All Chapters of The Repulsive Bride: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
123 Chapters
Chapter 101
Mahima's POV" I have to go to meet mom. She wants me to come. "" But why?? "" I don't know, she was asking me what am I planning to wear I told her that I have three evening gowns and you have already ordered something for me to wear. " I said." I insist that you wear what I want you to. " He said." Of course!! Now you go to the office and I go to meet mom. " I said." I am coming with you. "" You are not going to the office? " I asked." After you have talked to mom, we will go to the office together. "He said but I knew that he didn't want me to go there all by myself." Don't worry about Dheer, I can handle him. I slapped him yesterday and scolded him. He was looking embarrassed and ashamed. He won't do anything wrong now. " I said to assure him." Oh, so you have already forgiven him?? " He made a face." No!! But will do it, if I realise that he has really changed. "" I don't trust him now... I am coming with you. "" Ok, but you should understand that mom and need to spen
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Chapter 102
Mahima's POVIt was evening and I thought of taking a shower before getting ready. Dhruv had arranged for the makeup artists to come and help me in getting ready. She was supposed to come in an hour. I went into the shower cabinet and opened the overhead faucet to take a shower. I washed my hair and was about to get out of the shower when my husband entered it and placed his arms on the glass wall on either side so that I could not move. " Dhruv!! Go out of here, right now!! " I said to him but he just smiled. " No, way beautiful, today we got married again, so I will remain with you. I will help you in dressing or undressing, whatever you want. I am at your service ma'am, for the rest of our lives." He said looking at me with so much love and desire in his eyes. I lowered my eyes as I was feeling very shy. But he made me forget my shyness in a few minutes. We made love in the bathroom against the toughened glass. Then he pulled me back under the shower and we took a shower again.
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Chapter 103
Dhruv's POV " Dad is getting very angry and he said that if you are not well you can stay at home and he is sending Dheer to escort me to the party. " She said. No!!!!! I can't allow that..... " What the hell!! You will not go anywhere with him. " I said immediately. " But I can't refuse dad and as it is, dad is right. We need to be at the party, what will the guests and reporters say about us? It is not right, it will bring negative publicity to our company and they will assume negative things about us... don't worry, I will go alone in my car. " She said. But Dheer will be there, along with another man... No!! " Wait !! I am coming with you. " I said. " But you are not well... " She shook her head. " I am fine... I can't let you go there alone. Party is for both of us. So we need to go. Let's go. Tell dad, there is no need to bother Dheer, I will be there to be with my wife. " I said firmly. I would not allow him to come anywhere near my Mahima. Especially when she is look
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Chapter 104
Dhruv's POV" Dhruv, what is the hurry?? " Mahima asked. " I have a plan for the night. " I said. " Don't make any plan, I am dead on my feet. " She said. " Let's go home, I will give you a massage. " I said squeezing her hand. We reached home and went to our room where I pulled her in my arms. I have been waiting to do it since I helped her in wearing the blouse.I removed the elegant jewellery she was wearing and then safety pins, very carefully, which were used to tuck her saree in the right places. She looked tired but she still shivered at my every caress.I Placed tiny moist kisses on her neck shoulders and back. She gave a lazy smile. " Dhruv, I am feeling sleepy... ""You can't sleep in this blouse, let me help you remove it. " I said and removed it. Mohit was absolutely right, we both got turned on while I took almost five to seven minutes in undoing all the fasteners. The AC was on with the coolest settings on and it reminded us of our stay in the cottage where all we
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Chapter 105
Dhruv's POV " Dhruv was fascinated with my triplets so I gave them blessings and wished them luck, soon they will also have twins or triplets. " Mohit said. " Bhai!!" She blushed. " What?? He told me many times that he loves to see triplets. They look so cute. So I wish both of you to have triplets. All the best Dhruv, we had honeymoon babies, don't disappoint me. I want to be an uncle again. Viren and Myra are older now and if I tell Maya to have more babies, she would kill me. So only both of you can fulfil our wishes. " He said. Mom and dad were very happy that Mohit was teasing us like this. Mahima blushed so beautifully. She kept feeding Mohak and I could see her feeding our child like that too. I tried to feed the little monster but he didn't even open his mouth. He was too young or I would have taught him a lesson. Little brat!! Monster!! I glared at him and he made a face and hugged Mahima. Mahima hit me on the hand and I smiled. " Awww, baby, what happened?? He is sca
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Chapter 106
Dhruv's POVI have been waiting for the reports but I could see that it would not be good if we go on that tripWe were in the hospital for a few more testsMahima was having morning sickness for almost the whole day. She could not keep any food in her system for too long. And because of that, she was getting tiredI could not make her more tired with travelling. So I decided to cancel the booking. But I wanted to ask her first" Mahima, how are you feeling??" I am fine, just a bit tired. Don't worry, Dhruv, everything is alright. It is just that some pregnancies are more difficult than others. We will be fine. I am kind of hungry and want to eat something hot and sweet. " She said and I smiled, she had not shown interest in anything for two days" Hot and sweet?? Ok!! Like what?? Halwa, porridge? Jalebi, gulab jamun, Malpua?? " I asked with excitement" I don't know... Whatever. " She said with a faint smile" I will tell mom to make something for you and will get everything that is
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Chapter 107
Dhruv's POV " I am very hungry, but all of us can't eat food. Someone had to be vigilant and look around. " I said speaking in a low voice. " What do you mean?? " He was alarmed. " " Don't react too much, but we are being followed even here. I just saw someone suspicious he ran away the moment I turned around. It has happened thrice today, it can't be just by chance. " I said. He was shocked but mellowed his expression Down. "Oh, God!! Why didn't you say anything? Let's go from here... "" But dad is already eating. He needs to eat on time." I said. " We can eat somewhere else. " He said. " If we leave like this, they will understand that we have realised something is wrong and look around for clues. They would be attentive and we will never get to know who is doing all this and what is his intention. " I explained. " Hmmm... You are right. So? Now what? " He asked. " Tell dad to hurry up, but subtly. " I said. He nodded. " Shall I get something packed for you? " He asked. "
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Chapter 108
Dhruv's POVThe feeling that someone was watching us, returned and I looked around as we standing in our garden. Who could be here? Just then I saw Dheer, he was going back inside. What was he doing here?? Was he watching us?? " Dheer?? " I called his name." Oh, mom sent me to call both of you inside but you both were... busy so I was going back. " " We are coming. " I said, he nodded and went inside. " Oh, God!! He saw us kissing. That's why I was telling you, but you never listen to me. It is so embarrassing. " She said looking almost red as she was embarrassed. " It is not embarrassing... It's good that he saw us happy together. It will help him to move on. Maybe now he realises that we are happy with each other and are going to have a baby together. I think it is good for all of us. " I said. " But... I don't know... " " Don't worry. It's not your fault that you loved me. It's not your fault that he was interested in you. He created all the problems now let him see where d
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Chapter 109
Dhruv's POVThe doctor came out after treating Dheer. We rushed to him." How is he, doctor? " Dad and I asked in unison. " Well, he is out of danger but has multiple fractures and many injuries. It would take time to heal completely. But I am glad that he didn't get any head injury. " He said. " Can we see him now?? " Mom asked. " He is under the influence of medicines so is sleeping. But you can meet him when he gets up, we will shift him to a room in the meanwhile." Doctor said. " Thank you, doctor. " Dad said. **********I made my mom to calm down by hugging her and took her and Mahima for Mahima's check to distract her. Mahima was fine though she was disturbed too. Dheer was shifted to the room and was conscious now. We all went to meet him. He seemed to be in pain and his body was covered with, scratches, bruises, bandages and plaster on one leg and one arm. We all could see he could not even talk without wincing. " What is this?? What have you done to yourself?? " Mom s
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Chapter 110
Mahima's POVI was in my room still feeling bad for Dheer. He was in so much pain. I was feeling guilty and because of that, I didn't even want to go in front of mom and dad. Their son was in this condition because of me. Just then Dhruv came into the room and we went into each other's arms. He held me very tightly and kissed me all over my face. " What happened, Dhruv?? " I asked. He shook his head. " Thank God!! You and baby are safe... Or I would have died. " He said and placed my hand on his mouth. Shaking my head. " But Dheer is hurt because of me. " I said. " No, don't think like that. We all are family, however differences we may have between us, we still love each other. He has always been there for you, stood by you in all your problems. So he would have done it. See, he even accepted everything and apologised. But there has been no doubt that he would have done it for any one of us. Even I would have done it for any of my family members. So please don't feel bad. " He c
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