All Chapters of The Repulsive Bride: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
123 Chapters
Chapter 71
Antra's POVHe smiled a bit and turned around and went back to eat the breakfast." Idiot!! "" I heard that... but don't mind it. You can call me anything with love. It is much better than Mr Goyal. The Parantha is awesome. Come, have it with me. " He caught my hand and took me with him.Well, I didn't argue as he was hungry and so was I.So we had the breakfast quietly though he kept smiling.What was so funny??Just then my phone started ringing and I saw that it was Dheer.Why was he calling now? I told him that I didn't want to talk to him for some time.And as the phone was lying on the table, he also saw that. The smile vanished from his face and he frowned." What is his problem now?? Why is he calling? " He asked with s frowned face." I don't know. " I shrugged." Don't pick up the call. Ignore him. " He said. Anyway, I was going to do exactly that so shrugged and kept eating my breakfast.But he kept calling again and again." Ughh!!! You both are irritating." I said." Igno
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Chapter 72
Dhruv's POV I went upstairs to wear a super warm jacket so that I could go out to get more logs. I cut many manageable logs and got them inside the main building. While she prepared daal and cottage cheese in a spicy gravy and chapati for dinner and tossed a hot bean salad and soup for the dinner. I loved everything she made. " You must be tired, go and sleep, I will do the dishes. " I said. " But you have been cutting logs for the fireplace. I just cooked for us. I will do it. " She said. I was really very tired so went upstairs, wanting to take a hot bath and sleep. I was about to go to take a bath when she knocked on the door. I opened the door and she walked in. My heart beat increased a bit. " Oh, you changed your mind?? Great!! You have made the right decision!! The bed is soft, comfy and warm. Which side of the bed would you like to take??" I asked. " No!! I just want to take a hot bath and change into warmer clothes as I am planning to sleep on the couch.
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Chapter 73
Dhruv's POV I went upstairs to wear a super warm jacket so that I could go out to get more logs. I cut many manageable logs and got them inside the main building. While she prepared daal and cottage cheese in a spicy gravy and chapati for dinner and tossed a hot bean salad and soup for the dinner. I loved everything she made. " You must be tired, go and sleep, I will do the dishes. " I said. " But you have been cutting logs for the fireplace. I just cooked for us. I will do it. " She said. I was really very tired so went upstairs, wanting to take a hot bath and sleep. I was about to go to take a bath when she knocked on the door. I opened the door and she walked in. My heart beat increased a bit. " Oh, you changed your mind?? Great!! You have made the right decision!! The bed is soft, comfy and warm. Which side of the bed would you like to take??" I asked. " No!! I just want to take a hot bath and change into warmer clothes as I am planning to sleep on the couch.
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Chapter 74
MahimaPOVI was not sure what was right and what was wrong??It was about eight in the morning so I got dressed and went downstairs.Though I did not want to meet him first thing in the morning still my eyes were looking for him. I couldn't see him anywhere.Oh my God!! Did he leave?? My heart sank.No, he wouldn't do that. I thought.Why wouldn't he? You don't want him close to you. He can't stay away from you, being in the same house so... I can't blame him if he already left. My inner voice said bluntly.I felt very sad from within, he got so annoyed that he left me here?? He should have tried to apologise to me, made me hear him out. He should have tried to woo and persuade me.I shook my head and turned to go to the kitchen. Just then the back door opened and he walked in. I was so relieved to see him." Good morning! I suggest that you wear something warmer. It is very cold. The generator is not working well. The heating is on but I don't know for how long. So it is better to pro
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Chapter 75
Mahima's POVI have been cursing myself that I behaved like that but who corrupted your mind?? Dheer? " He asked." No one else, but you... Do you even remember what you did to me? " I said." Me? How? " He asked." You broke the spirit in me. You broke my self-confidence. You always made fun of me, I hate you." I said." I am sorry, Mahima. I should not have done that... I can explain my reasons to you. " He said." Let it be, it's of no use now. " She said shaking her head." No, please listen to me, I loved you... " He said.Love?? Does he know the meaning of the word?" Oh, please, shut up!! You are such a liar. I don't want to hear your lies. " I yelled at him." Fine!! Don't listen... But I would never divorce you. You are and would remain mine. Always remember that. " He said and started going out." No!! We are getting divorced. " I shouted." Forget it, love. " He said without looking at me.He took a spade and went towards the door. I followed him." What are you doing with t
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Chapter 76
Mahima's POVHe was upset with me and wanted me to leave him alone. So I decided to do it. I would leave him alone.I paced in the cottage in a bad mood, the restlessness stirred in my blood and made it impossible to stay indoors. I wanted to go out and breathe in the cold and pure air. It was just three in the afternoon so I wore a jacket and a woollen scarf and went out.He didn't want to be with me?? Fine, he can stay alone. I would go to the place where the caretaker lived they had an inn there and I would hire a car and would go back. He can enjoy the cottage here.It was almost half an hour since I left the cottage still I didn't reach anywhere. I followed one old stone wall and went towards the top of the hill. I looked around and saw a village.The air was so cold that it stung my lungs. I took a few breaths and kept walking.I was still thinking about what was going on between us and realised that I should have heard what he had to say. I was shocked when the snow started to f
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Chapter 77
Mahima's POVHe looked at me and gulped I was embarrassed as hell.He came very close to me and said, " Let me get them off you. You know that you need to get out of those wet clothes... You can't do it with your right hand in that condition. You just sit here and stay comfortable. " He said and I got very shy and shook my head." Don't be stubborn, sweetheart. You would catch a cold and pneumonia. I don't want you to die... " He said and touched the buckle of the belt to open it." Dhruv... " I touched his hand with my left one." I know, but there is no other option. Let me do it. " He said." No!! I don't want any help from you. My clothes would dry in front of the fire. " I said." Enough!! You are getting on my nerves. Wait here. " He said and got the painkillers and water for me." Take the medicine and let me do my work. " He said and I had my medicine.But when he came near me I told him not to touch me." You fool, you will fall ill. "" I don't care... " I said with determina
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Chapter 78
Mahima's POV " Mahima... " He said and was still looking at my bust. But nothing could have prepared me for what was going to happen next. " Hmm... " That's all I could say as his big hand cupped my bosom. And he tugged the thin material and pushed it aside. The rosy bud was exposed for him to gaze at. I was too shocked to react and he touched it with his thumb. I shuddered. He looked as if he was not in his senses, he seemed to be drugged by some love potion and removed the lingerie top. But I could not speak a word to stop him. Hell !! Why was I loving his caresses?? Just remember, he is a devil. My mind sent messages and tried to remind me but my body refused to react. His full attention to my body made me feel very powerful and was pleasantly surprised that he was so engrossed in me. He fondled my bosom softly and I moaned wanting more. " Dhruv!!! " " Please don't stop me, I want you, I am going mad with the need to make you mine. Look at yourself... You want t
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Chapter 79
Mahima's POV " Mahima!! I am sorry!! I don't know how to explain this but I... " He was shocked to see me crying like that. " Then don't explain. I don't expect any explanation... anyway I was just reminding you that you don't have a right to ask me that after doing that shameful act and inviting me to enjoy that on top of that. I hate you. I was so naive... You spoilt everything. " I said. " I am sorry, love..." He said coming very close to me. " For god's sake, don't use the word, love. It doesn't seem to mean the same coming out of your mouth. You don't even know its meaning. " I yelled at him and all of a sudden I started getting light-headed. I was about to fall when his strong arms caught me. I felt him taking me to the bed. ********** I stirred as the morning sun was casting its light on my face. I sighed and turned my face but the sun rays finally woke me up. I opened my eyes and threw away the quilt and just then I realised that I still had a hell of a lot of pain
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Chapter 80
Dhruv's POV She fainted and I made her rest on the bed and was about to go after tucking her in bed properly as it was very cold up there. But she held my hand and mumbled something incoherent and I asked her again and went closer to her mouth to hear what was she saying when she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I was pleasantly surprised... no in fact, I was shocked and looked back at her. She was looking at me with half-closed eyes and asked me to join her. I knew she wanted it too, but would never agree to it. I was tempted to sleep with her locked in my arms though I knew she would kill me in the morning or would divorce me. Well, heart won over head and I slipped between the sheets and her open arms. I swear, it felt so good when she placed her head on my shoulder first and then on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and felt so much at ease. The feeling was out of the world and I couldn't hold back myself and kissed her tenderly but was astonished when s
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