All Chapters of The Repulsive Bride: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
123 Chapters
Chapter 81
Simmi's POVWe went to the hotel. The moment we reached our room, he pulled me in his arms as soon as he closed the door of our room and pinned me to the wall and held my hands above my head and in one of his large hands and kissed me.Oh, it felt so good. I was craving his love and attention for so long.I wanted him with everything in me but I wanted him to get more desperate to be with me, I missed the Adam who was with me in Las Vegas. Carefree, happy, and full of passion.That passion was lost somewhere. He was acting in a different manner, at times he was avoiding me and sometimes he was looking at me with love and desire just like now." I think, we must spend some time with your family before the reception, we should be comfortable with each other before the party, it won't look good if I meet your family for the first time in front of everyone," I said." Stay with me... I want you right now. " He said in a hoarse voice." Oh, I need to check if I have the accessories matching
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Chapter 82
Simmi's POVWe went to the hotel. The moment we reached our room, he pulled me in his arms as soon as he closed the door of our room and pinned me to the wall and held my hands above my head and in one of his large hands and kissed me.Oh, it felt so good. I was craving his love and attention for so long.I wanted him with everything in me but I wanted him to get more desperate to be with me, I missed the Adam who was with me in Las Vegas. Carefree, happy, and full of passion.That passion was lost somewhere. He was acting in a different manner, at times he was avoiding me and sometimes he was looking at me with love and desire just like now." I think, we must spend some time with your family before the reception, we should be comfortable with each other before the party, it won't look good if I meet your family for the first time in front of everyone," I said." Stay with me... I want you right now. " He said in a hoarse voice." Oh, I need to check if I have the accessories matching
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Chapter 83
Mahima's POVHe kissed me with a passion, though I tried to resist but could not and kissed him back leaving all my inhibitions away. I was feeling very light after what he explained.I rakes my fingers in his untamed hair and pulled it gently.Shit!! My hand hurt... And I removed it immediately and it got hit on something." Ouch!! " I said and he broke the kiss immediately." What happened?? " He looked worried." My hand is hurting. It hurt when I... My hand was... in your hair and when I removed it got hit against something. " I explained." Oh, God!! Let me look at it. " He said." I am fine!! " I said." Let me be the judge of that. " He said." Dhruv... " I was saying, but it was useless to protest in front of him. He was already holding my hand and looking at it with a worried look." It is still swollen. " He said caressing it lightly. He was tending it so tenderly. It touched me.I don't know why I felt good, very good, wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him senseles
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Chapter 84
Mahima's POV Before I could say anything, he wore a sweater, Jacket and Wellington boots and went out taking the spade as well. I went after him but he had gone. What the hell!!! I was standing at the main door of the cottage looking for him. But I could not see him. I felt so bad that I hurt him deliberately.Why did you have to tease him like that?? Did you like to see him with another woman?? He told you he is possessive about you. I will tell him everything... I wore the jacket and went to look for him. It was a bit difficult to walk for me but my need to find him was making me go crazy and I kept looking for him. After about five minutes I heard a sound, I went towards that sound and found Dhruv cutting the logs with an axe. " Here you are... I have been looking for you. " I said. He was shocked to see me here. " What the hell do you think you are doing here?? Why did you come out? It is so cold out here." He said. " I need to talk to you. " " First you go back! You are
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Chapter 85
Mahima's POV I felt that I may melt under his heated gaze. I could not say anything and he took it as my consent and took off his t-shirt and threw it on the floor and opened the dressing gown I had worn since morning. I was feeling very shy..." Dhruv, I just want a shower... alone. "" No, you need a hot bath in the huge bathtub with me so that I can keep an eye on you. " " I am not a child. " " You telling me that?? I am painfully aware of it for years. " He said. I blushed again. " I need to take a bath too after cutting all those logs. So why don't we share it?? " " Dhruv... " Shall I stop him?? I asked myself. No!! My inner voice said. I knew that I wanted to give myself to him completely without any thought or caution, we belong to each other... I had always loved him so much, so why hesitate we are still married. Today, we would unite in such a way that no other woman would ever be able to come between us.He undressed me and I kept looking at him, neither, speaking
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Chapter 86
Dhruv's POVHow could dad assume that I would force... Upon her or anyone for that matter??It is easy to think the worst about me. But I was hurt.I opened the door of the room and went inside." Hey what took you so long?? I was feeling cold. Who was it?? " She asked, she had worn a t-shirt and was wearing an open sweater.Thank God!! Or I couldn't have been able to even think." Dheer called up and threatened me to tell him where are we? When I didn't, Dheer told dad that you are alive and I kidnapped you and took you here forcefully. And...forcing... myself on you. So dad called up to scold me and ordered me to bring you back. " I said and my voice trembled because of the emotions I was feeling.I was very upset..." What?? Dheer did that?? But why?? " She was shocked to hear that." Because he wants you... Why else? " I said bluntly." No!! I know he asked me to marry him but he would not do such things. I told him. I don't feel like that for him. He can't do that... I know him.
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Chapter 87
Dhruv's POVYes, baby... I will show you my seduction too. Let's see who is better... This actor in the movie or me?? All the best, love...I removed her sweater and threw it aside. She was engrossed in the movie. " Mahima, I am hungry... " I said again. She dipped the nachos in cheesy dip and passed them on to me over her shoulder and I deliberately took some time as I had another plan. A few drops of the dip drizzled on her shoulder. Aha... Exactly what I was waiting for. I pulled the oversized t-shirt to a side and licked the dip off her shoulder. " Ummm, yummy... I want more. " " Dhruv, what are you doing? Behave yourself!! " " What am I doing? I just licked your shoulder clean. " I said with innocence and she just shook her head. " Feed me, please." She passed on the bowl of popcorn but I didn't take it.She shook her head and picked up a few and asked me to open my mouth. But I ate them in a way that my lips and tongue touched her fingers. I fed her too and then asked he
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Chapter 88
Mahima's POV It was one of the most beautiful mornings of my life. I looked at my husband sleeping like a child and holding me as if I was his favourite toy which he would never like to part with.I kissed his cheek and he opened his eyes and gave me a lazy but naughty smile." Good morning, love. " He said in a husky voice." Good morning !" I said shyly." So how are you feeling today? Sour? " He asked. I just smiled shyly.We had a blissful night and I was happy, but I felt a bit uncomfortable. " Don't tell me, you have gone shy on me again? " He asked. " No!! " I said with a smile. " Prove it. " He said. " How??" I laughed." Kiss me! " He said and I kissed him the way he kisses me. " Wow!! You are learning fast. " He grinned." Thanks a lot !! I have the best teacher in the world. " I said to him, placing my head on his shoulder and my arm around his waist." Thanks?? What for? I think I have created a little monster. You were very enthusiastic every time, I made love to yo
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Chapter 89
Mahima's POV" Where are you going?? " He asked. " To take bath... " I replied. " You can't do that..." He said immediately. " Why?? " " Because I am saying that... Have something. " He said. " I just want to have a bath. " She said. " Take a nap... " He suggested. " After the bath. " I shook my head and said. " Later!! " He was adamant. " Have you gone mad?? I am going to take a bath. " I said firmly. " You can't !! " " Why? Is there a shortage of water supply? " I asked. " Don't worry love, no shortage at all. There is plenty of water, enough to fill the jacuzzi in our bathroom many times. " He said. " Then what is the problem? " " I don't want you to take a bath." He said. " Are you crazy or what?? " I asked. " What if you feel lightheaded? You may drown in a tub full of water. " He said with concern. " Oh!! That was just once...I am absolutely fine now. I'll take care. " " No!! I know you are tired and irritable, but you know that what I said is right?? " " Mayb
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Chapter 90
Dhruv's POVIt was morning already and we both were so tired as we had not slept till dawn. It has been a week since the day she accepted me and we became one. And I had not let her out of my sight since then. We were going back to Simla today. She will stay with me now as my wife, Mahima. We will throw a big party announcing that. I smiled at the thought, looking at her as she was sleeping. Peacefully. I traced her lips with my fingertip, she stirred a bit and snuggled into me as usual. I was amazed at the softness and sweetness of the woman sleeping in my arms. I rose on my elbow and glanced at her with wonder and admiration. " Mahima! Love!!" I tried to wake her up but she didn't answer. She always sleeps like this. Her long hair was all over her pillow. Her long dark lashes were like black silk against her ivory cheeks. Her lips were still reddened and slightly swollen from my kisses. Oh god !!! She was beautiful... And she was mine. I was smiling like a fool. It felt so goo
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