All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S CINDERELLA: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
72 Chapters
No driving lesson
TRISTIN'S POV"Oh, come on," she teased, rolling her eyes. "You can't tell me you didn't notice the chemistry.""Sophie, please," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I have a lot of work to do.""Alright, alright," she said, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "But you know, they'd make a cute couple."I didn't dignify that with a response, but as she walked away, I couldn't help but think about what she said. Aaron and Eva... a cute couple. The thought made my stomach churn.The next day, I was heading to the cafeteria for a quick coffee break. I spotted Eva and Aaron sitting together, chatting and laughing. I felt a pang of something unpleasant—jealousy, I realized. It was stupid, but there it was."Mind if I join you?" I said, trying to keep my tone light as I approached their table.Eva looked up, surprised. "Sure, Tristin. Have a seat."Aaron gave me a friendly nod. "Hey, Tristin. How's it going?""Good, thanks," I replied, forcing a smile as I sat down. "What are you tw
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TRISTIN'S POV"Nothing ever is," she said, shrugging. "But seriously, Tristin, you're going to drive yourself crazy if you keep this up."As she walked away, I sighed, knowing she was right. But what was I supposed to do? Just blurt out my feelings to Eva? That seemed impossible.I was walking back to my office when I overheard some of my colleagues talking about Aaron."He's so charming," one of them said, sighing. "And those eyes...""I know," another replied. "I wish I could work with him."I rolled my eyes and kept walking. It seemed like everyone was under Aaron's spell. Everyone except me, of course. I was determined to stay focused on the project and not let my personal feelings get in the way. But it was getting harder and harder to do that with each passing day. I walked through the office, feeling increasingly on edge. It seemed like everywhere I turned, someone was talking about Aaron. I couldn't escape it. I decided to focus on something else and remembered Eva’s driving
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TRISTIN'S POV“Tristin, I’m really sorry. Maybe we can reschedule?”I clenched my jaw, trying to keep my frustration in check. “Fine. Reschedule it, then,” I said, my voice clipped. “But don’t make a habit of canceling on me for him.”With that, I turned on my heel and walked away, my anger simmering. As I headed back to my office, I could hear Aaron’s voice, low and calm, trying to reassure Eva. It only made me angrier.Once I was back in my office, I slammed the door shut, leaning against it for a moment to collect myself. I needed to get a grip. This jealousy was getting out of hand, and it was starting to affect my work. I couldn’t let that happen. But the thought of Eva spending more time with Aaron, laughing and working closely with him, was driving me crazy.I sat at my desk, staring at my computer screen but not really seeing anything. I had to figure out a way to deal with this before it spiraled out of control. Maybe Sophie was right. Maybe it was time to finally tell Eva ho
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Figure it out
TRISTIN'S POV"I'm not jealous," I insisted. "I'm just frustrated.""Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," she said, rolling her eyes. "But seriously, if you keep this up, you're going to push her away for good."Her words stung because I knew there was truth in them. I needed to figure out how to handle this situation before it spiraled out of control. But for now, I was just angry and didn't know what to do about it.The rest of the day passed in a blur of meetings and paperwork. I couldn't shake the irritation I felt every time I thought about Eva and Aaron working together. When I finally headed home, I knew I needed to clear my head and figure out my next move.As I lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, I realized Sophie was right. I was acting like a jealous boyfriend, and it was only making things worse. I needed to find a way to support Eva without letting my emotions get in the way. But it was easier said than done, especially when every instinct I had was scream
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An Announcement
TRISTIN'S POV"Oh, look who decided to show up," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she glanced at Eva. "And she brought a friend."I forced a smile. "Yes, Aaron. He's helping with the project."Livia’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she quickly masked it with a sweet smile. "Well, it's always good to make new friends. Right, Tristin?""Right," I muttered, turning my attention back to the party.Throughout the evening, I found myself acting cold towards Eva, barely acknowledging her presence. It was childish, but I couldn’t help it. Every time I saw her with Aaron, laughing and talking, it felt like a punch to the gut.I was talking to some colleagues when I overheard Sophie and Eva chatting nearby. Sophie, ever the meddler, was clearly trying to lighten the mood."So, Eva," Sophie said loudly, "Aaron seems great. You two make a cute couple!"I could see Eva's cheeks turn pink as she stammered, "Oh, we're not... I mean, we're just working together."Aaron, standing next to her,
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Thinking about Eva
TRISTIN'S POV"I'd like to make a toast," she announced, her smile wide and triumphant. "As most of you know, Tristin and I have been engaged for a while now. We've finally chosen a wedding date, and I'm thrilled to announce that we will be getting married in two months!"There was a collective gasp from the crowd, followed by a round of applause. My mind raced as I processed her words. Two months? We hadn't discussed this. At all.I plastered a smile on my face, trying to keep my composure. I noticed several guests pulling out their phones, recording and live streaming the moment. Great, just what I needed.Livia continued, "Preparations have already started, and we can't wait to share this special day with all of you!"She raised her glass, and everyone followed suit. I forced myself to lift mine as well, though my hand felt like it weighed a ton. "To our future," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside."To your future!" the guests echoed, cheering and clinking glasses.
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TRISTIN'S POVI couldn't leave any stone unturned.The next morning, I got up early, intent on making a plan to deal with everything at once. The house was eerily quiet, the sun barely peeking above the horizon. I walked outside, looking around cautiously before heading inside. It was too early for anyone to be awake yet.I wanted to go for an early morning jog to clear my mind, and I decided that the best route would be to head toward the nearest park. Since the roads were mostly empty and there weren't many people on the road, I figured the fresh air would do me good.My feet pounded against the pavement as I ran down the street, my thoughts drifting back to my engagement with Livia.I knew I shouldn't have agreed to get engaged to Livia but both our parents wanted it for their businesses, it was great for the company but I did not love Livia, and she wasn't someone I had met recently anyway so why should I bother? I knew it didn't work because the marriage wasn't serious enough,
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TRISTIN'S POVI crossed my arms and stared defiantly at him through the windshield. I wasn't a fan of rude strangers staring at me. "I'm not doing anything."His eyebrows shot upwards. He leaned forward, pressing his lips together and cocking his head slightly. "Oh really? You don' look like you're doing nothing. You look kinda freaked.This jerk. Who does he think he is to assume he's entitled to tell me what I look like? "And who the fuck are you, anyway?" I snapped.He opened the door, grinning. "I'm the guy whose gonna call the cops on you because you're suspicious to be jogging so early in the morning."I narrowed my eyes. "What gives you the right to call the police on me just for walking in the wrong direction?"Before I could react, he'd swung out of the truck, closing the door behind him. He was wearing a black leather jacket, dark jeans and brown boots. He reached for the handle of the passenger side door, but before he couldhe began calling the cops on me. In a matter of
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Family I guess
TRISTIN'S POV"Sophie, this isn't funny!" I snapped, frustration bubbling in my chest. "You need to come down here and help me out. Bring Eva too. Maybe she can talk some sense into them."Sophie finally stopped laughing, sensing the seriousness in my tone. "Alright, alright. We'll be there as soon as we can. Just hang tight."The officer led me into the station, his grip on my arm firm. The other officers eyed me curiously as I was escorted to a small, dimly lit interrogation room. I sat down in the cold, metal chair, my mind racing with a million thoughts.After what felt like an eternity, the door opened, and a stern-looking detective walked in. He had a file in his hand and a look of determination on his face."Mr. Tristin, do you know why you're here?" he asked, his voice calm but authoritative."I have no idea," I replied, trying to keep my composure. "I was just jogging. Is that a crime now?"The detective flipped open the file and pulled out a photograph. He placed it on the t
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TRISTIN'S POVThe room fell silent. I could feel Sophie and Eva's shocked gazes on me, but I couldn't look at them. Murder? This had to be some kind of sick joke."Detective, that's absurd," Eva said, her voice trembling slightly. "Tristin would never—""Calm down, Miss," the detective interrupted. "We take these accusations very seriously, especially when there's evidence to back them up.""What evidence?" I demanded. "Who would accuse me of something like this?"The detective pulled out another file and spread the contents on the table. There were several documents, including the wanted poster. My face stared back at me, with bold letters proclaiming me as a wanted man."This poster was created illegally," the detective explained. "We're still trying to track down its origin. The report filed against you was anonymous, but it contained detailed information about your movements and alleged connections to the crime."I shook my head, feeling dizzy. "This is insane. I've never killed a
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