger, as if I were pierced through, each word piercing deeper into my already broken and shattered heart. Giving up a kidney for his sister was supposed to be an act of love, not a ticket for his family to treat me like some disposable commodity. “Is not as if you will be getting married to her, that engagement is just a facade. Quickly end things with her before Tia comes back, and her family begins preparation as we agreed” she continued.I stood shocked, I couldn’t believe this was how they saw me, they couldn’t give me the money I needed for my mother’s illness but I could sacrifice my kidney for his dying sister. And what Tia? I thought
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VARYA’S POV"Varya, let me talk," Jasmine's voice echoed on my line, its hint of urgency and worry transmitted strongly. "You did what you had to do you saved a life," she said "But before we jump right into the details, I'll ask you this, where are you?"Her words which didn't have to be spoken at all echoed in the room like an absorbed view of how severe the event was.I could hear her concern shimmer through the phone, the silence mirroring the chaos running within me. Through everything though, Jasmine's support seemed like an illuminating bulb amid such darkness, I was carried throughout the whirlwinds of life, with her.I take a long deep breath and conjure the strength to say what needs to be said. "I'm at the bar right across the street" I suddenly said, feeling the confessions fly off my tongue really, really fast. Almost as if my weakness had confessed to me, an abandonment and defeat by the pain and confusion that threatened to engulf and paralyze me.It felt like an etern
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3rd PartyTheo in his room grappled with the daunting task ahead of him: the modality of leaving Varya, the woman who had given him a taste of happiness, was also a controversial question. The worst swamped his mind causing him to recall everything that had happened before in his life. But the harsh reality of his family's expectations loomed large, casting a shadow over his heart. Varya, with her innocent charm and undeniable sweetness, had captured his affection in a way that few others could. But in the eyes of his family, she fell short of their lofty standards. They craved someone powerful, someone like Tia, whose wealth and status could elevate their standing in society. As Theo pondered his next move, a sense of unease gnawed at his conscience. He knew that breaking things off with Varya would not be easy, especially given the depth of her love for him. Yet, the benefit of a profitable marriage to Tia was more important, a marriage promising a future of stability and success.
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VARYA’S POVWith my confidence boosted and my dress draped elegantly on my body, I walked into the hotel to capture control of my life, I said to myself. This day will forever be marked as the day I put an end to a humiliating relationship and moved my feet out of this maze toward freedom.My eyes went on a journey over those grand surroundings, stopping for all the countless details in range, then coming back to present its fair sight. In my realization, Theo had made a wise decision in selecting this location for our meeting, and I could feel that the venue had its prestige.On the other hand, I was surprised by the person I saw sitting at the table on the right side of the room because an entire portrait of my memories back to that time came together at once. I looked at the same hotel and felt it was the place where we had our engagement, yea this place, I would give him back his ring.The pain of our relationship now about to break up is one that I can never forget as if the pain
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VARYA’S POV "Omg, it's 7:30 am! I am going to be late for work today" I said to no one in particular. Not even spending my time sitting and wishing the day away, I rushed out of my bed and into the room faster than lightning. I dashed out of the bathroom, eyeing my mug on the nightstand and rushing for a sip of coffee without waiting to be cooled. The scorching coffee seemed to penetrate right through my tongue like a hot poker.Now the familiar voice of Jasmin came in through the phone, her tone full of concern and urgency. "Varya, where the hell are you?" she demanded, her words punctuated after I took the call that had been ringing so persistently."I'm actually at the office already, Jas. Took a taxi instead of my usual stroll, so calm down," I reassured her, my breath coming in short gasps as I hastily gathered my belongings and highlighted from the taxi."The director's already in the building," Dora said, her concern evident in every word. "Oh, man! What the hell were you up
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"Do I have your decision or not?" Similarly, he said with his cocky tone. "There's no particular thing about you that is so unique," he proceeded, spilling out more annoying words. "Moreover, we are not to interfere in each other's life." My heartbeat raced rapidly. My mother’s anxious expression, sickly and with complete loss of color, flashed before my eyes. It was a choice between life and death, and this agreement was the only window of hope. "I will accept it," I said carefully, the words' bitter flavor radiating on my tongue. He replied without even a slight change of his voice. "OK, get this shit done now, my secretary is waiting." I reached my hand forward for a handshake. "Oh, no, my dear... we just aren't equal here," finished Kylo, his whispering voice as hot on my ear as it was. His words were like a sharp stab in the heart which hit me so hard, that I realized it was the price I had to pay for what I wanted. ***** As I stood there, exchanging vows with Kylo in the
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VARYA’S POV Can this guy tell me why I am pinned to his office wall like he caught a squirrel? I thought my heart racing as I tried to make out Kylo's intentions Does he have no idea how domineering his aura is? Being this close to him makes it difficult to think straight. We are so close that with one more inch, our lips will touch. The sensation of being physically close to him, the almighty Kylo Cassian. I mean he looks really handsome this close, no wonder ladies hang on him like pests. Tch! I scoffed inwardly at that remark. As his hand came to my face, my mind began a vicious flight in million-thought-boxes. Would he kiss me? Slap me? My heart beat stronger, I waited for anything to happen. When I opened my eyes instead of slapping or kissing me, he put his hand in his pocket and stepped back. That expression on his face, it looked as if his glance alone was piercing me, and not a matter of time until I felt goosebumps all over. "Goodness I wanna sink into the ground now"
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Immediately, I turned to look at him, and I was met with his lips which sent jolts of electricity throughout my body. The unexpected kiss sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps appeared on my body. I pushed him away instantly, my heart beating like a drum in my chest "What the hell is wrong with you?" He said in a whisper, enough for only me to hear. Which made me blink in confusion."I told you to behave when Grandpa is around. Is this how you put on a show?" He looked at me with a serious face that only I could see."It was instinctive," I said in a low voice, I could feel the sweat dripping from my face. Kissing me in the presence of his Grandpa was part of the show?"Haa! Young people," his old man interjected with a knowing chuckle. He had obviously witnessed the entire scene just now.My cheeks burned with embarrassment, I probably looked like a tomato at that moment.I wanted to crawl under the table, to disappear into the ground, and never come out. This was beyond awkwar
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The next day at the office was anything but ordinary. The usual hustle and bustle of the Cassian building was overshadowed by whispers and murmurs that seemed to echo through the corridors."Hey Jas, good morning, what's with the drama everywhere?" I asked my friend as I took my seat beside her."Oh, you didn't hear? your father-in-law is in the office, I mean your husband's Grandpa and there's a serious meeting going on, looks like it's a big deal" She replied, her tone filled with excitement.I rolled my eyes at her teasing about my newfound marital status and focused on the matter at hand. "A meeting? But they were discussing that last night at dinner. What could be so urgent?" I wondered aloud. Before Jas could respond, Kylo's secretary appeared behind me. "Miss Varya, the Chairman asked for you," she said with a sense of urgency.I entered the Chairman's office, "You sent for me Grandpa?" I said, addressing him the way he asked me to, expecting to see his usual warm smile, but i
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It felt like pure thunder shook against my ribs like a warning, my heart was screaming inside my body. "Doctor, please what is it?" The question spilled out of my mouth, my voice cracked, yet I could barely say the words past the lump hanging in my throat.The doctor with his face deep-set with worry and this only emphasized my growing anxiety. In a hesitant voice, he continued "To be specific she is not progressing as quickly as we assumed she would". Everything has been completed, but she has closed her eyes for some time, could this be what he's trying to say? I wondered.His eyes were like two chisels. With each word, they carved away my hope, which was already too weak to stand on its own. I was at a loss for words and my thoughts would not process that this could happen, that something was happening to my mom. A fight between life and death. "It looks like your mother is not ready to come with us on this side," the doctor continued, his voice devoid of any signs of comfort
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