

3rd Party

Theo in his room grappled with the daunting task ahead of him: the modality of leaving Varya, the woman who had given him a taste of happiness, was also a controversial question. The worst swamped his mind causing him to recall everything that had happened before in his life. But the harsh reality of his family's expectations loomed large, casting a shadow over his heart.

Varya, with her innocent charm and undeniable sweetness, had captured his affection in a way that few others could. But in the eyes of his family, she fell short of their lofty standards. They craved someone powerful, someone like Tia, whose wealth and status could elevate their standing in society.

As Theo pondered his next move, a sense of unease gnawed at his conscience. He knew that breaking things off with Varya would not be easy, especially given the depth of her love for him. Yet, the benefit of a profitable marriage to Tia was more important, a marriage promising a future of stability and success.

"How do I first remove every trace of evidence from Varya's phone?" he mused, his thoughts spinning in a whirlwind of uncertainty. The proof of her selfless kidney donation hung over him like a dark cloud, threatening to expose the truth behind his intentions.

With a nervous bite of his fingers, Theo came up with a plan. "I'll ask her to go on a date with me this weekend," he decided, the words making him smirk, a perfect plan. "I'll use the opportunity to get her phone, to erase any lingering evidence of the surgery."

As the phone continued to ring for the third time, Theo's brows furrowed in frustration. Where could Varya have left her phone? The unanswered calls only added to his growing sense of unease, stirring up a whirlwind of worry and apprehension within him.


I woke up, with the pain in my mind that felt like the whole universe was pressing its billions on me. The event of the previous day and Theo’s betrayal remained as a miscellaneous painful love fragment in my head.

Turning to the other side of my bed, I was faced with the beautiful familiar image of Jasmine beside me. The guilt of the fact that she had slept over to care for me, pressured my mind and feelings.

"Vayra, look what Jasmine has gone through because of you,” I hated myself silently, the stings of the self-beat made my head hurt.

How can I be so stupid, so stupid to be heedless in my behavior? With a long sigh, I decided to put things right, by making amends first to my friend I owed much for her devoted stand-by.

Jasmine's fair words pulled me out of all the hate I held against myself and replaced it with an image of how to face things objectively. "Get up from there, you sorry excuse for a woman, and go on and try the medicine that I've kept on the table, beside the soup there." She instructed this with a mix of herself being the one exasperated and somehow at the same time loving.

The comfort and draining of my heart by hugging her for a time filled me with gratitude which displaced a little of my guilt that has been eating at me. "Oh, I am sorry, I woke you up. I am forever indebted to you my Jas, you are so supportive," I said flattering her and putting my head under her jacket.

However, Jasmine, was swift to avoid my apology. "Ok, ok, now go to the bathroom you smell so bad," she playfully told me, her finger flicking hard on my behind. "Even though I cleaned up all of your messes throughout the night, you still smell so bad. Get off now!"

Despite her teasing, I could see the genuine care and concern in her eyes, the depth of her friendship a source of strength in the face of my shortcomings. With a laugh, I dashed out of bed to freshen up, determined to start the day on a better note and make it up to the friend who had gone above and beyond for me once again.

As I reached for my food and medication, my hand brushed against my phone nearby. With a sense of resignation, I picked it up and unlocked the screen, only to be greeted by a text message from Theo.

"Hey babe, been calling all day, I hope you are well. Let's meet up this weekend for a date, you have not been here for a long time and I miss you."

The words pop up on my screen, and my lips curl into a grin of disbelief, a mix of disregard and impatience. Even when I had requested some space, Theo seemed more interested in his pursuits, particularly his flirting with Tia. And now, out of the blue, he wanted to sweep me off for a date?

"Haa! This is ridiculous," I muttered under my breath, the words dripping with disbelief. It was as if he expected me to forget everything that had transpired between us, he told me to my face he had nothing to give me for my mother, but now a date?

No sooner had I had time to think about all of this complete nonsense when the ringing of Theo's call snatched me away and kept interrupting me with its annoying tune. A deep breath, and a moment of silence to gather my mind, and then I picked up the phone and started listening to the dialogue that was to follow.

"Theo? It is as if we have not spoken at all. These days!" I said feeling as if it was in my bones and my heart that the man I had loved all my life could betray me.

"Yeah, I know. I've been busy with work," Theo replied, his words feeling hollow even to his ears. “liar” I muttered.

There was a brief pause as I didn’t feel like responding to that lie, a pregnant silence that stretched between us like a taut wire.

"I was thinking..." He opened in a muted voice, but gradually lost it again. "I'd like to go out with you this weekend if you do not have any engagements. You know, maybe grab dinner or catch a movie?"

The invitation hung in the air, I thought it was time to finally end things and face my own life, and let go of the family that played me, so this date was also necessary.

"Sure, dear," I answered, hoping my voice wouldn't let me down by sounding too excessive. "I've missed spending time with you so much, I mean it."

I heard him chuckle, Well, maybe he also misses me. I deceived myself one more time, let me feel that there is even a moment of us he valued.

"Great, it's a date then," he said, his voice strained with the weight of his deceit.

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