All Chapters of The Repulsive Bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
123 Chapters
Chapter 91
Dhruv's POV" We didn't sleep a wink and celebrated for the whole night. Then I drove for the whole day and by the time we reached here, I just wanted to be alone with my wife, wanting to rest with her tucked into my arms. " I said looking at him and seeing his face changing colours. "Dhruv!! " Mahima looked at me in a way that meant that I should stop but I was upset with him. How dare he create problems and misunderstandings between us? " Mahima you are looking very beautiful, beta... I would not have recognised you, even if you had passed by me. " Mom said she just smiled. " Yes, mom... Even I was shocked. But I am happy that she is back. " I said. " But I recognised her, the moment I saw her. How can I not recognise my Mahima? " Dheer said looking at her lovingly. " Yes, of course, after all, you were always around her, watching her like a big brother... You did a good job. " I said with a sarcastic smile. " I am not... " He was about to deny being her brother but I didn't
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Chapter 92
Mahima's POV" Leave my hand, Dhruv! " I pulled my hand out of his grip the moment we got out of his parents' house. I was very annoyed with him. " What happened, love? " He asked innocently. " Don't try and act smart... You know damn well, what happened." I said glaring at him. " Sorry!! But I lost my mind. How can he want you?? You belong to me, I love you... I kept my distance from you even though I was dying inside to have you in my life. I forced myself to hate you so that I am not attracted to you more than I already was just because I thought that you loved him not me. " He said. " But still, you can't talk like this. Whatever happened in our bedroom was between us, they were our private moments, and you were not supposed to discuss them in front of them. They are like my parents... I felt so awkward. " I said. " Sorry, love! I wanted to punch him but didn't want another problem in the family so thought of spreading happiness. Didn't you see, how happy mom and dad were??
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Chapter 93
Mahima's POVWe joined everyone and they congratulated us personally." Hey!! Congratulations Antra and sir! We never knew that your real name was Mahima. " Kabir said and Wasim nodded." Sorry, I never told you that... But I had my reasons for that. " I said but Kabir and Wasim shook their heads." No need to apologise... You did, what was the best for you. And your lie didn't harm us in any way. " Wasim said." So that's why he was always angry with us. As if he wanted to punch us right between our eyes. " Kabir laughed." Yes, keep away from my wife. " Dhruv glared and then smiled at them." Stop scaring us... we won't flirt with your wife. " Wasim said." So is that the reason that you did that ad with her because you could not see me romancing your wife? " Kabir asked and Dhruv nodded." Of course!! " He said." And is that the reason why she didn't get the role in the series till now. " Kabir asked again." Yes, I would have broken the jaw of the man who had done the romantic sc
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Chapter 94
Mahima's POVThe couple on the screen were all over each other having passionate sex and tears were forming in my eyes ready to roll down any time. " See for yourself... " Aayushi said. " Mahima... It's fake. I never met her anywhere. We didn't do anything. She is trying to frame me. Please love, trust me. " He was saying but I was not in a condition to understand anything. The old pain came back rushing that I had felt when I saw him having sex with his secretary in his office just after we got married. But he said that it had not happened, it was fake... He said that I had not seen anything at that time, just heard the sounds and thought that he was having sex with her. I had not seen it then... I didn't want to be fooled by it again. So I watched the video though I didn't want to. The sex scene was still going on in the video and she was moaning at the top of her voice. ... Oh God!! Yes!! Oh, Dhruv... You are so good. Please... yes, Oh, yes!! Harder! Ummm... Faster!! That's
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Chapter 95
Mahima's POVWhy are you crying?? There is a possibility that it was Dheer in the video. My inner voice said. I knew that whatever Dhruv said could be correct. It could be Dheer... But still, just the thought of the possibility of that man being Dhruv shook me to the core. And what if it was Dhruv?? I asked. Ask your heart... Do you think it can be him?? The inner voice asked me. I don't know... I replied.Dheer lied to Dhruv and even to you. He expressed his desire to marry you. He told you he wanted to get your marriage annulled with Dhruv so that he can get married to you. He looks like Dhruv, so if it was not Dhruv it has to be Dheer. The lights were dim, the room was dark. It could easily be Dheer. The inner voice gave all the points in favour of Dhruv. Hmmm!!! But she was calling his name... I voiced my doubt. Of course, she faked it.. she can take any name she is fantasising about. How can you trust the video just because she is calling his name? It argued. I don't know
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Chapter 96
Mahima's POVMy hand caressed his chest." Stop it!! " He said. " Why?? You don't like it?? " I asked. I was enjoying his confused state. " The problem is that I am liking it too much... I am afraid, I may get distracted. What is it, Mahima?? I was dying with tension that you might leave me and go and here you are trying to seduce me?? You are, Mahima... Right?? Not my Mahima's look-alike?? " He asked. How cute!!! " What do you think baby?? " I smiled and kissed his cheek. " Enough!! Who are you?? Where is my wife?? Tell me, or I will kill you. " He was getting angry. " What are you saying, darling? I am right here. " " No, it is some kind of trap again. Who are you? What have you done with Mahima?? " He shouted. " Relax !! I am Mahima!! What happened?? " I asked. " Mahima?? Or her look-alike??" He asked. " Of course, Mahima. What happened to you?? " I was surprised. " Ok, let me check... If you are my Mahima, tell me the name of the person who doesn't eat food on his own w
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Chapter 97
Dhruv's POVI applied some ice cream to her neck, she shivered as it was very cold but the very next second licked it clean with my hot tongue. She gasped and I smiled." Dhruv... Don't... " She placed her palm against my chest over my heart. I repeated the action and she shuddered again. Her hand slid downwards and she was not even aware of it. I caught her hand in mine and tightened my grip over her. " Oh, I have never enjoyed a dessert as much as I am doing it today. Would you like to try it?? " I asked. " Well, okay!! " She said sensuously. And tried eating the dessert in the same way and I got even more excited and I tightened my arms around her. " Hmm, you were right... I am loving it. She pushed at my chest and made me lie on the bed and she applied more ice cream on my shoulder blade and then licked it clean. Her small hot tongue felt delicious against my skin which was getting cold because of the ice cream. " Stop it!! I can't wait anymore... I want to make love to you. "
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Chapter 98
Mahima's POV He is family, we can't avoid each other forever. Calm down!! He won't hurt me. " I said and went away with him. As soon as we were alone he caught my hand. I glared at him and told him to leave my hand or I will call dad and Dhruv. " What happened to you, all of a sudden?? Why are you behaving like strangers? I am Dheer, your Dheer. " He said. " No!! You are not behaving like my Dheer. You are nothing like Dheer, I knew. Dheer was my best friend... My protector, my mentor, my brother..." I was saying but he interrupted me." No, I was never your brother. I loved you. You just friend-zoned me... " He said. " Dheer!! You don't need to tell me all these things. I think I have always made myself absolutely clear that I love Dhruv. Only Dhruv." I warned him. " I loved you from the beginning. I still love you with everything in me. I lost my mind when I came to know that you were involved in an accident." He said. " Please don't talk like that to me or I would never talk
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Chapter 99
Mahima's POV" And what have I done to make you hate me so much?? " He asked with a pained expression. " The moment you got to know that I was back as a beautiful woman, you literally tried to force your way into my life. Do you remember how eager you were to get my marriage with Dhruv, annulled and marry me?? That irritated me a lot and I left the Simla early in the morning as you were being over persuasive. I didn't run away from here only because of Dhruv, because I could feel his love for me and I loved him too. But you were literally forcing me to love you back." I said. " You are on some other tangent. You are misunderstanding my every word and deed. All I want is that you should be happy. Your happiness means a lot to me. I know, you don't trust me, but I would still insist that I love you. Much more than Dhruv can ever think of. " He said. " Is that why you made that video with that cheap woman?? " I asked. " What are you talking about?? Which video?? Woman?? Who??" He a
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Chapter 100
Mahima's POV" What are you going to wear for the party?? We must go shopping. " He insisted. " I already have 3 absolutely new evening gowns. " I said. " But you didn't buy them with me. " He argued. " I didn't buy them at all. They were gifted to me. " I said with a smile. " What?? They were gifted?? By a man?? " " Yes!! " " I will break his jaw... Who did that?? Why did you accept them? " He looked jealous and angry." Don't behave like a possessive husband," I said. " Of course, I am very possessive about you. Tell me why did you accept them?? " He was getting jealous. " I said that I don't need them but he is such a stubborn man... He never listens. I had to accept or he would have felt hurt. " " What?? When did he gift those gowns? " " Before my birthday... One of them is my birthday gift." I said as I was enjoying the way he was getting jealous. " You were still my wife at that time, how could you accept a gift from another man?? " He was getting serious. " Why not?
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