All Chapters of Let Me In: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
137 Chapters
XanderI was probably fucking myself over with this, but I was going to do it anyway. I couldn’t resist her.I thought I was over it. I’d ended things with her, but damn, the woman was stubborn. She didn’t take no for an answer, and quite honestly, I was glad she didn’t.The rest of my life was imploding. I wanted to hold on to her for just a little longer. I knew it would never work long term, but having her near right then felt good.I didn’t want to admit I needed her. Technically, I didn’t need her in the sense I wouldn’t survive without her, but if she was here and offering her company, why not take it? It would ease my misery for a bit. I didn’t have to commit to anything. We were having fun. We were friends. Casual friends. Nothing more.Then why did I introduce her as my girlfriend? That was a problem to be handled another day. I stepped off the elevator and walked down the quiet hall of her hotel until I came to her room door. I knocked, and when she opened the door, I felt
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Xander“I was worried about you. I did call—a lot.”“I didn’t have my phone,” I told her.“I know. I saw it at the bottom of the pool.”I smirked, shaking my head. “You really were in the house.”“I was. I saw the phone and got very worried. I went in the house. It looked like you disappeared. I was worried.”“You said that,” I said, doing my best to hide my smile.“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to totally invade your privacy. It’s just, well, when you didn’t answer. I have a very active imagination. I got a little carried away.”“I appreciate the fact you cared enough to commit multiple felonies.”“I didn’t snoop,” she insisted. “I didn’t dig through your drawers or anything weird.”“Good to know.”“This isn’t my normal thing,” she said, clearly flustered. “I don’t stalk men. I don’t stalk anyone. I was just—”“Worried,” I finished for her. “You were worried about me and stalked me to try and help me.”“Yes. That.”“Thank you. Sometimes, I can be my own worst enemy. At least that’s what I
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Turned On
EvieI told myself I wasn’t nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about. I knew he liked my body. He wasn’t going to point at the little extra cushioning on my hips that felt extremely exposed and enhanced in the lacy red bit of lingerie I was wearing.When he invited me to dinner, I’d claimed I needed a dress. I did but then I happened to come across the lingerie and decided to spice things up.Spicy was one word for it. I fluffed my hair and pulled a few faces in the mirror until I was satisfied I had the perfect sultry pout. I hit the light and opened the door, slowly walking into the small living space with the kitchenette at my right. Xander was sitting in the chair, just as I ordered.The lights were mostly off and there was soft jazz music streaming through the TV. The man knew how to set a mood. I paused and posed. I watched his expression as he drank in the sight of me wearing the tiny little teddy that had ribbons that crisscrossed over my belly and connected to slightly w
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XanderWaking up with Evie’s soft body draped over mine was probably one of the best feelings in the world. It was a little strange to me. I was not the kind of guy who liked the postcoital cuddling and the sleepovers with a woman snuggled against me.I liked space in my bed. I liked to stretch out without worrying about another body being in my way. With Evie, I found myself clinging to her. In the middle of the night, I would wake up and find her just to pull her next to me.I liked feeling her warm breath brush across my chest. I liked hearing her steady breathing. I didn’t even mind the little bit of drool I could feel on my bare chest. It was all part of who she was. As it turned out, I really liked who she was.It was dangerous. I knew it was a huge risk, but I felt myself falling for her a little more every time I spent time with her. She was so much more than a beautiful woman to me. She was becoming my other half. She was the person I wanted to talk to about anything that exc
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No Room for Memories
Xander“True, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’m not sure I want to be there anymore. I’m not sure about anything anymore.”She was quiet for a while. “I get it. I understand you are going through something. Can I ask you to do one thing?”“What is it?”“Don’t make any rash decisions just yet. Don’t sell your house. I’m not saying you need to come back right away but give yourself some time.”“I’ll think about it.”“My life is in San Diego,” she said. “Not that it matters, but I guess you will know where to find me if you ever want to talk.”“Evie, this doesn’t have to end between us,” I blurted out.“I live there. My father is there. My job is there. That’s where I need to be. I understand you don’t want to be there. I won’t ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.”“I’ll make this work,” I told her. “I don’t want this to be over. I want you to be a part of my life.”She offered a small smile. “You know where to find me.”“I do.”I wasn’t sure how I would make it work. I
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The Real World
EvieThe plane jerked as the wheels hit the runway, signaling I was back home after a minor delay in Portland. I was anxious to get home and to the safety of my apartment. I needed my safe place. I wanted to be wrapped up in the things that made me feel safe and comfortable. It was hard to leave him behind. He said he wanted to make it work, but that was impossible.My life was in California. My work kept me busy. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to fly back and forth to Portland or wherever he ended up going. I’d fought for him. I’d tried. Xander had some things to work through and there was nothing more I could do to help him do that.I texted Nelle to let her know the plane landed. She was already waiting for me.“Hi,” she greeted me when I made my way to the baggage collection area.“Hi.”“You don’t look happy.”“It’s a long story.”“I took the night off. We’ll go back to your place and you can tell me everything over a glass or five of wine.”“Yes, please,” I groaned.Thirty minut
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Evie“You could start your own company and be a party planner wherever you are. I bet your lovely man would be more than happy to make a financial investment in your company. This might be your chance to do the one thing I know you have wanted for a long time.”“What would that be?”“To start your own company,” she answered.I did want to start my own company. “But my reputation is here in southern California. I have developed connections here. If I had to go somewhere else, it would be starting over. I would have nothing. No clients. No reputation. No anything.”“Everyone has to start somewhere.”“But I did already start. My dream is to start my own company here.”She waved a hand. “If you go somewhere else, you wouldn’t have to compete with your current employer. You wouldn’t have to worry about noncompete clauses and all that crap.”She had a good point. “I don’t know. I went up there to be with him. I assumed he would be coming back either with me or shortly after. I never expecte
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XanderI slowly pushed the lever, opening the throttle on my new boat. It was a ridiculous splurge and nothing that I needed but I wanted it. It was one of those things that just came to me in the middle of the night. Evie had teased me about my old boat. She was right. I could buy anything I wanted. I loved boats. I used to look at some of the other boats in the marina and get boat envy. Why was I envious when I could go and buy exactly what I wanted? And that was exactly what I did.The wind blew across my face, sending a cold chill over me. I was still adjusting to the cooler weather. Not adjusting. I didn’t want to adjust. I wasn’t staying in Oregon. I was going to move on. I just wasn’t sure where. I felt like a man without a home. Technically, I did have a home, but it didn’t feel like my home.I thought about Evie as the boat slowly bobbed up and down with a gentle sway. We had only spoken a few times since she left. There were plenty of texts between us, but it wasn’t the same
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The Fixer
Xander“My good senses are fine,” I told Charlie. “I’m embarking on a new stage in my life.”“What about the rest of us?”I shrugged. “Why does what I do matter? I’m not asking you to do anything. This is what I have to do.”“Your design for the new rudder system was one of the hottest topics in our world. My company beefed up our maintenance and install teams. We ordered the tools and equipment that would be needed to retrofit the older ships. All we were waiting for were the orders. We knew they would come once you gave your presentation. We already had a few companies in line, ready to send us their ships to be outfitted with your new design. And then you bailed. You left all of us hanging.”“I didn’t mean to cause anyone any trouble,” I told him, feeling the bite of his anger.“No, I know you didn’t. That’s not how you are. You are generous and responsible, and you have always thought about others.”“And you are saying I’m not doing that now?”He didn’t immediately answer, which t
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All Grown Up
EvieI couldn’t shake the heavy feeling on my heart and mind. I missed Xander. Each day he stayed away served as confirmation our relationship was not what I thought it was.He had his own life. He was making plans and moving on. His plans did not include me. I did believe he felt something for me, but it wasn’t enough to bring him back to me.“You look like you haven’t been sleeping,” my father said.I looked across the table and offered a small and what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’ve been working a lot.”“I don’t think that’s the reason for your lack of sleep. If anything, you would sleep like a baby after a long day at work.”“I have a lot on my mind,” I said with a sigh.He sipped his tea. I could never understand how he could drink hot tea on a hot day. “Do you want to tell me what happened? You’ve been so busy—or maybe you’ve been avoiding me—you never told me if you found Xander.”“I found him,” I said. My mind flashed back to the moment I found him at the funeral. Then
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