All Chapters of Let Me In: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
137 Chapters
An Ear to Bend
Evie“Even if it involves Xander or another former student you don’t like?” I teased.Dad groaned, shaking his head. “Yes. I am not going to say I’ll like it, but I will be there for you.”I blew out a breath. “I feel better. I’m glad we got to talk.”“You don’t look like you feel better. You still look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.”“I just feel like I’m losing him.”“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a relationship,” he said with a wistful look on his face. “I remember when I found out your mother was not going to grow old with me. I remember that feeling of just pure devastation. The two situations are not the same, but I think you really care about this man. Dare I say love him?”“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I’m so confused. I think I do but then I question whether or not it is the real thing.”“But you are torn apart about the idea of not seeing him again. You are devastated by the thought of not being with him. That tells me it’s real.”
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I'm Back
XanderI walked out of the airport, and the California sun immediately warmed my skin. I didn’t think I would ever be back, but here I was. Charlie’s words had hit home. I needed to do something to fix the mess I created. I called earlier to have a car waiting for me at the airport. Charlie didn’t know I was coming. I wanted to surprise him like he’d surprised me.I was dropped off at the massive building where he worked. Thankfully, security recognized me and let me in. Charlie was not on the floor, but he was in his office, which worked out great for me. I knocked once before letting myself in.“Excuse me,” he said with irritation before he looked up and saw me. He wore a shocked look on his face. “Holy shit.” “I’ll take that as a good holy shit.”“You’re back!”I held up a hand. “No. I’m here to see you.”“Oh. I’m afraid to ask why. Do I dare ask you to sit?”“I’m going to anyway,” I quipped.I sat down and looked around this office. It was small, dark, and filled with books cover
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Her Place
XanderEvie was staring at me with her mouth hanging agape. There was a pen stuck in the mass of black curls precariously perched on top of her head. “I’m—you’re here.”“I am here. Will you be inviting me in?”“Oh shit, sorry, yes.” She moved out of the way and gestured for me to go inside.“I was hoping I could make you some dinner,” I said and held up the two bags filled with my groceries, which was not easy with my overnight bag hanging on my shoulder. I felt a bit like a pack mule.“You’re here,” she said again.I put the bags on her kitchen counter before going to her and pulling her into my arms. I kissed her like I had not seen in her two years rather than two weeks.“Damn, I’ve missed you,” I breathed when I finally managed to pull myself away from her.“I cannot believe I’m standing here looking at you. I’m floored.”“I wanted to surprise you.”“You definitely did that,” she said with a laugh. “I would have put on something a little less frumpy if I had known I was getting so
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Riding Him
EvieI told myself to guard my heart. That rational side of me was easily shushed and sent to a corner whenever he touched me. My body longed for his touch. I craved his kisses. I was addicted to the man in the worst way.I could hear my inner dialogue as if I were a third party listening in. I bargained with myself. One night of passion with him and then I would stay away from him. Just one more night. I just needed him one more time to take the edge off.“You are so beautiful,” he whispered as his lips grazed my earlobe. “I dream about you every night. I think about touching you all the time. Sometimes, I think I smell you while I’m in bed, only to wake up and find myself alone.”His words sent shivers up and down my spine. My entire body erupted into gooseflesh. “I think about you all the time.”He ran his hands down my sides, stroking me through my clothes. He didn’t appear to be in any real hurry to strip me. I was feeling just the opposite. I felt as if I would erupt into flames
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Fall Asleep In His Arms
EvieI slid my body back up his, trailing kisses over his defined abs and spending a little extra time on his chest before finally landing on his mouth.I devoured him, rubbing my body against his. He reached up to unhook my bra, freeing my breasts. I purred against him, sliding my hard nipples against his chest. The crinkly hairs smattered over his chest teased and tickled.Soon, I couldn’t resist the urge to ride him. I sat up, looking down at the man who was looking up at me with pure lust in his eyes. “Fuck me,” he said the words that nearly had me orgasming right then.I moved, adjusting my body to take him in. With slow, purposeful moves, I swallowed him inside me. I moved my hips, taking the last little bit and leaned back, closing my eyes and relishing in the feel of him throbbing inside me.His hands reached up, grabbing my breasts and squeezing and tugging. I began to move in a slow rhythm, taking the time to grind against his body. Sounds of pleasure echoed around us.He wa
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XanderIt was like deja vu waking up with Evie in my arms. It reminded me of the hotel room in Oregon. I remembered how I felt in that moment. It was good. Holding her in my arms was damn near as good as making love to her. I knew I wanted it again and again. When we were in bed together, I could forget about everything else.I wanted the moment to last forever. Why did it have to end? I told myself we could pull the blankets up to our chins and cocoon ourselves for days. I sighed, knowing she would never agree to that. There was no putting a social butterfly back in a cocoon. She loved her job and her people. I would be selfish to take her away from the world.Just then, I didn’t give a fuck about the world. I wanted her all to myself.“You are awake before me again,” she said in a sleepy voice.“I am an early riser,” I said and wrapped her tighter in my arms. “I think I’m cursed. My father cursed us. If I sleep past eight, I feel as if I have broken the law.”She groaned and snuggle
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How to Make it Better
XanderEvie moved her head away from my chest and rested it on the pillow. I turned to my side to face her.“I think your first question is to ask yourself what you want,” she said. “Like really want.”“I want to fix the mess I made with Charlie.”“And to do that, you need to send work his way, right?”“Yes.”“I’m not entirely sure how your business works, but the designs you have sold. Won’t they speak for themselves? Don’t companies always need new ships?”I offered her a small smile. “Not when they are built right the first time. This new idea I had was more of a retrofit. I designed it with the idea of existing ships being fixed. It would save a fortune on future repairs and would be a hell of a lot cheaper than building a whole new ship.”“It certainly sounds like it would be a good investment for those shipping magnates.”“Yes, but now that my idea has been making the rounds, it isn’t going to be long before some other dude figures it out and puts it on the market.”She looked i
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EvieI checked the time, mentally noting that everything was right on schedule. I walked to the bar being set up under Nelle’s direction. The woman did not mess around when it came to setting up her workstation. There was a wrong way and there was Nelle’s way. There was no in between. It was why she was so damn good at her job.“Hey, drill sergeant,” I said.She turned to me, putting a hand on her hip and giving me that look that said she was going to murder someone. “I’m missing a case of liquor.”“Uh oh. Is that on my end or your end?”“Mine. Not mine but mine.”I nodded with understanding. One of her minions had failed her. “Do I need to do anything?”“Nope. I’ve got it handled.”“I knew you would.”“Walk with me,” she said in a way that made it clear it wasn’t a request.“What’s up?” I asked.“I just wanted to make sure you are okay. I didn’t hear from you last night and I got a little worried.”“Xander showed up at my door.”Her eyes bulged. “No way!”“Yep.”“Oh my god! I’m so ha
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What a Jerk!
Evie“My wife and I have secrets,” he said without taking his eyes off the minimal cleavage showing in the dress I was wearing.“Really? Because the way she is looking at you, I would say your secret is out of the bag. Get lost, buddy. This lady is way out of your league.”I looked at Nelle, trying to tell her to calm down with my eyes. She wasn’t getting the message.“Excuse me?” he growled. “Aren’t you the bartender? Why don’t you make me another drink and do your job? I assume I’m paying you.”“You aren’t paying me shit,” Nelle replied without missing a beat. “This is an open bar.”“And I’m the damn owner of the firm that is paying for it,” he snapped.“Congratulations. I hope you have an excellent attorney and an even better prenup. Your wife is only with you for your money and I would guess she is tired of your secrets. You’re about to be a very broke man. She looks like she could be a gold digger. She was just waiting for you to screw up, and here you are, giving her all kinds o
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Still There
XanderI got up and immediately knew I didn’t want to be in the house. Last night had been awful. No matter how hard I tried, I tossed and turned. I couldn’t bring myself to forget. I thought about taking Evie up on her offer, but I knew I had to test myself. Was there a chance I could come home? Not now. Not after my long, sleepless night.I promised her I would tell her I was leaving and that was what I was going to do. I didn’t want to wake her and found myself trying to kill time while I waited until it was an appropriate time. When nine o’clock rolled around, I felt I’d waited as long as I could. I was confident she would be up by now.“Good morning,” I greeted when she answered.“Hi,” she said, her voice filled with hesitation.“I didn’t leave,” I told her right away.“When you weren’t here when I got home, I assumed you decided to go. You didn’t answer my texts.”“I’m sorry,” I quickly apologized. “I fell asleep early, and by the time I saw your message, it was late and I didn’
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