


"Varya, let me talk," Jasmine's voice echoed on my line, its hint of urgency and worry transmitted strongly. "You did what you had to do you saved a life," she said "But before we jump right into the details, I'll ask you this, where are you?"

Her words which didn't have to be spoken at all echoed in the room like an absorbed view of how severe the event was.

I could hear her concern shimmer through the phone, the silence mirroring the chaos running within me. Through everything though, Jasmine's support seemed like an illuminating bulb amid such darkness, I was carried throughout the whirlwinds of life, with her.

I take a long deep breath and conjure the strength to say what needs to be said. "I'm at the bar right across the street" I suddenly said, feeling the confessions fly off my tongue really, really fast. Almost as if my weakness had confessed to me, an abandonment and defeat by the pain and confusion that threatened to engulf and paralyze me.

It felt like an eternity before Jasmin spoke again, the line was filled with static filling the paucity of words between us. The next time Jasmine spoke, her words did not clash with the hush in the room, but they were quiet yet firm. "Stay where you are.." she commanded confidently. "I got you, babe, we'll sort this out together."

"Varya, please my goodness, drop the bottle of alcohol," Jasmin spoke, her voice boomed and almost reached my inner brain, finally I got back my sanity.

Her voice sounded urgent, showing the anxiety in all of her emotional words. She arrived to me, breathless from her hurrying as if her hug was a rope like a line electric thread in the chaos of my feelings.

"You have taken enough for the night dear," she urged calmly, her arms holding me tightly as if to protect me. "'Come on, let me take you home." But my tongue let me down, and my nerves baffled me, refusing to stay calm with all the anger and frustration I was feeling.

"Jas," I whispered hoarsely, tears streaming down my cheeks. "His mother... she said I was just unlucky, unworthy of her son.” With each word my voice cracked, the weight of my mistake pressing down on me like a heavy burden.

But Jasmin held me tighter, her presence a steady anchor in the tumult of my emotions. "He couldn't stand up for me," I continued, my voice trembling with emotion.

"They didn't appreciate what I did for Leah. That kidney, it was a part of me I gave up for love, Jas. But he... he only saw it as me being used and discarded.” And then, with a heavy heart, I revealed the final blow.

"You remember Tia, right? Well, Theo is officially engaged to her. This ring," I choked out, holding up the symbol of our shattered dreams, "it was all just a show”

“Hahahaha...” My laugh avalanche started deep in my soul, and then came up, gurgling, and spurting in a blend of sobs and merriment. The unraveling and screaming was a chaotic-hysterical one, which nearly sounded like madness, but somehow in that instant, it felt like the only rational way to tackle the absurdity of the moment.

Mostly Jasmin's eyes had a shade of worry and pity but she finished in a very clear voice that acted like light in the darkness. “Girl, they are the ones who are unworthy of the rare gift God gave them, which is you," she declared, her voice filled with conviction.

Her words struck a chord deep within me, resonating with a truth that I had been unable to see through my pain. "And they are sure that there will never be somebody that will love them enough to give up a part of her," she emphasized, her eye focused and unshakable.

At that moment, her words of encouragement soaked my soul, filling the crevices where self-doubt and insecurity used to fester. "If they will not value or see how much you are worth after you are gone they'll instantly recognize it was a huge mistake and want you back," she stated, her eyes gazing straight at me like a silent, covert pact.

With a nod of understanding, I felt a renewed sense of purpose wash over me. This was rather the moment when I probably overcame the climax of my life and took the right step to help someone, to share my love, and to symbolize compassion.

Therefore, when Jasmin leaned towards me and used a tissue to wipe my tears from off my face, her gesture was comfortably reassuring me that I didn't travel the road alone. With that, she continued, "These lovely eyes are not for tears, sweetheart.” She smiled and I felt the warmth of her smile expand from the darkness. “Don’t ruin your pretty face. You did your best, and you loved right."

Being engulfed by the good of her friendship and the consolation of her speeches, I knew that what knows will be my fate, I will always have a ray of hope to help me survive that.

Jasmin was the wind beneath my wings. Her soft guide demonstrated like a warm gauze, the reminder that I still stood in this moment. The fog of alcohol that my mind was floating in, seemed to dissipate at that moment as I realized what she was saying was reaching me effortlessly like a voice in the clear.

"We'll get you home right now, no worries?" she said her voice being calm and bold at the same time. "Thank goodness, tomorrow is Saturday" You can rest and resume your job on Monday. The new director will be at the company then, so you have to be good."

My hearing was of course good but for some reason, my body became pretty numb as I kept swimming through the sea of doubt. I felt as if I was on a roller coaster, I swayed in every direction, and the ground was undulating under my high feet. However, Jasmin was there next to me, her hand a fixed point as I couldn't tell where to place my feet, keeping me rooted and helping me navigate with easy steps.

And then suddenly I knew what I fundamentally felt- I was thankful to have her by my side.

The delight I felt spread into my spine as I inhaled the fresh air of the early night. Having been by my side, I was certain that there existed no challenge that was not surmountable, even those that resembled the eternally darkest night Jasmin would be there for me.

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